Day 6 - £65 richer, 160 fags not smoked :o - No Smoking Day

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Day 6 - £65 richer, 160 fags not smoked :o

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
13 Replies

Here I am, with all the fab Day 6'ers soo close to a week free of the stinky fags, it's amazing!!

Well, I still feel rather fluey, it's not exactly pleasant but it is improving!! Should be back to normal soon :D

The craves are still there, and when I've not had any extra NRT for a while do feel it, but that's to be expected really, the patches are doing their job mostly though so that's OK!!

Am pleased with myself 'cos I went 4 hours last night without any gum, despite having a couple of glasses of wine, and although it was sicky towards the end it was surprisingly manageable!! From someone who would have smoked a load of fags in the same time, that's pretty damn good IMO :D

So, Day 6, let's do this :D

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Gemma-lou12 £65 is better in your pocket than the fag companys profit books well done. The patches are great it is what i used for my quit at the very beginning.

Oooh definitely!!

It's a ridiculous amount of money to spend - didn't mind when I smoked less and liked it but looking back now it's a total waste of my hard-earned!!

Oooh and the local Co Op is going to go broke :p

The patches really are doing their thing, and it's great :D

Masive well done to you as well :D :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Went to Lidl (no fag counter YAY) first thing, and got there earlier 'cos I wasn't stood on the drive smoking before we left, was stressy and did get cravey in there but then didn't "need" to stand in the car park and smoke *again* before driving home - woohoo :D

And in there, their bakery smells soooo yummy, way better than before.

Had an eek moment though 'cos there was a couple doing their shopping who really *stank* of fags - makes me feel ick that this time last week I probably did too :(

Gem nearly a whole week. You are coming out the other side with the physical pain just the mental side to deal with. You are dealing with one day at a time and its working. So pleased for you your a star xx

It's amazing how fast it's gone!!

My tongue hurts, the cough is coming and going and I feel exhausted but it feels good in a way? Like I'm really doing a good thing for myself!!

Thanks hun, it's not always fun but it's worth it.

Am craving now but no way will the stinky git win :D xxx

nsd_user663_61228 profile image

My tongue hurts too! Well just sort of sensitive and everything feels too sharp and I had some tomato sauce yesterday that was a bit stingy lol - does that even make sense?!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

My tongue hurts too! Well just sort of sensitive and everything feels too sharp and I had some tomato sauce yesterday that was a bit stingy lol - does that even make sense?!

Awww it makes total sense!!

Hope it clears for you :)

It's like everything is super -sensitive at the mo :eek:

Still, it's the healing process

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Just been and took my car for a run 'cos I haven't used it for nearly a week and dad came with me - he is *not* a restful passenger but I coped without any extra NRT or losing the plot WOOHOO :D :D

Need some now though :eek:

But that's good progress!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Cracking on there kiddo, keep on keeping on!:D:D

You're doing sooooo well and I'm still in awe of you taking on Week 1 whilst at home - if I hadn't had work to help keep the clock's hands moving at more than a snail's pace I think there would have either been murder done or I'd have been sectioned!

It's really great to see you pressing on through these foul early days and I'm already seeing big echoes of the positive, bubbly, determined girl I met when I got here this time last year.

And that's a whole lot of dosh hon, what retail therapy do you have planned for that bundle (and does it involve pink/animal print/sparkly things?:p:D)

Ooh thanks hun :)

Well being at home wasn't really through choice, am a lot better now but my brain was shot to bits, and quitting made me feel so c**p that I'd have made a total mess up if I'd been working!! Managed to keep my mind busy with games and being on here though so it wasn't too bad!!

And I didn't kill anyone :p

Think this time because it's 100% for me, no other distractions, this is really the one!! And it's the first time I smoked and really didn't enjoy it - always did to some extent before which made quitting rather tricky :eek:

Now I know it's foul and have got a record of that (thanks for the tip) it should help me stay quit :D

Oooh and yes!!

Think I'm going to have a proper girly shopping spree, they're going to run out of pink sparkly stuff by the time I'm finished :p

*still sore you laughed at my bag* :p

nsd_user663_61248 profile image

Here I am, with all the fab Day 6'ers soo close to a week free of the stinky fags, it's amazing!!

