New & need help: Hi I'm Debbie First day of... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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New & need help

Dippie profile image
32 Replies

Hi I'm Debbie

First day of quit today, but this is 3rd time in 3 weeks!

I seem to make the first 3 days without too much trouble, then on day 4 I loose my mind!

I go get smokes and finish them feeling like I failed.

Has anyone experienced this? What the heck happens on day 4 that my mind just goes nuts.

Any advice will be welcome.

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Dippie profile image
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32 Replies
Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor

Dippie... Welcome and this is the one...You can do it...!

It is very important to know what is happening to you when you stop smoking....There is things we were not told... Yes, they say you will feel good, and taste and smell and will not have that nasty cough and will breath and your skin will look nice and your teeth will look better...But what they do not tell us, is to get there you need to walk barefoot over the Alps.

Please do not run away it is really not that bad but whilst in it, it is terrible...

On the bright side...After 3 Days all the nicotine is out of your system, all the carbon monoxide is out and your body is starting to heal itself hence the relapse after day 3...This is the time where you need to be super prepared and you must start the not allow yourself to go into defensive mode...nicotine is a very strong must attack by keeping your mind occupied...your hands busy and your mouth working meaning , chew something (Carrots or licorice ) ( I ate chocolates) ....and drank cup after cup sweet green tea. Some people say cold water...

And at the end of the day ..everything they say is true...I am a living example of that...Life is amazing once you quit and rediscover life the way it should be...

Wishing you all the strength !!!

Dippie profile image
Dippie in reply to Hercu

Thank you for encouraging words.

I will try very hard this time not to fall on day 4.

It is scary how the nicotine has taken my brain over!

Diddydelz profile image
Diddydelz1 Year Smoke Free

CocoaXChange profile image
CocoaXChangeValued Contributor

Debbie, all good advice above from Hercu. Nothing worth doing comes easy. It does seem so terribly hard now, but you will look back at this time with a great sense of accomplishment, and know that it is worth it.

taurean7 profile image
taurean72 Years Smoke Free

Debbie.. day 4 is just one day, a hard one I know, but it will pass whether you smoke or not. Stay strong, get thru it and you will feel soooo proud.

Dippie profile image
Dippie in reply to taurean7

Thank you. I very much want this to be a success!

taurean7 profile image
taurean72 Years Smoke Free in reply to Dippie

You are welcome! I know where you're coming from because I just couldn't get past the first few days either. The difference this time was I had help from Champix, and a health scare really made me wisen up. So it was my or the cigs, and I was so sick of losing that battle.

Beat it one a day at a time. I promise you won't regret it.

Dippie profile image

Thank you so much.

I was starting to get discouraged .

So instead if counting days I would have been quit, I will try to just think about today.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Huge welcome to our community Dippie - congratulations on Day 1 - are you doing it cold turkey or using an aid? If stopping cold turkey, after day 3, the nicotine will be out of your system and the gradual process of your mind and body rewiring, repairing and recovering begins which plays havoc with our minds....

To succeed in stopping smoking for good we must have the mindset that smoking is not an option and under no circumstances will you smoke again. It doesn't matter how many times we try, its the journey to getting to that one that sticks forever. I stopped cold turkey almost 2 and a half years ago as knew I was going to develop serious illness if I didn't stop, my worst fear was how I would deal with life without my crutch that I so relied on, to get up in the morning, to socialize, to deal with my personal demons, work stress, family stress, sadness, happiness, birthdays, funerals, weddings, summers, holidays, Christmas, the list goes on, BUT the great news is I got through all of these daily life ups and downs, can cope and deal with stress so much better smoke free.

I never thought I would be able to get through these without a smoke but what pulled at my heart strings very early on in my journey was an incredible quote from our inspiring member Hercu.

I printed this off and taped it to my PC at home and at work and read it every single day for the first 3 months:

"Weeks 3 and 4 was the discovery of my weaknesses. The terrible idea to cope with life and the curve balls on my own. Now I realized that life is a reality and not a false euphoria of happiness where I can light a cigarette and every thing is OK......"

I finally got it..........wishing you too to 'get it'.

Please stay close to us and post anytime, we are here to help :)

PS We have another Debbie here DMuise who is at the similar stage as you if you want to buddy up with her.

Dippie profile image
Dippie in reply to RoisinO1

Hello and thank you.

I am going cold turkey. After all the reading about nicotine and how it takes control of your brain and destroys you body, I felt this was the only way to being free.

I am glad to be here among people who understand this and battle it together.

Your words are inspiring and I am sure I will reread them many times for the next few days.

