I am about to have foot surgery - big toe bone enlarged and sore - I would prefer not to have the toe fused but have a feeling that this will be done along with the toe next to - can you advise what to expect please. I have rheumatoid and also fibromyalgia
Advise on foot surgery please: I am about to have foot... - NRAS
Advise on foot surgery please

Hi Ardea, were you given any leaflets by your surgeon which would explain what they intended to do?
I am waiting surgery on my right foot as the second toe is bent up and painful which has caused the big toe to bend inwards/ They are going to straighten the big toe and cut the tendons on the 2nd toe to allow it to lie flat again.
A friend has just had a bunion operation and she has screws in to keep it aligned. She showed it me yesterday and it looks very neat and the toe is not fused to anything.
I think you should speak to either your GP or your surgeon as to what exactly they are planning to do and how you will be affected afterwards.
Every person is diffierent when it comes to foot ops and what is being done so you should go to the "horse's mouth" as it were. Your surgeon should have written to your GP to explain what they were going to do.
LavendarLady x
Thank you for your feedback. I have not had any leaflets, and the surgery is very soon. I was wondering if it is possible to still wear heels on occasions afterwards, as I have my niece's wedding comming up at the beginning of September and it is nice to dress up with heels for special occasions (not too high). I always remove shoes once seating and kick them off underf the table anyway!!
I had osteotomies and excision of neuromas (bunion ops & little tumours removed from tendons) on both feet. One in Nov 2011 and one in May 2012. Both were very successful - I was really careful about taking it slowly - for the right foot I did manage to drive after 7 weeks - but it was a bit precarious as my foot was still a bit numb.With the left - as I have an auto car I was driving within a week - but seeing me struggle out of the car with crutches must have been very comical to watch!
I have a screw in each foot and the scars are now negligable - but I do think you would be pushing it to try to wear heels by September. It really is worth wating until everything is healed & feels comfortable before you try fashion shoes. I have seen a lot of ladies at the foot clinic who ended up having a lot of pain and aggravation because they forced their feet into tight shoes too soon. These days there are some very pretty (usually Italian) flat shoes that look very delicate - I bought a pair in pink suede and eveyone admires them . Good Luck with the surgery - I feel all the upset of not being completely mobile for a few weeks was absolutely worth it as I can now walk without pain and have pretty feet for the first time in my life!!
Thank you. I have also had neoromas removed and also tendons removed previously and they have been successful but It was the fusion or pinning that bothered me. I know that with rheumatoid it is unpredictable and it is all part of the condition that it will attack joints. I struggle now with shoes and feel sad that I will not be able to wear heels again!
You will probably be able to wear heels again - but to be really honest it will probably be about 2 years until you can wear them comfortably. I have just bought some 2" high summer sandals and I am slowly getting used to them around the house. For the first time in my life I can now wear sandals and the screws in my toes haven't fused the toe at all. My surgeon told me they rarely fuse toes now as techniques have improved so much.I must say I was expecting it to be very painful - but it wasn't at all....so good luck - I hope everything goes well for you............Kathy