Well, I still feel rather fluey, it's not exactly pleasant but it is improving!! Should be back to normal soon :D

The craves are still there, and when I've not had any extra NRT for a while do feel it, but that's to be expected really, the patches are doing their job mostly though so that's OK!!

Am pleased with myself 'cos I went 4 hours last night without any gum, despite having a couple of glasses of wine, and although it was sicky towards the end it was surprisingly manageable!! From someone who would have smoked a load of fags in the same time, that's pretty damn good IMO :D

So, Day 6, let's do this :D

Well done you :)

Passing the booze test is always a challenge, but you got through with no problems, makes you really think just how much of this is just having the right mental attitude to situations. I have people round tonight who smoke, and it will be a boozy evening, but I'm determined not to smoke.

Hope you find something nice to spend all that extra cash on, it really is quite shocking how much we blow on fags!

Keep on going :)


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well done you :)

Passing the booze test is always a challenge, but you got through with no problems, makes you really think just how much of this is just having the right mental attitude to situations. I have people round tonight who smoke, and it will be a boozy evening, but I'm determined not to smoke.

Hope you find something nice to spend all that extra cash on, it really is quite shocking how much we blow on fags!

Keep on going :)


Aww thanks Jim :)

It's good to know I can drink without going mad for a fag, that's a lot better than my last quit so I'm thrilled!! Going to give it a week or so before I go out drinking though 'cos some of my friends smoke and I don't want to run the risk :eek: or end up with a straw shoved in my face like last time :p

Think I'll have a browse online over the weekend, get myself some lovely bargains :D :D

Well done to you as well :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Everything is lined up perfectly Gemma :D

The planets are aligned,Kat's ducks are in a row,The cows in the field are all facing South,all of my digits are crossed....Gemma Lou is breaking out at last,not down the dead end that she sadly took last time with the ECig but along the highway brightly lit with markers left behind by myself and Kat and those that love you :D:D 'cos we will be so overjoyed when you do this sweetheart!!!

Remember take one day at a time,keep upbeat,feel a swelling sense of pride as the Evil Nicdemon loses his sweaty yellow grip on you!!!! And he is losing his grip,I can see the panic in his bloodshot foul yellow eyes :p


Oooh yes, it's definitely feeling different this time!! And it's a better kind of different :D

Am still craving, but not in the sense of actually wanting a cigarette. Actually seems odd that only a week ago I was smoking myself stupid and scared of never having a fag again!!

It's one foot in front of the other, one day at a time until I just don't think about smoking any more!!

Nic can do one 'cos he's not getting me back :D xxx

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Hello day 6 ers

Hi I'm still here:)been out shopping today so havnt even thought of smoking except one moment when I came out of a shop and would usually light up then remembered I don't smoke any more :D

Didn't have my Friday night glass of wine but will have my first drink tonight since my my e cig on stand by,but I'm proud to say I havnt looked at it yet...

#feeling happy :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi I'm still here:)been out shopping today so havnt even thought of smoking except one moment when I came out of a shop and would usually light up then remembered I don't smoke any more :D

Didn't have my Friday night glass of wine but will have my first drink tonight since my my e cig on stand by,but I'm proud to say I havnt looked at it yet...

#feeling happy :D

Aww now that is fab!!

On day 6 and hardly thinking of smoking? WOW!! That's so good :D

Glad you're doing so well, and enjoy your wine :D

__steve__ profile image

You're doing so well, Gemma. You're a proper bundle of energy!

And I really love the way you're describing your journey.

I'll never be able to look at a retail box of chewing gum without thinking of you :D

Many congrats on your first week. You've done the hard yards now...make them stick this time, hey :)

Well done,


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You're doing so well, Gemma. You're a proper bundle of energy!

And I really love the way you're describing your journey.

I'll never be able to look at a retail box of chewing gum without thinking of you :D

Many congrats on your first week. You've done the hard yards now...make them stick this time, hey :)

Well done,


YAY!! I will make it stick this time for sure!!

Aww and thanks, that's lovely!! Am feeling sooo much better for beign quit, it's really amazing - especially now my quitter's flu is going :D

Lol, that chewy is magic :D and YAY for fame!! :p

Oooh and now - officially day 7 am £74.50 richer, 181 fags not smoked and 1.6g of tar not inhaled

This is saving me from being broke, stinky and drowning in tar :eek:

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