The benefits of not smoking: Having quit a 2... - No Smoking Day

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The benefits of not smoking

itsanewdaywohoo profile image
40 Replies

Having quit a 26 year habit about 3 months ago I was reminiscing over the benefits I have enjoyed and thought they might be a good incentive for new quitters - others could maybe add the benefits they have found from quitting the nicodemon, here's my start;

- I smell better and so do my clothes

- my house, car and office smell heaps better

- I have more breath and clearer breathing

- I leave the house without having my pockets stuffed full of ciggies/lighters etc

- my fingers and teeth are no longer stained yellow

- my hands and breath no longer stink of cigarettes

- my garden it no longer littered with stinking buts

- the ceilings and walls are nice and white and staying that way

- I don't have to empty stinking ashtrays

- I am no longer a slave to my addiction

- I am free to enjoy a 2 or 3 hour movie (or whatever) without having the nag to go outside for a smoke

- I don't have to feel guilty about subjecting others to my smoke/smell

- I don't have to stand in the cold/hot/rain/wind to smoke and lose my seat in the pub/room where ever !

- the carpet is not constantly covered in a fine layer of tobacco (I rolled my own)

- my pockets are not constantly lined with tobacco

- I don't have to worry about running out of ciggies/filters/papers etc

- I don't need ciggies to enjoy a drink or coffee

- food tastes better and the taste lasts longer

- I never cough in the morning anymore

- I don't worry about the fact that I am killing myself anymore

- I am proud of my own newly-discovered self control

- people no longer pity or shun me because of my addiction/smell

- I am saving HEAPS of money

- I don't have to worry about my lighter running out and having back ups everywhere

- I don't have to clean the inside of my house or car windows or curtains as often

- I don't burn holes in my clothes, furnishings or carpet any more

- I don't burn my fingers any more

- my family and friends are proud of me for quitting

- I am proud of me for quitting!

- I don't have to worry about getting duty free ciggies when I travel or constantly ask friends to do the same

- I don't care that they put the price of ciggies up and hide them in the shops, or use plain packaging

- I don't have to worry about starting fires with my discarded buts

- I don't have to feel guilty for littering wherever I go with my discarded buts

- my friends and family don't have to worry that I am killing myself with cigarettes like granddad did

OK people, that's all I can think of right now - please add your own, there must be tons more :)

Written by
itsanewdaywohoo profile image
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40 Replies
nsd_user663_61170 profile image

Brilliant just what I needed to kick start another day of being a non smoker, thankyou my friend:D

nsd_user663_2402 profile image

Congratulations on reaching 3 months.

This is a good list of reasons to remain a non smoker ! :)

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Damn good post Itsy, my quit buddy :D

I can so identify with your list of benefits. I was a fellow roll-up smoker. I so don't miss the fine film of tobacco everywhere (didn't seem to matter how often I swept up) and the stained fingers.

Nearly Day 100 already!! Well done mate and hope the back isn't too painful today. :)

nsd_user663_59644 profile image

Wow, soooooo many good reasons to quit, and yet I cannot find one reason to smoke, great thread.

Well done on your quit:):):)

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

5* post ;) I'm going to try writing down all the reasons too, as above I can't think of one reason to smoke?

nsd_user663_61627 profile image

Congratulations man, great inspiration!

nsd_user663_52535 profile image

Brill post

I would just have to add

Love reading to my grandsons their favourite book 'The Gruffalo' (with sounds!!) and knowing I smell nice!

Fi x

__steve__ profile image

Once again you inspire!

Legend :)


itsanewdaywohoo profile image

Hello friends, a couple more benefits that I thought of that I'm particularly happy with;

- my resting heart rate has dropped by 12 to 15 beats per minute

- my blood pressure has dropped approx 10mm Hg for each systolic and diastolic.

- I have extended my life significantly and am gaining an extra month of life for every year I don't smoke

- I am saving $12,000 NZ dollars per year (approx 6000 GBP, or $10,000 USD) this means I can retire 3 years earlier than if I were still smoking or buy a mortgage-free holiday home by the beach when I retire, or a nice yacht perhaps.... :)

- giving back by helping new quitters with my story and advice makes me feel good

Strength to all, never another puff !!

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Nice reasons Itsy :D

How are you doing at the moment? How is your back and have there been any significant developments in relation to your love interests? :)

itsanewdaywohoo profile image

Hiya buddy, quit is going great, back is awful and dating efforts have resulted in an official new relationship :) - details in my main post,

best wishes,


nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Excellent :)

Bummer :(

Excellent :D

Will read main post now! :)

itsanewdaywohoo profile image


I really like this list and the idea that people can add their own benefits to it, disappointing it wasn't made sticky....

nsd_user663_5031 profile image

I agree with all these reasons. Can't wait to be a non smoker again tomorrow :-)

itsanewdaywohoo profile image

bumpity bump

nsd_user663_62083 profile image

Lol at the above, though this is not your way of attracting women ha

nsd_user663_3784 profile image

please, if you see spam just report it don't reply to it or discuss it.

I've just had to delete 3 posts instead of one as a result.......:rolleyes:

EDIT: make that 4 posts :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_3784 profile image

Don't be quite such an old stick in the mud Mod 3 ;)

Discussing spam and kicking spam around can be quite satisfying :)

yeah I should probably have just left your reply hanging there looking daft and making the thread disjointed :rolleyes:

Can someone explain to me why we can't talk about what we can't talk about please :)

I deleted some spam which Max had replied to, I then had to remove his relpy so that the thread didn't go off at a tangent, then your reply and his and now it has one off at a tangent :rolleyes:

__steve__ profile image

yeah I should probably have just left your reply hanging there looking daft and making the thread disjointed :rolleyes:

That's how Max's replies always look, so it wouldn't have made any difference :D

nsd_user663_3784 profile image

Well lets hope that the OP doesn't care too much about their thread anymore ;)

__steve__ profile image

What is an OP? :)

The "Original Poster".

