Day 8 no smoking , bad day yesterday but made it through , using a vape , determined to do this 😁, any tips welcomed
Smokefree: Day 8 no smoking , bad day... - No Smoking Day

Hello Kinger49 , welcome to the forum and well done on getting your first week under your belt.
I used a vape too and I'm now just over two years without a cigarette (about 18months since I stopped using the vape). It still drives you crazy doesn't it? Some think it's easy with a vape and you shouldn't get cravings for a real cigarette but you do (or I did anyway)
As far as tips go, these worked for me:
- Use the vape as much as you need to get through the early stages. Once you have settled you can start thinking about coming off the vape.
- Do it at your own pace and don't feel pressurised into coming off it too soon.
- If you only have one vape - get two!! If you only have one and it runs out of charge or breaks down that's when panic sets in.
- Get a phone app if you don't already have one. They show how your health and wealth are improving as the days go by and really help to keep you motivated.
I can't think of any more for the minute but I'm sure some will come. What strength e-liquid are you on?
Ty for your tips , I have been thinking about getting a back up , I have extra coils and two charges one at work and home , , I started on 12mg but up to 18 as just wasn’t enough , I have noticed positive things already , I don’t smell lol , the morning s are the worst for me so I took the wattage of Vape to higher level which helped 😁
differences already , I
No problem. Sounds like you're well prepared with the vape set up - good planning. I spent most of the time on 18mg as well I think before I very gradually started to work my way down. I may have actually started on 2.4mg but I don't believe you can get that strength any more! Getting home from work was one of the worst times for me as I always associated this with having two cigarettes in quick succession. You WILL get over the morning cravings - I don't even think about it when I get home from work now.
Not smelling of them is a huge bonus as far as I'm concerned. I hated smelling of cigarettes. It's great you're starting to notice plus points already.
More thoughts: Try to change routines as much as possible so you're not constantly being faced with situations you associate with smoking. And take it easy on the booze (if that's something you indulge in). And most important of all make sure you never ever support Sunderland. Watching those useless bu$&ers without resorting to smoking is one of the hardest tests going!

Huge welcome to our community Kinger49 and congratulations on 8 days smoke free, that is great, well done!
My first post here was on Day 8 and that was over 2 years ago now. I stopped cold turkey but several members here have successfully stopped using a vape and over 1 and 2 years smoke and vape free - Nozmo being one of them who you have met and gave excellent advice.
Below is a link to a pinned post with general tips on stopping worth a read along with the other pinned posts.
We look forward to your progress update and sharing your journey

Ty for your words of encouragement, I’m not going back to smoking am determined to do this 😝
Great mindset Kinger which is vital in our journeys
Hi Kinger49, Your determination is an inspiration and good for you for getting through the first week! I tried vaping and it didn't help. You said you were looking for tips. You have probably tried almost everything in the past. Cold turkey (my choice), nicotine gum, tapering off, hypnosis and read all there is about smoking and quitting. Short of acupuncture I've done all those. Quite by accident I came across a book called "How to Stop Smoking and Stay Quit for Good." My first thought was this is just another of hundreds of quitting smoking books. I have to say this is the first thing I've read that actually deals with quitting in a way we can all relate to. It may or may not be helpful to you but for me it was a refreshing and realistic view of quitting smoking. Maybe it would benefit you as well. Oh, the author is Gillian Riley. Again congratulations on your progress. From one smoker to another I know it was a challenge! Keep it up. John

Welcome Kinger49 and congrats on 8 days, well done!
Use this forum to its full potential especially if having a bad day but also to share good days, we are all on this journey together and here to help each other

How are you getting on now Kinger49 ?