Three Years Today: Three years ago, I quit... - No Smoking Day

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Three Years Today

12 Replies

Three years ago, I quit smoking. It was one of the longest days of my life, as I began my war with Nic - determined that I would win. It wasn't easy. It was damned difficult. Hour after hour, urge after urge, I fought my evil adversary. I came to this board often, I read, I posted, I whined, I laughed, I cried. The only thing I didn't do was smoke a cigarette.

It took a while, but eventually, a day turned into a week - and I celebrated. A week turned into a month - and I celebrated. A month turned into three months - and I celebrated. Three months turned into a year - and I celebrated. One year turned into two - and I celebrated. And now, today, that first day has turned into THREE YEARS since I stopped smoking cigarettes.

I still have my quit meter running. It tells me that as of today, in those three years, I have would have smoked 21,910 cigarettes. I would have spent $6,070US for them. But I did not.

Wanna know how I did it? Wanna know my secret? It's nothing profound.

I quit one urge at a time. Time after time after time after time after time, until 1,095 days have passed.

Before this quit, I had tried and failed many times. This time, I was simply and completely fed up with the habit and with myself for being Nic's slave. I was spent. I was at rock bottom. I knew I had a single choice to make: quit, or smoke for the rest of my life.

I quit.

I post this today to offer my story as a bit of encouragement for all of you who struggle in your quits. I'm here to tell you I rarely even think of smoking a cigarette, I never have a crave, and I finally am giving myself permission to consider my quit a success, while being ever mindful that if I ever choose to have just one, I'll be a full-time smoker again in a day or two. My experience can be your experience as well - it simply takes time and commitment.

A year ago, I met a woman and began a new relationship. We now live together. Here's the kicker - she smokes cigarettes. Not a lot - maybe 4-5 a day and always outdoors, but she has them around. She's working up the courage to quit for good, but for right now, she still smokes. I know I'm successful because I see those cigarettes, I smell the smoke, and nothing happens. I get no urges.

I wish you all the luck in the world, and the strength to succeed in your quit. Thanks to all who've helped me along the way; my debt to you is immeasurable. To those whom I've not yet met - be well, and be smoke free. There's nothing like it in the world!

12 Replies
AnnMarie74 profile image

Hello DGee

Congratulations on 3 years! I have started using the forum in week 2 of my latest quit and the messages from successful quitters are more powerful than I imagined they could be. Day 20 today and feeling good. Thanks so much for supporting us by sharing x Keep celebrating x

Massive UAUUUUUU! Fantastic archivement! Will I ever be able to post that myself? :) Well done!

Great post DGee, so good to read about your success and that life is treating you well. As you say it really does get easier. Life is certainly better without being a slave to a habit that will either kill you or seriously impact on your life.

I am also 3 years plus in my quit and so much happier. Stopping smoking is the best thing I could ever have done. Stopping certainly is not easy, I found that taking one day at a time helped. I still don't ever think about never smoking again, if I don't smoke today and if I don't smoke tomorrow that is all that matters.

DGee, thank you so very much for writing this today, it gave me the boost I so desperately needed on Day 13 of my quit, a really hard day somewhat, I am not sure why. I have been feeling really blue lately, especially mid-day. And to hear your story has helped me -- right spot, right time. Thank you so much.

And congratulations for your 3 years (and for yours, Aitch!).

Incy_Wincy profile image
Incy_Wincy in reply to nsd_user663_63782

How's it going today Alma? xx

I loved your story too, DGee - that's what we're all working for :D Congrats to all successful quitters!

Thanks for the great post

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Now that is a brilliant post! Many congrats on your three years qut! Totally amazing! X

A great story. A wonderful example for us all.

Thanks for posting its so encouraging for us new quitters it proves it can be done

Thank you everybody. Best of luck with your quits. You can do it!!!

Well done DGee!! To be honest, I thought you had quit for even longer, but great to see you have three years behind you (I completed four years last November). In any case, it sounds like smoking is well and truly a thing of the past for you now. Congratulations!!

Great to read this, still a few weeks in, thank you for sharing.... a very BIG well done!

Hope I can join you in time :)

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