.......Now it seems as though they're here to stay...How I long for yesterday"
Yeah, I borrowed that! Yesterday was a fun, upbeat day1 Starting when my best friend cam by after her Dr's appointment for Coffee, in the morning. She was so excited, telling me about her potential business plans, to set up her own office, as a Reiki Master. She had inquired about renting a room at the Victorian Tudor Inn, a Bed and Breakfast place here in town. The idea is to give Reiki treatments, possibly along with Massage Therapy, to the guests at the Inn.
Well the owner had just returned her call and is very interested in meeting her and he already has a room ready to go. He is thinking he could offer a combined package deal for both relaxation therapies to the guests. And she wants me to go along to meet him on Thurs morning!
In recent years, the Arthritis Foundation has recognized and endorsed Massage Therapy as a means of relaxation and reducing pain in Arthritis and Fibromyalgia patients. Reiki treatments are more often used in a Nursing Home , or hospitalized patients' rooms, as a means of relaxation and healing therapy. I confess to not knowing much more about how it works.
Then, less than an hour afdter my friend left, I got a call from my daughter-in-law's parents, asking if they could come visit for a couple hours.
they have about an hour's drive to be here, and are appearing at the local Society for the Arts Theatre, as Abraham Lincoln and his wife Mary Todd Lincoln, impersonators. He is 6'4, grows a beard, looks just like Abe. He is one of only a hundred and some registered Lincoln impersonators in the country. They travel all over the US giving their impersonations. She makes all her lovely, long full dresses with the hoop skirts, matching little purse, lots of lace, pretty neat. Her evening ones are glamourous satins, very gorgeous.
So he left to visit my ex who is now home after open heart surgery, and she and I had tea and talked all afternoon.
At 5:00, they had to change into their costumes and thereeafter Abe and Mary Lincoln were seen leaving my home on Highland Ave.
Took a much needed nap, had chicken veg soup for supper and then just Bridget and I had a quiet evening.
As I took aff my shoes I realized the top of my left foot was sore. Well, whatever, always something sore.
Was a wake a few times through the night and realized my foot hurt. but then went back to sleep. Same thing this morning, looked and pressed on the area at the base of the two toes next to the big toe, that is swollen, a little pink, with a little pin-point red area near the base of the toes. Hmmm./ Is it arthritis? Already know how bad my feet are, with the displaced and distorted toes. Or..Could it be another spontaneous fracture?
Had 2 of them a few years ago in this foot, at Christmas time, so had to walk around with this big, clunky black boot, wearing my little black dress for the parties. Oh yes, they matched beautifully! Hardly noticeable! Right
So now what? Can't drive, can't exactly run over to the GP's clinic, have him look at it and send me to the hospital for an x ray. That takes planning, finding someone available to get me there. Usually my daughter-in-law, but they just got back late last night from their quick 3 day trip to Disneyworld, so I don't want to interrupt her laundry day. Besides she will be driving me to Cleveland on Friday morning for my appt. with the Hand Specialist/Orthopedic Surgeon, to findout what, if anything can be done for my useless wrist and hand. No strength in it, can't pick up the coffee cup, can't bend it, all the knuckles hurt constantly and the thumb is wretched! Don't dare accidently move it! Yikes!
Have day and night splints, but they are only restricting movement so it doesn't hurt, not really curing anything.
So, back to the foot. Think I will try the conservative approach, stay off it all day today, go with friend to the meeting tomorrow, then stay down again and see how it goes.
Can't cancel the Cleveland trip! My daughter-in-law will know some fabulous place to go for lunch, wish we could go browsing through some of those shopping villas so popular there! I guess I couldn't walk that much even if my foot was alright!
So, I'll see how it is over the weekend,, if not better I will make a complaint on Monday mornign and go from there. How's that? Not what I want to be dealing with!! So, How I dream of yesterday... Loret xx