The thread starter. Itsy.

nsd_user663_61573 profile image

I went to the hospital yesterday to see the specialist about my hand and as always when going through your details/history they always ask "do you smoke?"

To which I replied, "well I used to until 3 months ago" ..felt good to say that:)

The doctor then said "well done you'll be a non smoker then!".

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

I went to the hospital yesterday to see the specialist about my hand and as always when going through your details/history they always ask "do you smoke?"

To which I replied, "well I used to until 3 months ago" ..felt good to say that:)

The doctor then said "well done you'll be a non smoker then!".

Yes, that's a particularly smug moment isn't it? I was well chuffed when I last visited my dentist that there's no longer an 'alert' on my computerised record (as there used to be when I was a smoker). :)

itsanewdaywohoo profile image

Heh wassup everyone, OP here :)

turn my back for a moments and seems I missed out on some quality spam, damned mods :p:p

quick to act on that, not so quick to make this post a sticky - which I still think it deserves !


on the point of a doc calling you a non-smoker, a friend of mine was recently highly pissed off when his health insurance company refused to register him as a non smoker after 18 months smoke free - they said their limit was 2 years!

BTW - that's a new benefit - cheaper health insurance after 2 years of no smoking!

have a good weekend all :cool:

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

And you Itsy :)

Always lovely to hear from you.

nsd_user663_2096 profile image

I love the fact that I have an extra 30 mins free time in my day now as I had to roll a tin of 30 roll ups every day as I couldn't hand roll them!

Also I won't have to worry myself to death when I go on holiday as I have 3 12hr flights to deal with! :cool::cool:


nsd_user663_59305 profile image

I love the fact that I have an extra 30 mins free time in my day now as I had to roll a tin of 30 roll ups every day as I couldn't hand roll them!

Also I won't have to worry myself to death when I go on holiday as I have 3 12hr flights to deal with! :cool::cool:


Hi Bev, not only are you gaining 30 minutes not rolling, you're saving time spent smoking them too :cool:

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Well worth the bump Itsy and I agree with you it should definitely be a sticky :)

nsd_user663_2096 profile image


I m going to Hong Kong and then Mauritius in August.

Can't wait and the 3 people I am going with don't smoke.


itsanewdaywohoo profile image

Good point guys and reminds me that we will ;

NEVER have to go into one of those nasty stinking smokers rooms at an airport EVER again, with yellow walls and sticky seats full of pale, sickly smokers coughing their lungs out - yuk!!

can't believe I used to be happy to see one of those after a long flight.....

hahahahaha :)

nsd_user663_40405 profile image

NEVER have to go into one of those nasty stinking smokers rooms at an airport EVER again, with yellow walls and sticky seats full of pale, sickly smokers coughing their lungs out - yuk!!

Reading this reminds me of the last one I was in and it sounds spot on, although at the time I didn't bat an eyelid thinking back now and looking at it from another way it's depressive, it really is, pale stinky wall matching the smokers faces drilling the life out of a chain smoked fag knowing their flights calling, just a all round murky depressive situation.

(I'm pulling a face thinking about it as I type) :mad::mad::mad:

itsanewdaywohoo profile image

bump - I'm back and still smelling sweet :) almost a year !

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

YAAAY- Itsy- I thought we'd lost you mate! Welcome back! Nearly home now- you'll be sailing through those Penthouse gates exactly 24 hours before me. SO glad you're still going strong.

How is your back? How is your love-life?? ;)

Do tell alll...:)

nsd_user663_63126 profile image

Congratulations man, great inspiration!



itsanewdaywohoo profile image

Bump - I just love the list at the beginning of this thread and even though its been well over a year - it still gives me great joy....

My ticker today; Itsanewday - Free and Healing for One Year, Two Months, Three Days and 4 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 35 Days and 20 Hours, by avoiding the use of 10320 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $10,504.61.

Best wishes to all those struggling ! (BTW that is over 5000 British pounds!)

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Blooming heck Itsy that's some dosh you've saved! What are you going to spend it on? :) xx

itsanewdaywohoo profile image

Hiya Karri and Donna, welcome back to the quit Karri - let this be your last one, don't attempt to quit, just quit ! And all the money I am saving is going towards my trip - I want to take two years off, rent out my house and ride my adventure motorbike around the world. Was aiming to leave this July but I am still battling the recovery from my spinal fusion and it's not looking like July is going to happen. I might try leaving around November and changing my route to starting in Argentina instead of Australia (reversing the loop to suit the season's).

Here's a wee pick of me before the back operation doing a practise run around NZ.....

itsanewdaywohoo profile image

bump - I really like this list, it helped me and hope it is helpful to others :)

Wow thanks for the bump - great post!

How is your quit going?

itsanewdaywohoo profile image

Hi Sami, thanks for the feedback, glad you liked the list of benefits - feel free to add to the list! I am happy to say that I am still enjoying the benefits of living a smoke free life, I blogged my whole quit in one post if you're interested (it's a bit of a read);

I'm at well over one and a half years and ciggies rarely cross my mine, I was successful first time trying but had all the tools I could find lined up and timed perfectly to get it done first go, so glad I did, apart from all the health benefits I have saved almost $15,000 (NZ), that's around 7000 English pounds!

Best wishes to you for your quit and to all those that are struggling - hang in there!

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