Tell me its gonna be Fine!: Day 5....Whoohoo... - No Smoking Day

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Tell me its gonna be Fine!

casinolife profile image
casinolife1 Year Smoke Free
33 Replies

Day 5....Whoohoo.

sore throat and coughing up nastiness....gross.

Hardest thing is occupying time.

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casinolife profile image
1 Year Smoke Free
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33 Replies
mushen profile image
mushenValued Contributor

Hello and welcome!

The good news is that this is all going to get easier day by day. The early stages of a quit are the hardest ones. Just do whatever it takes to get through it.

Keep going . You can do this. This is a goal that is completely within your reach. 😃

MAB5 profile image
MAB52 Years Smoke Free

casinolife, it really is going to be okay. It does get better but you are going to go through some tough times for a while. You can do this, stay strong and when you get a craving just come here instead, these great people got me through my toughest times. Good Luck.

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor

Casinolife..Welcome...and it is not gonna be just fine...... It is going to be Amazing !!!!!

Yes, the beginning is gross but soon it will become better..Stay strong !!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Welcome casinolife and congratulations on Day 5, it gonna be fine, I promise! Just take it hour by hour and day by day for the moment :)

I quit cold turkey almost 2 years ago and too experienced the coughing up of gunk and sore throat, this is a great sign your lungs and cilia in the throat are repairing and clearing out - I took a spoonful of honey in the morning and evening to help with the clearing out of the lungs and raw garlic for an antiseptic for the throat. With regards keeping busy, I done up a 'to do list' of stuff I put on the long finger for ages and worked through it especially at the weekends, bit of exercise every day is good too to clear the head!

We look forward to reading your progress and keep in touch with us especially if struggling....

AlexandriaUK profile image
AlexandriaUKValued Contributor

I promise it will be better than fine, it will eventually feel normal and it will be the best decision you have ever made regarding not just your health but your social life as well.

Sip fresh orange juice and instead of thinking how do I cope with being a quitter, tell yourself your now a non smoker and revel in the fact that you want smell like a wet ashtray and eventually when your body has expelled all the rubbish you will breath easier, sleep better and smell nicer.

Keep a daily log which you can look back on and be proud you have chosen this road, it want be easier and there will be bad days, but without the bad days you wouldn't recognise the great ones.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to AlexandriaUK

Excellent reply AlexandriaUK , hope you are keeping well?

AlexandriaUK profile image
AlexandriaUKValued Contributor in reply to RoisinO1

Thank you, its good to know theres still a drive to help those that want to improve there lives by quitting, I'm still smoke free after nearly 8 years so can't be bad, I still regret all the years I smoked but we can't go back but we can definitely go forward, how are you doing, I'm thinking you were on the original site.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to AlexandriaUK

Good to read AlexandriaUK - your advice and support will be invaluable here for our members at nearly 8 years quit :O

I'm grand thanks, will be 2 years quit in September and joined the original community back in September 2015. I hear ya with wishing we quit years ago but all in the past now. Keep in touch!

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor in reply to AlexandriaUK

Alexandria...Thank you...Not just from me but certainly from all of us "Newbies".

It is so nice to hear that there is "LIFE" after smoking and even 7 years later it is getting better..My cup of tea...Thank you !!!!

AlexandriaUK profile image
AlexandriaUKValued Contributor in reply to Hercu

Hi Hercu your very welcome, when we first become x smokers we can never see past that day, whether it be day 1 or day 21 its always harder for us than anyone else, we think how easy it is for Mr and Mrs blogg, they seem to breeze through there quit or that's how it appears, but trust me no matter which method we choose its hard to cease that one thing that gave us joy, not all monsters are living breathing creatures, this one wore a cloak of white and had us completely in his clutches, you notice I say he, simply because surely a female would not be so evil :) but once we have completely without coercion from another person and decided we do want to quit then its not such a hard road to take, we all quit for different reasons and not always health or wealth, or lack of.

