7 weeks down: Oddly I find I think about... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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7 weeks down

Canwes profile image
Canwes1000 Days Smoke Free
12 Replies

Oddly I find I think about smoking less but still quite a lot considering it's been 7 weeks. The mental urges/craves are strong so I must simply be stronger. The running is helping take my mind off smoking a little but still that is a very small part of my day. I'm not likely to give into the urges but I'm a little pissed they are still so strong. Here's hoping the next week see this change.

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Canwes profile image
1000 Days Smoke Free
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12 Replies

Hey hi Canwes..

really well done.....is this your first time quit? ..

I have been practicing the art of stopping smoking for quite a few years now...Lol....although this now is my greatest success, not because i am into my 4th month, but because i am happy and content not smoking and even though i still think about the topic of smoking alot, its the first time ever that i have detached myself from the pining and yearning sadness and loss, that always seems to hit me from about week 6 onwards.....there are many stages to work through when removing our dependency...however clever we think we are, our brains are even more clever and just remember this latest brain trickery is just your brains last desparate attemps to get that quick dopamine release that makes it and you feel sooo good, hence why it throws these thoughts at you, they are not cravings at this stage, they are memories/conditioning/triggers.... I got my brain a bit sussed now and when it started throwing dreams at me in week 8, i was ready with my battle plan...its not your real emotions...it is just your brain having a tantrum.....best way to deal with a tantrum...ignore it and then secretly learn to prevent them......:)

Incy_Wincy profile image
Incy_Wincy in reply to nsd_user663_64126

I'm in the same boat, Melli - being 'detached' at long last is a really good way of putting it. I've given up nine hundred thousand times, give or take, and am also 4 months-odd in :)

I like your tantrum technique, too!

Canwes profile image
Canwes1000 Days Smoke Free

Hey hi Canwes..

really well done.....is this your first time quit? ..

I have been practicing the art of stopping smoking for quite a few years now...Lol....although this now is my greatest success, not because i am into my 4th month, but because i am happy and content not smoking and even though i still think about the topic of smoking alot, its the first time ever that i have detached myself from the pining and yearning sadness and loss, that always seems to hit me from about week 6 onwards.....there are many stages to work through when removing our dependency...however clever we think we are, our brains are even more clever and just remember this latest brain trickery is just your brains last desparate attemps to get that quick dopamine release that makes it and you feel sooo good, hence why it throws these thoughts at you, they are not cravings at this stage, they are memories/conditioning/triggers.... I got my brain a bit sussed now and when it started throwing dreams at me in week 8, i was ready with my battle plan...its not your real emotions...it is just your brain having a tantrum.....best way to deal with a tantrum...ignore it and then secretly learn to prevent them......:)

I've tried before but secretly started again, hiding it from friends and family. That sucked because I'd find any excuse possible to get some alone time, drive here, need to pick up something, going to the bank, need to fill up on gas, any excuse. Probably doubled the cost of smoking alone since then I'd need to find clever ways to freshen my breath, gum, candies, cough drops, oranges, pickles etc. lol. I hope to never fall into that cycle again.

Incy_Wincy profile image
Incy_Wincy in reply to Canwes

Gosh yes, I secretly started again on about half my nine-hundred quits...it is hideous. We won't fall into it again, Canwes, because this time we've got each other, and all those other clever people like Melli and Walkabout to keep us on the straight and narrow :)

Be strong, keep slapping the thoughts away and remind yourself that NOW you are winning, you are doing what you set out to do. The nicoteenager is sulking and trying its best to sucker you back in, but you're stronger than that!

nsd_user663_64126 profile image
nsd_user663_64126 in reply to Canwes

Haha...secret smoking after stopping.....im very familiar with that one...lol....i was once hiding around the side of the house having a sneaky fag with my friend but ...unbeknown to me, my small daughter from inside could see the back of my reflection in the glass door and asked..."mummy, why does it look like there is smoke coming from out of your head???"....the same daughter aged 14 also said...mum you dont have to keep disappearing...i do know you smoke, its a bit obvious...no one needs the loo that many times....lol :)

Incy_Wincy profile image
Incy_Wincy in reply to Canwes

Our 'secrets' are never really secret from our children, I think!

Well done Canwes, and reading your post above in response to Melli, those tricks and twists and turns we develop and sustain to keep the secret smoking hidden, but they also apply when we are an open smoker. Your list above, candles, cough sweets etc makes me smile. the craziness of it. A friend was hanging out of his window (ground floor!) during winter months to keep the whiff away from his children who were challenging him to stop. And one night it hit how ridiculous this must look, sat on a kitchen surface, half hanging out of a window into zero temps. They stopped soon after, plus they disliked deceiving their children.

AnnMarie74 profile image

You're doing really great Canwes,

Keep talking about it. I get a bit wobbly when I stop sharing. Soon I think all old triggers will be replaced and we will forget but for now any craves are better than smoking and hating that you do me thinks 😜

Hi canwes,

I totally know where you are coming from. I am also 7 weeks in, and still wanting to smoke. I find it really ffrustrating that i am still struggling i expected it to be getting easier. Also like others who have replied i have failed in the past at giving up, last attempt was 4 months, so also have that worry hanging over my head. The other weird thing is, wondering if anyone elsefeels the same, i dont seem to even be able to be proud, pleased, or any positive emotion aboutwhat ihave acheived.

It's going to be uncomfortable for a while longer, its said that 3 months is when the cravings "phase" ends.

Just stick it out, view it as an illness that will get better.

Stay strong

Ha ha so funny to read the replies here about secretly starting again ........ I quit for 8 years in 2004 and then started again and have been quit since 5 June ....... i too used to go anywhere to get a smoke and also like you say mints gum etc cost twice as much ....... and also so much harder not to be able to talk about with those closest to me and more so not be proud with them ...... they did however know but chose to ignore it - my youngest son who is 10 said this week he knows i am not smoking as I dont smell anymore and also I have stopped coughing so much - blimey scary what they notice ........ well this time I must get this done forever - I feel I am missing it but dont know that I am - think i am being tricked my mr nicotine and I WILL NOT ALLOW HIM IN.....

it was 6 weeks Friday just gone and i feel proud - good luck everyone stay strong x

Great post shazbog - keep that door locked!

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