Things are going better only a few cravings,but I'm waking up at 2:30-3:00in the morning and I'm exhausted any one else have insomnia
Day 9: Things are going better only a few... - No Smoking Day
Day 9

Hey Rest18 - good to read things are continuing to go well for you in Day 9
As in my reply to your previous post, insomnia is one of the most common nicotine withdrawals and many of us here experienced it, myself included. I think mine lasted about 8 weeks - if you try deep breathing exercises when you wake up - inhale for 5 seconds and exhale for 5 seconds, repeat until feeling relaxed, again, avoid coffee especially before you go to bed. Herbal supplements from your local health food shop should be able to help too. Other than these tips, you just have to ride it out, remember, it is only short term, when over this, you will sleep for hours, well, I did anyway, could have slept for 12 hours straight if got the chance
Thanks for all the support,I'm doing much better now,on day11
Good to read Rest18 - keep in touch with us when you can
HI I just wanted to say how much this group helps,all the journeys and different phases we are going through. I'M dealing with the triggers that were ritualistic,like coffee and after eating it's short lived not like the cravings that gripped me the first couple of days.
Great advise Roisin01 ! I would also suggest as part of your water consumption every day , drink herbal tea as much as you want specially Is going to treat and calm your nervous system .
also at night camomile and tila are great for resting .
keep it up ! 👍

Hi rest18. Day 8 for me and having a bad day today... well done on your day 9... may be day 10 now? I just wantdd to add i feel exhausted but im trying very hard to be kind to myself and resting when i can.. laying onmy bed with my eyes closed kind of meditating and confirming to myself how well im doing and how proud i feel helps. I work night shifts so i cant really tell if i have insomnia lol but i do feel tired!! Keep it up we are doing great... apart from the hunger. Oh the hunger!! Im starving

Hi Rest18, hope you’re still hanging in there. Like Roisin says, the insomnia last a couple of months, I could fall asleep easy but I used to wake up and not be able to fall back asleep, to be honest I just rode it, difficult I know when working full time but it’s a small price to pay.
With regards to the hunger, again I was the same, funnily enough it was sweet things I was craving and I’ve never had a sweet tooth, all in all I gave myself a break and ate what I wanted for 3 months, I started my diet again two weeks ago and already lost half a stone (I put 1.5 stone on) so just remember, if you put weight on, you can lose it once you’ve kicked this habit 😃