Mine was a mixture of reasons and I'm sure that whatever the individual reasons are its the right one for them, just taking one day at a time was my plan, I didn't actually become an x smoker till I disposed of all my tobacco over a year later, then I realised I'd done something I never thought I could, I had traveled the road to stopping smoking and I had hopefully not taken a return ticket.

One thing I will say is you must always be on your guard, you will never be a non smoker, you will be someone who doesn't smoke today and with gods grace not tomorrow either

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to AlexandriaUK

Wow, inspiring AlexandriaUK

casinolife profile image
casinolife1 Year Smoke Free

Thanks for the inspiring words! So glad I found this forum.

Been deep cleaning my kitchen, didn't realize how much of my time was devoted to smoking. If I stay busy, I don't think about it.

I work in a casino and I watch guests smoke constantly. It is actually very helpful to watch them. I can now smell the smoke on my uniform when I get home, something I never noticed. WoW!

AlexandriaUK profile image
AlexandriaUKValued Contributor in reply to casinolife

That's such a great way to spend time when your stopping smoking, I think that its one time when spring cleaning takes on a new meaning, my first few weeks were spent scrubbing anything and everything, also because I quit Christmas day I got through 2 tins of a well known chocolate brand, even the coffee ones uch LOL

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to casinolife

I too scrubbed my house from top to bottom, scrubbed tiles, walls, blinds, bleached for the first month of my quit, washed curtains, threw out handbags, toothbrushes, just couldn't stand the smell of smoke and the smell of a smoker just makes feel sick and delighted I no longer smell like that - you have so much to look forward to casinolife from tasting and smelling food and savoring every meal now, especially spicy food, it sends my taste buds wild, enjoying the smell of nature, first cut lawn smoke free, the list goes on, enjoy this amazing new found journey ;)

AlexandriaUK profile image
AlexandriaUKValued Contributor

Do any of you find that the smell of cigarette smoke is now disgusting, I think I'm perverse LOL smoked for many years and I'm definitely not anti smoking I just hate the smell, I sent for some boots off a well known web site, they were lovely and for the style and make a very good price, it said from a smoke free home, when they arrived I opened the bag and was blasted by the smell or should say stink of smoke, I opened the back door and put them out, I then emailed the lady and within an hour she came back and told me they weren't hers but that she was selling them for a friend and she didn't realise she smoked, obviously not a good friend, I said couldn't she smell the smoke, she said no she thought the smell was leather, that's even worse they are faux sued :) I filled them with raw onions and about a week later the smell had gone, problem now is whenever I wear them I hear people saying, can you smell onions, oh well better than being an ashtray

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to AlexandriaUK

I do indeed, when on holidays there a few weeks ago and eating out at night and smokers coming back in from smoking, my stomach was turning, it really is revolting - think I would prefer to smell like onions too :D

casinolife profile image
casinolife1 Year Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

6 days in and omg can I smell it. Everywhere, everywhere.

I must be crazy, I take my lunch snack outside to the smoke hole to eat it. Remember, this has been my habit for like....forever.

Anyway, not smoking but observing. No urge and its wonderful.

Am I testing myself or crazy?

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to casinolife

1 week today casinolife hope you have a treat lined up for yourself

PS don't think you will be out eating your lunch with the smokers for long as you will just find it revolting - hubbie done that at the initial stage of his quit and just couldn't tolerate it with the smell of smokers and off his clothes when he returned to work from his lunch break..

casinolife profile image
casinolife1 Year Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Thank you, 7 days. Whoop whoop.

Having to wash uniform daily due to "smell".

AlexandriaUK profile image
AlexandriaUKValued Contributor in reply to casinolife

Yep, your completely crazy and it will only get better, depending on whether you think crazy is good or bad, I think its cool to be crazy and its even cooler to have quit smoking, 6 days, well done you, your on a roll and I don't mean a roll up :) the only thing I can suggest is you grab a slab of bacon and when you go to sit with your smelly friends for lunch you can take bacon and you have smoked bacon for free, its late LOL sorry

casinolife profile image
casinolife1 Year Smoke Free in reply to AlexandriaUK

Loving your comments AlexandriaUK.

