WOOHOOO! 3 months, and still going strong! Cravings are very few....often I go days without thoughts of having a cigarette! Sense of smell and taste are remarkable now! I'm finally sleeping well too! Hope you all are staying strong, and doing well too! <3
WOW!!: WOOHOOO! 3 months, and still going... - No Smoking Day

That's great dishbrat, long time not hearing from you. No ciggy getting lit up here. no patch wearing either. Ahh a Saturday off work, rain, rain go away. We're doing it.....😌
🚭🔠 jeff
Hi Jeff! I still check in when I can...we're in the process of doing home improvements, so I'm not online very often at the moment! Glad you are doing well, and are patch FREE! Goood job!!! It's raining here too...and we're celebrating my Nieces 4th birthday at a local park today...should make for some muddy fun LOL! Enjoy your day Jeff!

My thoughts exactly Dishbrat! Glad you are doing so well!

Thank you! Hubby is doing great, still no smoking. He is out organizing his work shop, oxygen in tow. I don't get online in the summer as much, I am not going anywhere though, I love reading on here!! I can't believe I am at 50 days, (just noticed) longest quit yet!!! Congrats to us!!!!

Great to read an update from Dishbrat - congratulations on 3 months, you are doing great
Thank You!
Hey Dishbrat - over 100 days smoke free now, how are you keeping?
Still going strong! This is the longest I've been smoke free in 33 years! Loving this new life of mine! Hope you are well!