Nose bleeds: I'm 91 days into my quit and... - No Smoking Day

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Nose bleeds

runmeg profile image
runmeg3 Years Smoke Free
18 Replies

I'm 91 days into my quit and have suddenly started having nosebleeds - in 47 years I have never experienced one and I have now had 2 in the last few days, both heavy and no warning before that they were going g to happen

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runmeg profile image
3 Years Smoke Free
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18 Replies
RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Hey Runmeg, wow! 91 Days is amazing with all you have been really are not having it easy and are remarkable :)

I am not aware of nose bleeds as a withdrawal symptom from quitting but it may not related at all (we tend to blame all that happens to us to giving up!).

Are you taking anything new in medications or vitamins which could be a side effect, also has it happened after you blew your nose, as weak blood vessels may have burst causing the nose bleed or it could be as a result of dry air and bad air conditioning...

I would say perhaps another visit to your GP just for reassurance  (you must be fed up seeing your GP!)   Hope the slipped disc has improved?

I would go and visit your GP runmeg

runmeg profile image
runmeg3 Years Smoke Free

No medication now and due back at work on 19th - if I have another I will visit GP - he may lock his door if he sees me on the list again lol

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to runmeg

:) yeah, good idea, no harm!   

Be very proud of yourself, you are nailing this quit..

FordyP profile image
FordyP3 Years Smoke Free

Runmeg, 91 days is fantastic. Afraid that I have no experience of the nose bleed thingy - as RoisinO1  says may not be connected at all. How is the rest of your quit going? I am on day 50 and day 91 seems a long way off - desperate to get there though! Hope that the back is on the mend

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to FordyP

I promise FordyP  you will hit 100 days in no time

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor in reply to FordyP

Congratulations on 50 days Fordy! It will fly over; think how far you have come since those first couple of weeks.

FordyP profile image
FordyP3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Nozmo

Looking back those first few weeks were a nightmare - not sure how my family put up with me!

runmeg profile image
runmeg3 Years Smoke Free in reply to FordyP

Day 50 is brill and you  will reach 100 a lot quicker than you realise 

Tracey3 profile image
Tracey31 Year Smoke Free

Hy, 91 is a brilliant, isn't it so wonderful to not smell of smoke,  doing fabulous.

Just to add, my daughter who is 30 has nose bleeds when the air pressure changes, I know they can be quite alarming,  it is a good idea to see your gp, if only for your own reassurance.

Looking forward to you 100 day update.

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor

Are you still using the ecig runmeg? Some people report that they can dry your nose out and make it more prone to bleeding. My nose has been a disaster area recently but that's nothing new...been like that on and off for about 20 years. I won't go into details!

Hope it clears up for you but definitely worth having it checked out.

runmeg profile image
runmeg3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Nozmo

Yes still using ecig - so it could be that

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor in reply to runmeg

Not trying to be funny but do you exhale through your nose? I know the PG in the e-liquid absorbs water so that could be drying your nasal passages. Sorry to be gross!

Also, it could be a complete coincidence and caused by something else...just a thought.

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor

Hi Runmeg...   If we look at the recovery on 90 days ( 3 months) your blood flow has recovered 100% the veins might not yet be able to handle the new blood rush. It happened to my wife when she stopped 9 years ago...But best to see a GP_...Strongs!!

stevechelt profile image

When I stopped (switching to an ecig) 3.5 years ago in the first few months I started to suffer from bleeding gums when cleaning my teeth, which I'd hardly ever had before. Your post jogged my memory that I also suffered from a few mild to moderate nose bleeds around 3-6 months after quitting. I'd also never suffered from nose bleeds before and it was a bit concerning. My dentist told me the gum bleeds was due to quitting smoking as my capillary blood flow was adjusting, maybe the nose bleeds had the same cause, as mentioned by Hercu above.

After a few months both symptoms went away and I've not had either type of bleed for a long time.

Even so, best see a GP just to be sure!

runmeg profile image
runmeg3 Years Smoke Free

Had my blood pressure checked and its 157/85 - explains the nose bleeds, back to have it checked again on Friday,  could be high because of the medication I have been one recently, nothing to worry about at the moment

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to runmeg

runmeg  , thats good you got it checked out, thought that the medication you were on for the back could have been a side effect and causing it alright....

By the way, huge congratulations on 3 months smoke free, you are doing so brilliantly with all you had to deal with :)

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Whohoo runmeg ! 100 Days Smoke Free today!

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