It's been quite a journey!
2 Years and Counting: It's been quite a... - No Smoking Day
2 Years and Counting

Congratulations on 2 years! Totally awesome! That's some stats you got there - 329 g of tar ... ewwwww!
Thank you! Yes, the number of cigarettes avoided is terrible too. Good riddance!
Yeah I noticed that, nearly 22k cigs avoided ... doesn't bare thinking about ... I'm only 7.5k cigs avoided at 16 months quit. I figure you smoked a bit more than me lol

Congratulations kacmins, fantastic achievement! Almost 22000 cigarettes not smoked! Still can't get my head around that.
Radiation avoided is a new one on me, wasn't aware of that particular threat!
Thabj you Nozmo! Yeah, it's a very scary number in just 2 years. And I smoked for 14 years...I didn't see the radiation part mentioned anywhere before (except in the app), but it makes sense and here is an article about it -
Congratulations kacmins two years is awesome

Congratulations 🎉 You are quite an inspiration ❤️

That's awesome 2 years, woohoo way to go. Would you now call yourself a non smoker? Some people say they never loose the urge and prefer ex smoker due to this
Thanks Trem. I definitely wouldn't call my self a non-smoker, in fact I am not one of those people who can't imagine they ever smoked. I wish I were, though! However, I know too much now about smoking to ever maintain a 30/day habit. I rarely have urges nowadays and they are almost exclusively a response to difficult situations.
I also feel like I became a more boring person, but that probably goes hand in hand with other health decisions I made in addition to quitting.
However, there are tons of benefits to quitting that I simply do not think about because I am not bothered by smoke in any shape of form

Yes I'm only 8weeks quit and I smoked for 35 years and the last few was smoking 40 a day

Till I stress out
Jenny, stress was the biggest thing I worried about in the early stages of my quit, but since I quit from the very early stages I have handled stressful situations alot better and more calmly and it has been noticed by my family and friends (there is the exception though of slow computers and stupidity of people, but lots of cursing and banging of anything around me sorts that out

Thank you so much kacmins on sharing such success and inspiration with us. Those stats are remarkable!
It got me thinking about how much of a heavy smoker I was. I am 8 months 2 weeks smoke free and my stats are depressingly already at €3,2687 money saved and 6,538 cigarettes not smoked! All in the past now though

Yes these stats really shake you don't they. How much money we've smoked let alone the harm they've done. Well done on 2 years though.