Hi,I have had RA for less than 2 years and already require an operation on my right foot with my left not far behind.I was told they would do a bone graph and maybe need to fuse the foot,Has any one had this experience and what part of my body will they take the bone from for the graph.?
Foot operation: Hi,I have had RA for less than 2 years... - NRAS
Foot operation

Hi Julie
Is it a tendon transplant they are suggesting may be possible? Have you had an MRI? See my many previous blogs re my ankle fusion, I won't elaborate at this point as not sure from your description is the same . The fusion is the preferred procedure with less risks for ankle instability. I also needed the ankle arthrodesis after a very short time. As you say it is your foot? mine was my ankle, left is also not far behind.
If it is a triple fusion / arthrodesis, let me know, I can give you plenty of tips. I had mine done 15/10/11, and still wearing cast boot for walking any distance, good news is have had no pain and operation was mostly pain free except first night :(, just long and boring recovery. My ankle is pppeeeerrrrffffeeecct now
Regards, Gina.
Thank you .Gina,Yes it is my anckle also the tendon going from the foot into the leg.I also have a cyst and a big lump just left of the ankle.I have an implant so can only have cat scan wich i am going again tomorrow, I will ask more questions when see the consultant.Also the RA is not under controll as yet and am on several drugs and injections.Thank you for your reply.I like others long to be pain free as i also have a crumbling spine although this is aseparate condition to the Ra.once again thank you .
Regards Julie
Hi Julie
I am 32, had arthritis since i was 13, in that time i have had many surgeries, the arthritis can attack any particular joint as quickly as it seems fit, that is why we all bang on about keeping our arthritis under control. I have had both of my feet fused (triple arthrodesis) and am about to have both of my ankles fused. The fusion isn't really anything to worry about, i find it eases the pain, it is just you must take great care in the recovery to mot weight bare until you are told to. A surgeon once told me that when you have a joint fused at first you will find it limiting in your movement, but that there really isn't anything you can't do with that fused joint, you just have to re train your brain to work that joint differently They can take bone graphs from wither your hip, thigh, wrist, shoulder, anywhere you have excess bone that would be better placed. In all of my ops they have talked about doing so, but haven't seemed to have needed to as yet
Hope this helps
Ella xx
Hi Again,
Just to add, I had a triple fusion of my roght ankle, and was in boot cast from day one, I had no bone graft, and the surgeon said he could do a tendon transfer but thought fusion better option for me. eventually, I will need ankle replacement and if I did not have fusion done, ankle replacement would not be possibly. Four months down the road, I am very glad I had it done, while it can take 18 months to see full effect, I can walk comfortably in my bare feet and no longer need an orthotic. Ailsa (NRSA) gave me some great advice for post op, which was very helpful. You will be totally non weightbearing for 6 - 12 weeks, and in big boot thingy for months, but if it saves you from a wheel chair its got to be worth it. You need some one at home with you for first few weeks as you will be totally dependant.
Anyway, feel free to PM me, with any [partics , when you know for sure. My ankle was damaged so fast with RA, my head spun. 3 months!! frm diagnosis I could'nt walk (temporarily)UGH nasty disease, I hate it................