It seems a long time ago since my last EVER cigarette. Every day I feel a little healthier, a lot happier and a bit richer. Thanks all who have provided kind and encouraging words. Every little helps a lot
3 weeks done and dusted: It seems a long time... - No Smoking Day
3 weeks done and dusted

You're doing great helpmequit

Congratulations on 3 weeks without cigs. It does seem like it’s so much longer than the actual calendar date, doesn’t it? I know it does for me too.

Helpmequit ...Health is the reward and bit more money in the pocket is the bonus...Win/Win situation all the time...Well done keep going..!!

Congratulations on your determination!
Stand tall, stay busy, exercise and don't let the nicodemon control you.
I'm just over 4 months. Dreamed I smoked and woke up guilty just to realize it was a dream. Hoe funny.
hi helpmequit
time does fly 😁
nice possative post
keep at it,you can do this
take care 😊
keep kicking 😎
Thanks👍 It's a mark of how far I've come when I can go to the pub, sit next to 2 smokers in the beer garden and find their habit completely unappealing and utterly peculiar. If I was in any doubt about whether I'd moved on, then my experience today completely seals it.
That is a massive turning point helpmequit - in the beer garden with smokers and not yet a month smoke free, huge well done!!
Thanks Roisin 😊
1 month today helpmequit - hope you have a wee treat lined up for this massive milestone
Thanks for remembering! It made today's 1 month milestone even better 😁
I'm feeling very proud of myself and I will definitely treat myself to a little something this weekend.
I can't begin to tell you how helpful and influential this site has been to me. It has been a rock and your support and that of all the fantastic people in this community has been decisive. Thank you Roisin, thank you everyone. I could not have achieved this without you 👏✊👍