Hi I stopped smoking 15months ago, and wish I'd done it years ago, it's not been easy as I was a heavy smoker since the age of 12 I'm now 58 yrs young lol my only problem now is the weight I've put on, any advice would be appreciated.
Smoke free 15months!: Hi I stopped smoking... - No Smoking Day
Smoke free 15months!

Hello and we'll done. I have read that most smokers do lose the additional weight gained within 2 years of quitting.
The weight gain is, I am afraid, all down to food. Exercise helps but as a rough guide, weight loss is 20% exercise and 80% food 😞
Of all the diets out there, the ones that are reported to work the best are low carb, high fat diets. Basically you eat lots of protein, fats and veg but smaller amounts of carbs cakes, bread, pasta etc). There's no calorie counting either. Here's a link
I hope this helps. ☺

Chrissy ...Super, don't we all wish we did it (quit) years ago or better , never started....!! At our age rediscovering life is an amazing experience... I am 22 months smoke free today and never felt better.... !!!

Welcome Chrissy589 - congratulations on over 15 months smoke free, that is great!
Below is a weight loss community here on HealthUnlocked if you want to have a look there.
Any quitting journey tips would be most welcome here if you get a chance or opportunity to share

I don't think there are any tips to give to quit smoking! When I have tried before I failed because I didn't really want to stop! This time was different I knew I needed to, and I've never felt so determined to succeed, so I saw my doctor and told him I wanted to stop, once he'd picked himself off the floor lol he told me to make an appointment with the stop smoking nurse which I did and was prescribed champix, they are wonderful and once I ran out of tobacco I threw everything to do with smoking away! I've never looked back, the most important thing to succeed is you have to want to and you will be focused and strong.