Morning smoke...: Hi all, hope this finds you... - No Smoking Day

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Morning smoke...

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free
13 Replies

Hi all, hope this finds you well...

I've been up since 5.15, awake longer scared I wouldn't wake up!! How annoying!! Just waved my son off for a weeks holiday with dad.

I'm craving a cigarette and sit down so much!!! I know I'm doing really well, and I can just start to see some real differences in my skin and bursts of activity are not as hard, so I'm celebrating that! But right now, I could murder a cigarette!!

I used to work as a film/video/slide show producer and we kept some really odd hours! Often the thing that kept us going were cigarettes and pots and pots of strong coffee! Being up so early reminds me very keenly of these days and I'm struggling to stop thinking of the times I was with a giddy but tired crew, all fired up on adrenaline and fags...

I get that it's just a trigger but I feel like I'm mourning a whole era right now!!

Anyone else get this?

Happy Friday btw :)

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jobm1 profile image
1 Year Smoke Free
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13 Replies
jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free

I should add I'm craving caffeine too!!! Kicked that a year ago!!!

LeesaD profile image
LeesaD2 Years Smoke Free

Hi jobm1, its only a notion to you and a little thought of ur past. It will go like all the other cravings. I'm in the garden with my 18 month old and the suns splittin and all I can think about is a glass of diet coke with ice and a cig sitting in the lounger watching him playin about. And it's a strong feeling today. Like you I wud get up really early most mornings and sometimes I just find myself sittin at the kitchen table thinkin wtf am I doin.

because any other time I was occupied with fags in the garden listenin to the cars and birds!!! Sounds strange but I enjoyed it. If i don't give in today then hopefully il do ok. And you will do good too.

find things to do now you have peace and time, new things to do to keep urself occupied.

whatever u can think off, but I'm seriously considering doing what poetic said to do, about takin the half smoked fag and keeping it in a bag and smelling it when I get an urge, which "should" put me off.

anyways I've slabbered on enough...

it will pass lovely lady chops lol 😁

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free in reply to LeesaD

Shall we have a pact to try our hardest to get rid of the feeling and focus on how beautiful our lives are without fags??

Definitely do what Poetic said... I reckon the smell will make you gip!!! You're doing so well, be proud and watch your beautiful little one trundling about knowing only that he/she adores their mummy and knows safety and happiness with you xx

I love when you 'slabber' on lol!!

Have a peaceful day lovely lady chops ❤️😜

LeesaD profile image
LeesaD2 Years Smoke Free in reply to jobm1

and you... You are doing great! You should be so so so so so proud of yourself!! Have a great day 😊

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free in reply to LeesaD


RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to LeesaD

You are doing great LeesaD - you are right, these seasonal / summer cravings will pass and once you get over the first, thats it overcome and will not be near as severe the next time. With regards the smoked cigarette in the bag idea, be VERY careful with doing that as nearly broke my 9 month quit last year - day after a bbq I had in fine weather, found a butt of a cigarette that had about an inch of it left on the bench when I was clearing up - I very nearly smoked it but something stopped me and just dropped it out of my hand and quickly stamped it to nothing into the lawn, if you are desperate enough, I think you will smoke it regardless of the smell, thats how strong Mr Nico is......

Hope you got on well on your date last night?

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Afternoon jobm1 , just logging on now as had a very restless night with the unnatural heat in our timber framed last night - was 17 degrees at 4am and not a breath of air :O

I hope things have improved for you since this morning, LeesaD gave great advice to keep busy and take up new things that you enjoy doing to keep your mind occupied - what are your hobbies, mine was/is cooking and baking and was a great distraction for me. Also, another big thing in our quits is knowledge, knowing what to expect and what is going on. What you felt lying in bed awake and the fear of not waking up is a normal but a really scary feeling that I too encountered in my quit, but it is just your brain re-wiring and playing tricks on you, yes you are still in the mourning stage and once you get over a nostalgic craving like that you won't have it again (well it won't be as strong). I would suggest to keep reading up on quitting and how it affects us, especially below pinned post on helpful posts - if anything it beats a craving - I have often spent hours reading through posts here and people's journeys similar to mine - Nozmo 's quit is similar to yours as he too quit with aid of an ecig and now is over a year smoke and ecig free.....

PS I nearly resorted to this in the early hours this morning#

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Hahahahaha love the fridge!! Thanks so much for your lovely support 😊 your house sounds lovely.

taurean7 profile image
taurean72 Years Smoke Free

Roisin... that fridge photo is hilarious!

Lessa and Jo... I hear you both with the summer nostalgia cravings. I'm feeling it too.. that something enjoyable and comforting is missing. In reality it wasn't really enjoyable because I HAD to smoke every few hours or I was a wreck, and I coughed all the time.

This summer we don't stink, we're not hacking, we're not burning away all our free cash, and we have our health to celebrate.

Way to go girls!!!

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free in reply to taurean7

Aw you're so right! I got rather merry on the drinks last night and was so close to buying cigarettes but I didn't!!

Thank you so much for support as always! Well done us!!!! ❤️

mushen profile image
mushenValued Contributor

Ah, I can relate. I've been doing the garden this week and that itself is a trigger. It was, 'put in some plants, have a fag, do some more, have a fag....' Today it's been, 'put in some plants, think about a fag......' Doesn't help that husband comes outside every so often and lights up. It wasn't really a craving, more a fond memory of chilling in the garden I suppose.

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free in reply to mushen

Oh gawd to the coming outside lighting a fag!!! X well done for changing the rep!! :)

Lula-kig profile image
Lula-kig2 Years Smoke Free

murder a cigarette!! hahahahaha

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