Preparing myself mentally to try again although I feel that I am always sabotaging it for a later date...
Is this normal?
Preparing myself mentally to try again although I feel that I am always sabotaging it for a later date...
Is this normal?
Totally normal. We are addicts and this is part of addiction. There will always be a reason not to try, you will always be able to justify why you can't quit or can't continue with a quit. The list of reasons you will be able to come up with will be endless. Despite this, there is really only one reason to quit and that is because it's really, really bad for you and may well kill you earlier than you would like.
You have to 'bomb proof' your environment as far as you can. Remove all smoking materials and related articles. If you know you will smoke if you go out for a drink, don't go out for a while. Then it's just a case of getting on with it.
Don't give up trying.
Do not force your self other wise you could relasp, do it when you feel comfortable to do it, do not get forced into it, I’m backing off on them, cause I just don’t want them any more, you’ll be okay, don’t make a mistake you’ll be unhappy with