The 2nd May, one month, four weeks, one day and eighteen hours ago I stopped smoking.
According to my health software thing I have gained two days and eight hours of extra life.
I keep telling myself the craving will pass. It does, then you do the same each time. The cravings do get less in number. Lately, I am having really strong cravings, the closest I have been to starting again. The one thing that helps me stay on track is the memory of a young man I worked with shortly after I stopped. The sound of this younger man's cough (brought on by smoking) was horrible and reminds me of the time I used to cough. My cough would start when I breathed in deeply, when I laughed for instance. It was embarrassing, and I couldn't speak. The man is twenty years younger than me, and I am now much fitter than him. Since the day I stopped, I can take a deep and sharp lovely breath of air whenever I feel like it without the slightest hint of a cough. I get the aches and pains which come with aging, but I think they are easier to cope with because I don't smoke. When you get a craving, take in a deep breath and remember you might not be able to do that if you start again.