Day 8: Changed rooms again!! Not feeling... - No Smoking Day

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Day 8

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
33 Replies

Changed rooms again!!

Not feeling much yay though, back to work and the stress is giving me the craves.

Will keep plodding on though and hopefuly not murder anyone

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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33 Replies
nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Hi Gemma, well done finishing week one poppet, I knew you would. I'm sorry I haven't been around for a couple of days but I did check a couple of times to make sure you were ok.

I'm sorry you're finding it a little more difficult today. It's all about learning and I just know that you'll hang in there until work feels ok again, then that'll be another hurdle smashed to smithereens :D

I'm so proud of you Gemma, you're doing such an amazing thing as is everyone on here. It's so good to have you back on the freedom road. Things will look up in no time just have faith, we all certainly have faith in you :)

nsd_user663_61153 profile image

Changed rooms again!!

Not feeling much yay though, back to work and the stress is giving me the craves.

Will keep plodding on though and hopefuly not murder anyone

Plodding is good Gemma and you are doing well so just keep plodding :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Gemma, well done finishing week one poppet, I knew you would. I'm sorry I haven't been around for a couple of days but I did check a couple of times to make sure you were ok.

I'm sorry you're finding it a little more difficult today. It's all about learning and I just know that you'll hang in there until work feels ok again, then that'll be another hurdle smashed to smithereens :D

I'm so proud of you Gemma, you're doing such an amazing thing as is everyone on here. It's so good to have you back on the freedom road. Things will look up in no time just have faith, we all certainly have faith in you :)

THanks Molly,

I hope I can do it but today I really don't know.


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Lol, welcome to Week 2 pickle!

Ok, so you're not feeling particularly wave-your-knickers-in-the-air but hell, who does when it's Monday morning at work???!!!

One foot in front of the other, lots of water to sip and Sarah's frying pan to hand to play whack-an-oik when he sticks his head out from behind your monitor ;)

Crack on hon, we're right behind you :)

Thanks hun, it's not just not knicker waving, I'm craving all the time, trying not to lose my temper and all I want to do is go home and cry. A lot.

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

THanks Molly,

I hope I can do it but today I really don't know.


Thanks hun, it's not just not knicker waving, I'm craving all the time, trying not to lose my temper and all I want to do is go home and cry. A lot.

Hang in there Gemma, just keep telling yourself that you only have to get to 5pm and that will be your first work day done. Tomorrow will be easier, I promise. Take it 10 minutes at a time. Do you have your tangle with you? Are you drinking enough water? Can you get up from your desk and go for a walk for 5 minutes.

We're all here with you petal, keep posting, keep fighting, you CAN do this.

I'm sending you the biggest virtual hug (Nutmeg calls them bozies you know)

and some kick a-s-s vibes.

Molly x

nsd_user663_61248 profile image

Changed rooms again!!

Not feeling much yay though, back to work and the stress is giving me the craves.

Will keep plodding on though and hopefuly not murder anyone

Hi Gemma

Well done for keeping on keeping on. I'm with you, Mondays suck, and it is the most crave inducing day of the week. Keep strong and try to not murder anyone, it can be terribly messy :)


nsd_user663_61170 profile image

Hi Gemma,

I tell myself I will have one in an hour, when the hours up the craving has weakened

hope this helps even just a little bit.

Good luck

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hang in there Gemma, just keep telling yourself that you only have to get to 5pm and that will be your first work day done. Tomorrow will be easier, I promise. Take it 10 minutes at a time. Do you have your tangle with you? Are you drinking enough water? Can you get up from your desk and go for a walk for 5 minutes.

We're all here with you petal, keep posting, keep fighting, you CAN do this.

I'm sending you the biggest virtual hug (Nutmeg calls them bozies you know)

and some kick a-s-s vibes.

Molly x

Thanks hun, I really am fighting it but it's so hard. Guess the first week spoiled me a bit 'cos i felt too poo to crave as much?

Not it's really hitting me though.

