Roisin01 I don’t understand why my profile hasn’t completed to 100% I’ve done about 4 times now and it’s still staying on 90% completed I just don’t understand why it’s sticking on 90% I’m really stuck now and need someone to sort it cause it’s doing nothing for me
About my profile : Roisin01 I don’t... - No Smoking Day
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Try going into your profile again, ensure all profile questions are answered or ticked (even the 'what is your ethnicity?' just select 'prefer not to say' - you must select/click on the green button 'save changes' and should be 100% complete then.....
I’ll try but not sure if that will work
I tried that and that’s not working either
Have you ticked/answered as below (didn't copy my address, DOB which have been ticked/answered)
What is your ethnicity?
Prefer not to say
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