Not been on for a while - busy with new job etc - but am REALLY struggling at the moment. Driving to and from work and I swear (I am going mad, I think) that I can smell ciggies from other cars especially on the M40/M25........aaaaaaaaaaaargh!
Struggling.......: Not been on for a while... - No Smoking Day

Wow, that is a tough one. All I can think of is to stock up on sweets for the journey perhaps!!
remember me trying to not become the size of a house as well as stop smoking (although sweets were the answer tonight!).......glutton for punishment! Lol

Hey Iainm342 , good to read an update from you. You will be 6 months quit in just under 4 weeks. In my opinion, I would say with new job, travelling and possibly having too much time to think and maybe the new things is creating an unwanted trigger for you. Stay strong and fight to not fall, you can do it. I recently started college after being made redundant from my 20 year job, I thought about smoking a good bit for the first few weeks at college as the young students all seem to be smoking, I too thought I was going mad and smelling ciggies when I got home!). It will pass, just hang in there
hi Iainm342
you can hold out.its so worth it.
I have been there.had a fag and totally felt very demoralized.the guilt.But the worst thing was the taste.the smell AWFUL.
You can do this. 😁
take care 😊
keep kicking 😎

Hang in there... any kind of change can trigger our desire to fall back into our old habits. Do you like mints or gum? Maybe something like that could help. xo

That has happened too me also! Just think how much better you smell than they do!!!😊 Hang in there!!