Day 21.. : I'm new here :) on the patches for... - No Smoking Day

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Day 21..

Louiseb17 profile image
Louiseb172 Years Smoke Free
17 Replies

I'm new here :) on the patches for the last 21 days and doing great. But yesterday and today, I seem to be getting more and more intense cravings! And so agitated and annoyed at every little thing!

Does this part pass?

Written by
Louiseb17 profile image
2 Years Smoke Free
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17 Replies
Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor

Welcome Louise...Yes, it certainly do pass and if there is friends and family around ask them for forgiveness.... I am still saying excuse every day to my poor dog.....!!!

Stay strong and use this forum to offload...Anything !!! we have been there...!!!

Louiseb17 profile image
Louiseb172 Years Smoke Free in reply to Hercu

Thanks!! Haha I try to keep the irritation and anger to myself but I've told everyone I'm sorry, I was so close to giving in this morning but I don't want to go back smoking so I have to be strong and keep reassuring myself that I can do it 😂

Ldanilovics profile image
Ldanilovics in reply to Louiseb17

You are doing great. I also did patches. Great cravings come and go, sooes the nasties. Your friends and family will forgive you. I hate myself sometimes I'm so mean. Deep breaths hold, exhale. Cravings don't last long. Just get over those few minutes. Think of yourself as a non smoker. Why are you craving a cig, you don't smoke

Keep up the great work. Everyone on here will help!!! Great people here. I couldn't do it without them😆😆

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor

Hello Louise,

Yes, it passes. It's very common to get a few bad days around about a month (or leading up to it as you are)

You will probably still get a few more of these but they do pass and the good days become more frequent

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Welcome Louiseb17 and congratulations on 21 days smoke free, that is great, well done!!

Have you reduced the patches dose down? If so, this could be contributing to the intense cravings you are now experiencing - when you finally come off the patches you will have to overcome the nicotine withdrawal but it only lasts 3 days.

For every day that passes smoke free, the stronger you become and can deal with cravings so much better, it does pass but it depends on the quitting method you are using. Have a read of below pinned post I done up last week - knowledge is key to know what is going on when we quit. Wishing you strength, you CAN do this :)

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

How is things now Louiseb17

Louiseb17 profile image
Louiseb172 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Great, I'm on day 25 and the patches are really working! I rarely get cravings and the habit (i.e. Having a smoke after my breakfast) is gone and I don't miss it :)

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Louiseb17

Good to read Louiseb17 , they say it takes 21 days to break a habit. Keep in touch with us :)

Tracey3 profile image
Tracey31 Year Smoke Free

Well isn't it so wonderful, three weeks quit, now in my book, that's a huge celebration, of course our minds and body's need time adjust, that does indeed take a little time, but these feeling are a brief moment in time, and will pass.

Just keep posting and reading.

A huge well done

rose001 profile image
rose0012 Years Smoke Free

Hi Louise I am just 8 days stopped - after numerous attempts, second time using champix, cravings are a lot easier to deal with, but it's my temper and I have zero tolerance, which is def not my character, had to stop taking the evening tablet as it was playing havoc with my sleep, I really really don't want to smoke again as I lost my father, father in law and my mum has lung cancer all due to smoking, just feeling very helpless as I don't know how much more my family can take with my mood swings 😪, anybody any advice

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to rose001

Welcome rose001 and congratulations on Day 8 - I quit cold turkey 17 months ago and joined here and posted on Day 8 too as I was literally pulling my hair out and thought I was cracking up!! :O These feelings are perfectly normal to be going through and will last a few more weeks - your brain has just begun its re-wiring from the damage caused from the smoking and trying to adapt to no longer getting the over 3,000 poisonous chemicals from one smoke. My mental mantra was withdrawal won't kill me but continuing to smoke may very well do so. Explain to your family that this is withdrawal and to give you space to get over this, you WILL and CAN get over this, I promise. Be kind to yourself and don't let anything come in the way of staying smoke free....

Perhaps create a new introductory post and share your story, stay close to us, we have all been through this and some going through the same as you at the moment, there is always someone around here to help :)

rose001 profile image
rose0012 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Thank you Roisin, yesterday was alot better, went to the gym last night to relieve any stress I had and actually came out feeling good - I know I have a long battle ahead of me as I had actually quit for 5 months before and to this day I can't understand why I started again, but this time I am sooo determined x

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to rose001

Great mindset rose001 which will stand to you and is vital in our quits - keep it up and in touch with us :)

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor in reply to rose001

Hi Rose welcome.....Yes, this is the time you must decide to flight or fight...!!!

With the big C so close to you I am sure your family will except the snaps and the mood swings...I am sure they love you and will support you to get rid of this killing habit..! Stay strong !!!!

Use Roisins advice...Join us and Rant here on the Forum...We will understand and you will let steam go...!!!!

rose001 profile image
rose0012 Years Smoke Free in reply to Hercu

Thank you Hercu for your very kind words, we have had it tough past couple of years with lung cancer and copd in both sides of our family and sadly have lost two of the members and one is still fighting lung cancer - so if this does not make more determined to quit I don't know what will and also seeing my children's faces when cancer comes into the conversation - they automatically look at me and that is heartbreaking to know there is something I can actually do to hopefully prevent it .......

Louiseb17 profile image
Louiseb172 Years Smoke Free

Thanks all for the replies :) the intense cravings seem to have passed (and I think I used a lower dose patch yesterday by mistake!) so that may have caused it.. I've never had cravings that bad and I'm so glad it passed.

I will continue to be smoke free.. I have 7 more days until 4 weeks so that's keeping me going

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Louiseb17

Good to read Louiseb17 , was thinking you must have reduced your dose to suddenly get extreme cravings. You can do this, for every day you will get stronger. Stay close and post anytime you need to.

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