Hello! New here. 23 years old and I have been smoking for 5 years now and want to nip the habit while its still relatively young. I quit on the first of this month and made it about 3 days before caving. I knew it would be bad but I don't think I was prepared for that level of frustration. After my second day smoke free, I came home from work and literally just sat on the sofa and cried. Nicotine addiction is pretty pathetic. I still made it through that night, but as I mentioned a couple of sentences ago I did end up giving in sometime on that 3rd day. And not just a little bit. Like smoked all day kind of caving. I still want to give it a second go with a little bit more determination to boot! Part of this was me just looking for a place to type this out, part of it is myself looking for support, and part of this is myself looking to others for some quitting advice. Please tell me all of your go to quit smoking tricks!
Looking for advice and motivation! - No Smoking Day
Looking for advice and motivation!

Hello Mo,
There are some good tips in the pinned posts on the right of the page. Here's one for things to do in the early stages: healthunlocked.com/nosmokin........
I would advise you to read up, do research, know your enemy and know what to expect. Try to put a plan in place for what to do when a craving hits and prepare for cravings in common smoking situations (Pub, work breaks, in the car etc....those were mine anyway)
Don't expect a smooth ride. In my experience there's no Holy Grail day when you don't crave cigarettes any more. You can have a string of days when it's all going great and you don't even think about smoking then out of the blue you feel like you're dying for a cigarette. There's nothing wrong with this - it's normal - you haven't failed and you're not weak! I experienced this and lots more on this forum have done the same so just prepare for it happening, especially at the "Icky Threes" (look up the post about it)
Some people can just quit and never look back but for most of us mere mortals it can be hard work. It's worth it in the end though and the bad days become less and less frequent until not smoking just feels normal. I've been off them over three years and it's one of the best things I've ever done.........but I STILL fancy one sometimes!

Please keep going! I have tried to quit heaps of times and am currently on day 6 with vaping but not smoking. Everyone does it differently. Don’t quit quitting. Best of luck 😁
Stopping smoking is the best decision you can make for your health!
Get in touch with your local stop smoking service and get some professional support. Its free and you're 4 times more likely to stop smoking if you get some support from a smoking cessation professional and use a stop smoking aid. They will give you specialist advice on the products available to help manage cravings and the withdrawal symptoms from nicotine.
Never give up on giving up. Don't look at slips as failures, look at them as opportunities to learn about your personal relationship with both smoking and nicotine and you will get there in the end

Stopping smoking isn't going to be easy or a happy experience, you're quiting a drug a very addictive drug and it ruins your health like most drugs and can kill you like most drugs. Only you can quit it and the best and hardest way is cold turkey.