Day 42, 6 weeks of fag freedom :D - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 42, 6 weeks of fag freedom :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
21 Replies

Hiya :D

Well 6 weeks already, who'd have thought it?

Am still here with my positive head on and we're staying put :D :D

It's cold, peeing down and generally manky so that means even for a Monday (trigger time :eek:) the idea of a cigarette is not exactly appealing!!

So, my stats so far:

1 month, 11 days 7 hours since I last smoked.

I have saved a whopping £523.76 (and the local Co Op is going broke :p)

Not smoked 1,270 cigarettes (er probably more :o)

Not inhaled 11.42 *grams* of icky black tar

And will live 5 days, 2 hours 44 mins longer than smoker Gemma would have!!

Scary stats, but heck I'm proud :D :D

*High fives the other 20th-ers*


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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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21 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Rock on!!!:D:D:D

I know I've said it before but I am just LOVING the return to the positive Gemma I met when I first joined up to this place!

YAY!! :D :D

It's the real me, I'm not usually emo, lol.

Clearly not smoking is good for me :D :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well done Gem Gem gliding thru your quit. Its lovely to watch my little maggot turning into a butterfly.

You have done so well x

Lol, maggot :eek:

Loving butterfly though, that's definitely me :D

Thanks hun :)

Fantastic Gemma you are da kiddie!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D

You will find around now you start to raise you aim a bit and begin to think in terms of days or weeks of quit instead of hours,this is a very good thing and is akin to a sprinter who has their head down for the first bit then,as they get into full stride,they begin to stand erect and look to the horizon.

Well proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxx :D:D

Oooh yes, it seems much more natural already *not* smoking and to be honest thinking that I used to smoke, let alone so much, is a bit odd :confused:

Am not going back to it now, this is the proper me :D

Aww and thanks!! xxx

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Yay Gemma!!! So happy to hear you being so positive!!! Keep it up young lady!!! :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Yay Gemma!!! So happy to hear you being so positive!!! Keep it up young lady!!! :D


Oooh i will :D

It sort of came ot me last week that I could carry on dreading it, or pick my quit up by the scruff of the neck and own it and hey it's working :D :D

Being positive is *the* key and heck, I hated smoking by the end so why should I feel down about freeing myself?

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Well done Gemma,really proud of you.:)

Those awful days you struggled really bad are all behind you now and your doing great:D x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well done Gemma,really proud of you.:)

Those awful days you struggled really bad are all behind you now and your doing great:D x

Aww thanks hun :)

I feel totally different to either smoker me, or to the times when I struggled so badly - it's so good :D :D

We are doing soooo well xx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Couple of the girls have come in from having a fag looking very damp - do I envy them? Hell no

Do I feel smug? Hell yes!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well done Gemma

6 weeks now you are cruising this quit

:cool::D xx

Thanks hun, it's just a time thing now :D

Am getting well used to not smoking, and although I still think about smoking, I don't think about me doing it very much if that makes sense? And i certainly don't want to smoke any more :D


nsd_user663_59644 profile image

Fab fab fab

Just wanted to log in, fantastic, well done you support us all truly happy for you, here's a thought early in my quit, so can never ever catch you up. :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Just wanted to log in, fantastic, well done you support us all truly happy for you, here's a thought early in my quit, so can never ever catch you up. :)

Aww thanks Tracey, that's really lovely!!

ooh that's true, but I'll be waiting in the penthouse to welcome you :D :D xx

nsd_user663_59777 profile image

Well done Gemma...I am ssooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pleased for you xxx

nsd_user663_61196 profile image

Really well done Gemma :D You just keep on keeping on, you're doing brilliantly, be proud of yourself. :):) bb x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I hope it's still "technical difficulties" that mean we're not seeing Gem2 - the Terrific Trio isn't complete without her!

Ooh I hope she's OK!! Don't want a fellow Gemma falling by the wayside!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well done Gemma...I am ssooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pleased for you xxx

Aww thanks hun, it's pretty flipping good!! Xxx

Really well done Gemma :D You just keep on keeping on, you're doing brilliantly, be proud of yourself. :):) bb x

Woohoo thanks BB!! How's you? Xx

nsd_user663_61555 profile image

Congratulations and well done. So so positive!!!

nsd_user663_22435 profile image

Cor....well done, know me by now & you know I normally have little to say on other people's posts but I read some of your earlier posts on how you were struggling & cast my mind back to how I was. If you remember, you, Max & Kat were very patient with my posts which varied from being upbeat, smug & euphoric to snarling, sniping, depressed & downright nasty so I am so glad to see that you've gritted your teeth & carried on. Somewhere on here are my 'omfg, I don't remember it being so hard etc' posts...they're flying around in the ether...if you can find 'em, cast your eyes over might make you feel better, lol. I know how easy it is to find excuses to start again, there are 1000s, but what kept me going was the thought that I would have to go through all that kerap again if I quit my quit this time. I notice you're trying the Rhodiola...keep that up, just remember not to take it at night...take it first thing in the morning. It's good stuff & really helped me. You've done so damn won't be long before you're over that endless cycle of crave, almost cave & crave WILL be in the penthouse (&, more importantly, you'll have a bit more dosh in your pocket) I really hope you can weather the storms :)

Doofus_Overload profile image

Just gotta post my tuppence worth.


