I will keep you posted. Have thrown my bottles of it away. I hope I can cope with withdrawals!
Hopefully had my last spray of quick mist 3... - No Smoking Day
Hopefully had my last spray of quick mist 30 minutes ago after a year of being on it! Cold turkey from quick mist.

Vitamin B is good to take the edge off

Congratulations dear!
Thanks so much patty. Already craving a lot and it's only just began.
I believe it. Im not even quitting yet and i feel "anticipation" cravings if that even makes sense. Deep breaths and time will help. Theres a little game i play when going through cravings in the past. Start with the letter " a" and do the saying "hi my name is ____, i'm from _____ and i sell ______." all of the blanks have to start with that letter so "hi my name is Abbey im from america and i sell armadillos. Woukd be acceptable and you just do as many letters as you can . it may. Help
Ah that's a good game. When are you planning on quiting?

Of course you can!
You can pretty much do anything you put your mind to.
Have faith in yourself. Don't worry about anything more than the next hour.
You've got this!
Thanks mushen. I hope you're right!
Well a headache has just set in. Wasn't expecting it so quickly.

Ah Hellogoodbye , delighted to read this post, congratulations and well done!
Yes, you definitely CAN battle through the withdrawals, I promise, drink plenty of water, bit of a walk to clear the head, deep breathing exercises for severe cravings (breath in for 5 seconds and out for 5 seconds while wiggling your toes, repeat this about 5 times or as long as needed)
Below is a link to a game we have here to help with passing cravings, can post as often as you like in it:

Hello....If you could throw away the Cigarettes you can do this as well...
Put your mind into it...Strongs !!
Hi Roisin. I'm really struggling the headache is so bad. I allow myself one can of pop a day which is caffeine hit. The vomiting hasn't stopped yet..there are no studies on how long the quit mist stays in your body so no idea how long it will take to stop. Hope it's not too long
Well the vomitING has been going on for some time and there's nothing over the counter they can give me. The headaches there's nothing stronger then the painkillers I take.
I just thinking there Hellogoodbye and remembered my mother took the nicorette inhaler but stopped it due to vomiting, doctor advised she was overdosing on it, which she agreed that she was.....
They say it takes 3 days for nicotine to leave your system so hopefully by day 4 vomiting has subsided and headache eased. If not, maybe a trip to your doctor just to get things checked. Try lots of early nights for the next week or so if you can and take time out and be kind to yourself, listen to music, read a book, watch funny movies....
Post anytime, I will be around.....
PS Will you let me know the date you stopped smoking for your milestone badges