Think I've got my Tangle somewhere :)

(((hugs))) xx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Gemma

Well done for keeping on keeping on. I'm with you, Mondays suck, and it is the most crave inducing day of the week. Keep strong and try to not murder anyone, it can be terribly messy :)


Lol, yeah it wouldn't look good - but my boss might end up witha pen in his neck before long :p

Thanks :)

Hi Gemma,

I tell myself I will have one in an hour, when the hours up the craving has weakened

hope this helps even just a little bit.

Good luck


That's a good tip, I'll definitely do that!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Come on pickle, you CAN do this! This time last year you had nearly two months behind you and were bouncing round like a loon, encouraging us poor terrified souls who were just setting out.

We KNOW it's rotten and foul and horrible, we KNOW that feeling of I-just-want-it-to-end, but we also KNOW that it WILL END! It WILL go away, you just have to hang on, grit your teeth, put your head down and charge on through it. You're not alone sweetpea, we all stand with you, so get away from your death, have a damn good howl, take a load of deep breaths and then crack on - you CAN, I repeat CAN do this!

Thanks hun :) I really appreciate it!!

It's a huge shock after last week being not too bad for a week one, and thanks for your email too

Think I need dragging through this :eek:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I will drag you Gem. Try sitting there and false yourself to laugh try now go HA HA HA HA that releases happy hormones and makes you feel better. You might look abit odd buts its better than smoking xx

THanks hunny, I'll do my best!! And yay for dragging xxx

nsd_user663_61170 profile image

Hi Gemma,

I tell myself I will have one in an hour, when the hours up the craving has weakened

hope this helps even just a little bit.

Good luck

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Come on Gem you can do this :)Don't give them craves any hope or they will torment you to smoke,,,and then you will be upset with yourself for breaking your quit and having to go back to day 1.

Your having a tough day today,but tomorrow could be the complete opposite.

Hang on in there...keep saying NO!!!

Drink water

Brush teeth

Eat nuts

Chew gum

Write your feelings and motivations down.

You can get through today without smoking.

I felt like you yesterday,but today so busy so not so bad...


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Gemma,

I tell myself I will have one in an hour, when the hours up the craving has weakened

hope this helps even just a little bit.

Good luck

It does, thanks!! Got to make sure not to ask the other girls for a fag though :eek:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Come on Gem you can do this :)Don't give them craves any hope or they will torment you to smoke,,,and then you will be upset with yourself for breaking your quit and having to go back to day 1.

Your having a tough day today,but tomorrow could be the complete opposite.

Hang on in there...keep saying NO!!!

Drink water

Brush teeth

Eat nuts

Chew gum

Write your feelings and motivations down.

You can get through today without smoking.

I felt like you yesterday,but today so busy so not so bad...



Am guessing because my work day was so tied up with smoking - routine really it's going to b a huge shock not smoking now. It's not that I want to smoke, just struggling not to.

Thanks heaps for the tips, and glad you're on the up today hun :) xxx

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

I know exactly how you feel,been there hundreds of times.But this is just another obstacle to overcome and if you can get through today at work you won't even think of them girls going out for a "stinky cancer causing fag":D

You can do this and you are......:D good days bad days.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I know exactly how you feel,been there hundreds of times.But this is just another obstacle to overcome and if you can get through today at work you won't even think of them girls going out for a "stinky cancer causing fag":D

You can do this and you are......:D good days bad days.

Yay we'll do it, am feeling a lot better now - herbal stuff, this place and a gobfull of Nicorette :eek:

Well, the good bit is that this time I really do see fags as nasty, stinky things - which is a serious plus!!

nsd_user663_60839 profile image

keep on swimming swim swim swimming lol


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You must have rotten guts all that stuff you are taking lol. Glad you are feeling better Bet oops sorry meant Gem xxx

Lol I probably will have!!

The Extra has rather nasty side effects :eek:

And hey I'm not Bet!! xxx

keep on swimming swim swim swimming lol


I will hun xxx

nsd_user663_61094 profile image

Keep going Gemma :D. You are winning this battle slowly but surely :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Keep going Gemma :D. You are winning this battle slowly but surely :)

Thanks Linda, I'm getting there slowly!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Have made a massive dent in my stock of Extra, have got a headache and am tired but no fags!!