You go Gemma, I must admit to getting worried a few weeks ago when you went off radar but to see you still on the quit wagon brings a huge grin to my face, just like this :D awesome!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Cor....well done, know me by now & you know I normally have little to say on other people's posts but I read some of your earlier posts on how you were struggling & cast my mind back to how I was. If you remember, you, Max & Kat were very patient with my posts which varied from being upbeat, smug & euphoric to snarling, sniping, depressed & downright nasty so I am so glad to see that you've gritted your teeth & carried on. Somewhere on here are my 'omfg, I don't remember it being so hard etc' posts...they're flying around in the ether...if you can find 'em, cast your eyes over might make you feel better, lol. I know how easy it is to find excuses to start again, there are 1000s, but what kept me going was the thought that I would have to go through all that kerap again if I quit my quit this time. I notice you're trying the Rhodiola...keep that up, just remember not to take it at night...take it first thing in the morning. It's good stuff & really helped me. You've done so damn won't be long before you're over that endless cycle of crave, almost cave & crave WILL be in the penthouse (&, more importantly, you'll have a bit more dosh in your pocket) I really hope you can weather the storms :)

Aww thank you Sophie :)

I am using the Rhodiola, saw you recommend the liquid on here and said how good it was and it really does help!! :D

Had used the tablets before but they're weaker so they didn't do much good back then but this is amazingly good - thanks!!

Am getting my positivity back again - it went AWOL for a couple of days - and I have weathered this storm!!

The switching between euphoric to down is flipping horrible isn't it? But heck it's the addiction talking, grrr!!

How's you?

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Just gotta post my tuppence worth.


You go Gemma, I must admit to getting worried a few weeks ago when you went off radar but to see you still on the quit wagon brings a huge grin to my face, just like this :D awesome!

Congratulations and well done. So so positive!!!

Awwww thanks guys, I'd gone off radar again, but got pulled back, pretty much in the nick of time - it's rather scary to swap from breezing it to a 2 day long crave but I got through

nsd_user663_22435 profile image

I am using the Rhodiola, saw you recommend the liquid on here and said how good it was and it really does help!!

Had used the tablets before but they're weaker so they didn't do much good back then but this is amazingly good - thanks!!

Am getting my positivity back again - it went AWOL for a couple of days - and I have weathered this storm!!

The switching between euphoric to down is flipping horrible isn't it? But heck it's the addiction talking, grrr!!

How's you?

Aw, Gemma, I'm really glad you're getting the benefit from Rhodiola...the downside of it is if you suffer from anxiety occasionally, it can set it off but the best bit about the stuff is it's totally natural & non addictive. It also helps with weight loss which is a bonus, lol!

The emotional was total hell. I swear to god at times I could have done with having a Hannibal Lecter mask on with the amount of venom & anger I spewed at times. I came so damn close to booking myself into the nearest funny farm, it was unbelievable. I'm still on that roller coaster but that's due to the damn Sjogren's & Fibro kicking in. Just think how much worse I'd have been if I'd quit my quit, lol! :eek: But you'll come to the wonderful plateau of peace soon...give yourself another couple of weeks (mine evened out at about 9 weeks into the quit) & suddenly you'll realise the clouds are lifting...those craves will still be there but they'll come & go much, much quicker, leaving you wondering what it was all about. You'll begin to feel a whole lot better about the'll feel mentally stronger & so goddamn proud of yourself for riding out the heaviest storms. Well done, Gemma...treat yourself to something really naughty & can turn round & tell yourself it's fine, that you're entitled to it cos you're a non smoker now xxx :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Aw, Gemma, I'm really glad you're getting the benefit from Rhodiola...the downside of it is if you suffer from anxiety occasionally, it can set it off but the best bit about the stuff is it's totally natural & non addictive. It also helps with weight loss which is a bonus, lol!

The emotional was total hell. I swear to god at times I could have done with having a Hannibal Lecter mask on with the amount of venom & anger I spewed at times. I came so damn close to booking myself into the nearest funny farm, it was unbelievable. I'm still on that roller coaster but that's due to the damn Sjogren's & Fibro kicking in. Just think how much worse I'd have been if I'd quit my quit, lol! :eek: But you'll come to the wonderful plateau of peace soon...give yourself another couple of weeks (mine evened out at about 9 weeks into the quit) & suddenly you'll realise the clouds are lifting...those craves will still be there but they'll come & go much, much quicker, leaving you wondering what it was all about. You'll begin to feel a whole lot better about the'll feel mentally stronger & so goddamn proud of yourself for riding out the heaviest storms. Well done, Gemma...treat yourself to something really naughty & can turn round & tell yourself it's fine, that you're entitled to it cos you're a non smoker now xxx :D

Thanks Sophie :) The Rhodiola is really helping, I do have anxiety though so that's something to watch out for!! am getting used to the dosage too 'cos the dropper top isn't the most precise thing in the world. :eek:

Oh and it's fab to know things will even out and soon, it's very reassuring 'cos liek you say it's up and down like nothing else!!

Am definitely going to treat myself :D Think something incredibly fattening and unhealthy is in order :cool:

YAY I am a non smoker!! xxx

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