I am in New York state in the US, so with the time differences communication may not always be timely, but I will keep reading the posts here as often as possible.

Wishing all on this journey (not the least myself) great success in the hours and days ahead!

hi Dippie

its not easy stopping,you have smoked a long time and it's part of your life.

you have to change everything,you got to day 3,you can get to 4-5-6 you gotta keep strong and keep possative,

you know where/when you smoke,aim to change,

never stop trying to stop

take care 😊

keep kicking 😎

Dippie profile image
Dippie in reply to

Thank you! I will try very hard.

I am determined!

Jwk1962 profile image
Jwk19621 Year Smoke Free

Hi Debbie, keeping busy is one of the key's, it helps tremendously. I smoked 40+ years. There are SO MANY things in life we all deal with every day that we have absolutely no control over. Not smoking is in your keep on trying.

Good luck, Jeff

Dippie profile image
Dippie in reply to Jwk1962

Thank you!

DMuise profile image

Hi, and welcome. I also struggled at day 3, and, I’m ashamed to say that I caved in. I’m not going to make any excuses for my lack of willpower. I won’t ever give up trying to quit, because, I know it will happen. It’s just not as easy as I hoped it would be. I wish you all the luck in quitting.

Dippie profile image
Dippie in reply to DMuise

I feel exactly the same and will not give up either! Best of luck to all of us!

Determination is key!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Dippie

Hey Dippie - how are you getting on? Nearly at your first big milestone of 1 week!!

Dippie profile image
Dippie in reply to RoisinO1

Hi again! Still a struggle but holding on.

Lots of snow here today, the heavy wet kind! Lots of strong wind! Power out a possibility, can make a person nuts!

Crazy to get through without a smoke but hanging in.

Thanks for checking on me 😘

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Dippie

Ah well done Debbie, you are doing great and have a new personal best now, keep going!!

This weather is unreal, think Ireland is over the worst, but 24,000 without electricity and lots of pipes bursting leaving no water as the big thaw hits!!

Where are you from?

Dippie profile image
Dippie in reply to RoisinO1

Ah, I love the Irish! 💕💕💕

My partner was half Irish and a wonderful kind generous person!

I am an old school military brat.

Born in Chicago. Dad American born, German mom, and raised there, now living in New York state USA.

Still watching snow here and now high winds!

Praying lights stay on.

Dippie profile image
Dippie in reply to Dippie

Hi Roisin

I am getting your replys to D in my feed for DMuise.

Should that be heppening?

Not that I mind, but was just wondering.

Dippie profile image
Dippie in reply to Dippie

I meant to DMuise

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Dippie

Yeah, you are getting the replies to DMuise as I have replied to her in this (your) post just to see how she is getting on....will post in one of her posts going forward to avoid confusion :)

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

1 Week today Dippie , hope you treated yourself :P

Dippie profile image
Dippie in reply to RoisinO1

Hi Roisin.

No celebration 😫

Screwed up yesterday and went out to party and caved!

Now gotta start all over again;

So frustrated with myself for giving in.

I will post when I get my a** back on the right road!


RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Dippie

Huge admiration for you being honest Dippie - learn from it and get back on the horse as soon as you can, will be here for you :)

Dippie profile image
Dippie in reply to RoisinO1

Thank you!

I will and I will.

I noticed the days quit, although a struggle, just felt physically so much better.

I am going to do this, I have to get over the mental junk!

Praying for calm and positive thoughts.

I will stay in this group and keep reading.

I am set up for daily notice.

Peace to all here!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to DMuise

Sorry to read DMuise - hope to see you back here very soon, we will be here for you...

DMuise profile image
DMuise in reply to RoisinO1

Thank you for your reply and concern, and, I’m happy to say, I’m back to trying again, and, I’m only at day 1, but, so far, so good.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to DMuise

Great DMuise - thrilled to read you back on the horse quickly, really well done!

Stay close to us and if really struggling do up an SOS post as below:

DMuise profile image
DMuise in reply to RoisinO1

Thanks. I’m doing it a little different this time, because, it’s more difficult then I anticipated. I’m going to allow myself a couple of smokes per day, if, I feel the need to have one, this way, I won’t feel like such a loser. It’s kinda a mind game, in that, the moment something is off limits, is, the moment, I want it. I’m happy to say, my e-cigs is all I’ve had today. One day at a time.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to DMuise

Thats no problem DMuise - its YOUR journey and to be done the best way that suits you - let us know when you are on a few days smoke free or whenever you feel ready, you are under enough pressure - well done on just the e-cig today, thats it one day at a time

Below worth a read if not already done so:

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