Kat, thanks heaps hun and thanks everyone!! xxx

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Good girl :)You know we have to go through this discomfort to come out the other side ex smokers.

Millions have done it before us,so we can too......:D

nsd_user663_61235 profile image


Welcome to week two. It might not feel great right now to you because of the Nicdemon whispering blasphemies in your ear, but trust me once the craving stops you will look back and realize this is the BEST decision you could have done for yourself. :D

I can understand that you want to lash out and kill somebody from time to time. I was going through the same thing on Day 3 or 4. Try to resist, but if you do, make sure to have fun doing it. Remember, you can't spell slaughter without laughter. LOL :p (They should have a blue tongue sticking smiley. I'm a guy, dammit! haha)

You're doing great, Gemma. Keep on fighting.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Good girl :)You know we have to go through this discomfort to come out the other side ex smokers.

Millions have done it before us,so we can too......:D

Thanks hun :)

Yeah it's not fun but it will be soooo worth it!!

Getting my bounce back now!!


Welcome to week two. It might not feel great right now to you because of the Nicdemon whispering blasphemies in your ear, but trust me once the craving stops you will look back and realize this is the BEST decision you could have done for yourself. :D

I can understand that you want to lash out and kill somebody from time to time. I was going through the same thing on Day 3 or 4. Try to resist, but if you do, make sure to have fun doing it. Remember, you can't spell slaughter without laughter. LOL :p (They should have a blue tongue sticking smiley. I'm a guy, dammit! haha)

You're doing great, Gemma. Keep on fighting.

Oh LOL that did make me laugh!!

Know it's the Nicodemon lying to me, and he can take a running jump!!

Thanks :D

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

So happy to have followed this thread through to its end. Nice to see you bouncing back sweetie pie, well done!

I think, like you said, you were a little spoiled in your first week. Those first few days we spend sort of running on adrenaline reserves and the thought that we're doing something great. Once reality sets in we're fighting the battle without the extra ooomph we may have had before. Then crappy work gets us wound up and the tiredness and mood swings make us lose confidence.

However, the more craves you fight the bouncer you bounce back! :D

Welcome to week two, you're doing fab!


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

So happy to have followed this thread through to its end. Nice to see you bouncing back sweetie pie, well done!

I think, like you said, you were a little spoiled in your first week. Those first few days we spend sort of running on adrenaline reserves and the thought that we're doing something great. Once reality sets in we're fighting the battle without the extra ooomph we may have had before. Then crappy work gets us wound up and the tiredness and mood swings make us lose confidence.

However, the more craves you fight the bouncer you bounce back! :D

Welcome to week two, you're doing fab!


Aww thanks hun :)

Yeah it did sort of give me a false sense of security, then *bang* it was rough today!! But I'm feling heaps better now - just started chewing some Nicorette and haven't had any in hours which is pretty good, did have 2 packs of Extra though!! Glad i bought that huge box, lol

Oooh and yes, it is when the first bit of shine comes off *and* work - proper bad time!!

Flipping heck my heart's racing like mad now :eek:


nsd_user663_29008 profile image

Gemma - your doing so well - really good on you :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Aww thanks!! :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Soooo glad today's nearly over!!

Big thankyou to the nice people on here who helped :) I really appreciate it

nsd_user663_61233 profile image

Gemma - I so wish I'd ditched the fags at your age. You're rocking girl. You CAN and WILL do this. Look back in a couple of years and be so HAPPY you got out of this evil addiction xxxxx

__steve__ profile image

Yo! Been really busy today...but had to drop by and say:


You have SO earned your victory today. Well done.


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma - I so wish I'd ditched the fags at your age. You're rocking girl. You CAN and WILL do this. Look back in a couple of years and be so HAPPY you got out of this evil addiction xxxxx

YAY thankyou :)

It's fab that we've all decided to stop - and this is going to be *it* for all of us!!

Yo! Been really busy today...but had to drop by and say:


You have SO earned your victory today. Well done.


Woohoo :D :D

Sooooo glad I didn't cave!!

Lol how many seconds is it now?

Not what you're looking for?

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