I'm lost, what's happened? Is ATOS gone? Everyday I am dreading the post coming in.....awaiting the dreaded letter to tell me to come in front of them.
What's happened?
I'm lost, what's happened? Is ATOS gone? Everyday I am dreading the post coming in.....awaiting the dreaded letter to tell me to come in front of them.
What's happened?
No unfortunately lol but they are to lose their monopoly of the welfare mess, I had the letter and without a medical or talk to anyone they decided that although I had at least 15 points I was capable of some work, what a Micky take this disgusting coalition is taking, I'm now awaiting appeal.
Don't stress too much about getting a letter wait until you have it lol cos things don't happen that fast with them. You can get advice from the CAB, my GP has refused to write me a letter of support.
Is that really what happens, you just get a letter to say your benefits have stopped? I'm 63 and have suffered depression since I was 24 and now I have this disease for the past 3 years......where am I going to find work.....as if there was any here anyhow. I think my GP would write a letter for me, he has been very supportive over the years......I can't bare the thought of all this to come. Surely the Tories will be voted out in the next election after putting sick people through this sort of distress. We all know there are people who have milked the system, why are genuinely ill people paying for that? I have tried to pretend this isn't going to effect me but that's just sticking your head in the sand isn't it? Is your money stopped from you get the letter? Just when I thought my life had taken a turn for the better.....
NO, you will have to fill a form in when they first contact you, then wait the out come, when they made a decision about me I still get the same amount of money so don't worry about that, this evil government will definately be gone at the next election, I'll do my best by not voting for them lol.
These people have put us genuine sick and disabled through hell because of the evil pretenders and like you say, it's us who have to pay for it, you have a good GP and I thought mine was too lol but he says Sefton health authority have made that decision and not the GPs but I just might try and find out what is going on? Please don't stress you have a lot of friends on here and I'm positive you will get help and emotional support, I do lol and it's grate as you know we are all in it to get her lol who said that.
At least you get the opportunity and the self gratification of not voting for them.....we don't get that here in Ireland.....we just have to live with whoever the Britains vote for. Anyhow, I'll do as you say and take each day as it comes.....I have had a very positive reaction recently from my new drug Abatacept.....I'm just going to enjoy that for a while. Thanks for being a knight in shining armour for me today. X
Lol that's something I suppose lol, I'd rather put the lot on a boat and sink it or at sea lol.
Hi sir-knight, what illness or illnesses do you have? I think it's disgusting that your GP won't write a letter of support for you. You do know that you can see another GP and ask them to help with your letter of diagnosis and symptoms of illnesses don't you?
I'm going to try another dr in the surgery, I have, RA, OA, DIABETES, COPD RAYNAUDS, ME, TENOSYNOVITIS, FIBROMYALGIA, CRUSHED DISCS IN MY SPINE, I think that's enough lol, I'm going to get something sorted or just give the appeal board both barrels lol.
Crazy crazy country we now live in.
Hi Jeanabelle, My friend is in the same predicament as you, he had his medical about 2 weeks ago yesterday and he's still not had his letter stating how his medical went either. I think they may have a bag log of result letter of peoples medicals to undertake and plenty of complaints and appeals going on as well, so I shouldn't worry to much about that to much tbh. Hope it works out well in your favour though.
Thanks Cuddles, that helps. I feel like I'm carrying this weigh on my back over this. It's all people seem to talk about these days. I was driven past the place here where to ATOS people are working from......there was a queue outside the front door!!!!! This is like something from the nazis. The cruelty of putting genuinely ill people through the hoops like this. There now......I've had my rant......thanks for listening. XX