I work 3rd shift with the crazy gamblers anyway.

Treated myself to an awesome breakfast with bacon this am.

Thanks for the positivity.


AlexandriaUK profile image
AlexandriaUKValued Contributor in reply to casinolife

If food be your quit aid then use it wisely, but I found it easier to lose the pounds than it was to quit smoking, I put a staggering three stone on in three month's, I hovered round 11 stone for about 6 months then when I became accustomed to being an x smoker I took control of my diet, I am pretty much a control freak any way so if its not one thing its another.

Your doing better than you thought you would I'm sure.

Its definitely a long road and you will get disheartened but when you do just remind yourself why you decided to quit, cause your strong and don't want to be a slave to Mr Nicodemon, hope you enjoyed your breakky

rachey52 profile image
rachey529 Months Smoke Free

im on day 4.... cold turkey for the 2nd time (so far not too bad)....

I agree with you about occupying time. i have found this forum really good to take my mind off things, i actually think this time i was ready to give up and not because everyone telling me to etc :-)

casinolife profile image
casinolife1 Year Smoke Free in reply to rachey52

Hey hey Rachey52, good job.

People, friends and family will say what you need to do. Only "you" can do what you want to do.

I never thought in a million years I would stop but got acute bronchitis m, and hey,I stopped lighting up

Background is, I was a caregiver for my hero, my dad, died in 08 with stage 4 lung cancer. 4 years later, my only sister diagnosis of stage 4 lung cancer. Given 3 months but now cancer free(by the grace of god). That just doesn't happen.

Did that help me to quit......NO!

It was "my" day, out of the blue.

So, today, proud to say 9 days smoke free. Still think about it but push it out of my mind. Still coughing but hey, it will be ok.

Good Luck. You are your best friend!!!!

rachey52 profile image
rachey529 Months Smoke Free in reply to casinolife

Thanks, this is my 2nd attempt this year.... I'm really ready this time! 😊

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to casinolife

Great inspiring reply casinolife - so sorry to read of the passing of your Dad, but wow, what a recovery for your sister, yeah, it has to come from deep within yourself to quit, congratulations, you are doing great :)

casinolife profile image
casinolife1 Year Smoke Free in reply to rachey52

So so proud of you girl. You are expressing your feelings towards the Nico demon. I too want to reward myself with just a puff, its just a puff right.


It would be throwing in everything and do we really want to. Heck yeah! But not happening. Mind game but guess what, irs always my move next!

Keep positive and strong! I got your back!

rachey52 profile image
rachey529 Months Smoke Free in reply to casinolife

Thanks for your support, it means a lot 😊

markjoes profile image
markjoes1 Year Smoke Free

It will be fine!!! :D

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Hey casinolife - how are you getting on now?

casinolife profile image
casinolife1 Year Smoke Free

Hey hey. Thank you for asking. Still holding on, physical coming next week.

I did a no-no. Broke down and picked one up......yuck. Forced to finish it so, got a headache from it.

Got back on the train and started watching smokes around me. Still have the craving but haven't started back, so proud!

Joined a gym and that really helps alot. Smoking took up soooo much of my time.

Taking it day by day, will admit it is still very hard.

How's things going with you!

casinolife profile image
casinolife1 Year Smoke Free

Reaching out!!!! I confess, however, now 2 days, 11.5 hours free from nicotine. I originally went cold turkey, made it 30 days. I have purchased the patches and loving them. Praying these will be my help. Doing so much better this time.

Please keep me in your prayers and I thank you in advance. I MUST conquer.

I have been reading everyone's posts since I started back and was inspired to try and try again.

Thanks to you all!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to casinolife

Great to hear from you casinolife - well done on getting back on track on your new journey, perhaps, create a new post to give an update and to get the support, advice and encouragement to help you succeed - we are here for you :) Please stay close to us....

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