Day 4 for me: Well I'm feeling pretty stressy... - No Smoking Day

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Day 4 for me

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
36 Replies

Well I'm feeling pretty stressy and shaky, but I'm here!!

Not feeling quite so bad physically but the cravings are still strong!!

It's a very up and down thing at the mo, one minute I feel totally powerful and the next I'm teary and would kill for a fag. :mad:

Still, it'll be worth it when i get there :D

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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36 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gem you are doing amazing it probably doesn't feel like it to you but you are. You are sticking with it and as I said weeks ago to you, you wont know if you can do it unless you try. One day at a time my love xxx

Thanks hun, it's really not fun, but hey neither is dying soooo what choice do i have?

Hopefullt I'll feel better when I'm properly woken up!!


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Lovely to see our two Gems hitting Day 4 - WELL DONE GIRLS!!!:D:D:D

You're doing great, it's a mahoosive physical, mental and emotional adjustment to handle, quitting fags, so it's bound to play havoc with you on pretty much every level. The good news is that it WILL level out, the bad news is there's now way round but THROUGH, the better news is you are pressing on through and WINNING and the best news is you WILL come out the other side into the fabulous freedom from fags that you're working so hard towards achieving for yourselves!

Keep on keeping on, you are doing BRILLIANTLY!

Thanks hun :)

Can't I just get some sleeping pills for like a month?

Got a really knotty tummy today, not a nice feeling!!

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Gemma, I'm so flipping proud of you sweetheart. It's the worst week and you're already half way through it. Just imagine how much better you're going to feel soon. You've done 3 whole days which is the hardest part.

Keep going Gemma one day at a time. Now, where's Steve with the second count :D

Big huge mahoosive hugs to you petal

Molly x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma, I'm so flipping proud of you sweetheart. It's the worst week and you're already half way through it. Just imagine how much better you're going to feel soon. You've done 3 whole days which is the hardest part.

Keep going Gemma one day at a time. Now, where's Steve with the second count :D

Big huge mahoosive hugs to you petal

Molly x

Aww thanks hun :)

It's not been a good week :eek: but it's got to be done!!

Anyway so far (can't do seconds :eek:) it's

3 days, 7 hours 45 mins

I've avoided 100 fags

Saved £41

Not inhaled nearly 900mg of tar *ick*

((hugs)) xx

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

See, now there are some scary stats Gemma, thank goodness they are "not" stats and not "have done" stats eh? :)

I think I'd scare the pants off myself if I did mine now :eek:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

See, now there are some scary stats Gemma, thank goodness they are "not" stats and not "have done" stats eh? :)

I think I'd scare the pants off myself if I did mine now :eek:

It's amazing isn't it?

We never really thought about it before, but all that muck and all that money, day in day out :eek: :eek::eek:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

No you can't sweetpea, mental reprogramming requires you to be conscious! And we both know why your tum is tied but it'll be sorted soon xxx

Oh poo!! Wanted to doze off for a month and wake up totally non-smokery!!

Ooh and yes that isn't helping o.O


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Have had a stressy time this morning, but thanks to my bodyguard, i haven't smoked :D :D

Feel a bit peeved that my first thought whenever I get would up is to smoke, but it's early days!!

nsd_user663_61153 profile image

Well I'm feeling pretty stressy and shaky, but I'm here!!

Not feeling quite so bad physically but the cravings are still strong!!

It's a very up and down thing at the mo, one minute I feel totally powerful and the next I'm teary and would kill for a fag. :mad:

Still, it'll be worth it when i get there :D

You are doing really well Gemma, stay strong :)

Margie x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You are doing really well Gemma, stay strong :)

Margie x

Thanks hun :)

It's not easy but I'll get there :D xx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Just eaten a bit of chicken, *Grazing Gemma* and wow!!

It tastes soooooo different!!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Aww thanks hun :)

It's not been a good week :eek: but it's got to be done!!

Anyway so far (can't do seconds :eek:) it's

3 days, 7 hours 45 mins

I've avoided 100 fags

Saved £41

Not inhaled nearly 900mg of tar *ick*

((hugs)) xx

Wow, you were really smoking a lot, weren't you?

But never mind ... that's over now :D Time for lovely smelling, rich, super healthy Gemma to take over again!

Happy Day 4!! Well done for getting this far and just keep plodding.

Big hugs! :) xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Wow, you were really smoking a lot, weren't you?

But never mind ... that's over now :D Time for lovely smelling, rich, super healthy Gemma to take over again!

Happy Day 4!! Well done for getting this far and just keep plodding.

Big hugs! :) xxx

Yeah, every time I've failed, I've ended up smoking more than before :(

Was on 30-odd a day this time last week, grrrrrr

But that was then, this is now - just to get through the poo to the other side!!

Thanks hun (((hugs))) xxx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Yeah, every time I've failed, I've ended up smoking more than before :(

Was on 30-odd a day this time last week, grrrrrr

But that was then, this is now - just to get through the poo to the other side!!

Thanks hun (((hugs))) xxx

You'll get through it, especially now the realization has hit that this gets harder and harder every time.

It's so worth the work right now, so that you never have to put yourself through the hell again! And no e-cig (whoop!) which means that there will be absolutely zero nicotine in your system once you decide to lose the NRT. Well done! :D


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You'll get through it, especially now the realization has hit that this gets harder and harder every time.

It's so worth the work right now, so that you never have to put yourself through the hell again! And no e-cig (whoop!) which means that there will be absolutely zero nicotine in your system once you decide to lose the NRT. Well done! :D


Oooh yes, each quit has been that bit eviller than the last - not fun!!

But this will be the last :D

Lol, losing the NRT is properly scary at the mo but when the time comes it'll be fine I'm sure!!

No messing about this time!! xxx

nsd_user663_61233 profile image

You go Gemma! As you know, i KNOW & FEEL the struggle with you.

Let's just do it......:)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You go Gemma! As you know, i KNOW & FEEL the struggle with you.

Let's just do it......:)


We're going to make it, and in a year we'll be in the Penthouse sippping champagne :D :D

nsd_user663_60839 profile image

keep on swimming swim swim swimming!

you can do it gem!

*throws my pom pom at you*


nsd_user663_54332 profile image


*Catches pom pom and dances*

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Halfway through week one

We both know we can do this because we did it before...We are halfway through the dreaded first week and it is only forward from here....

Lots of deep breathing,lovely fresh air going in instead of that dirty stinky black smoke.

I'm feeling fine,on patches and no real bad craves ATM.My trouble is I find it easy to quit therefore easy to start again.

But this time I know that one puff and I have to go through it all again,so I have to overcome the mental aspect rather than the physical.......


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

We both know we can do this because we did it before...We are halfway through the dreaded first week and it is only forward from here....

Lots of deep breathing,lovely fresh air going in instead of that dirty stinky black smoke.

I'm feeling fine,on patches and no real bad craves ATM.My trouble is I find it easy to quit therefore easy to start again.

But this time I know that one puff and I have to go through it all again,so I have to overcome the mental aspect rather than the physical.......


Oooh yes we can!!

Might feel rubbish for a bit but then it's all freedom, loads of money and health :D :D

Really glad you're doing well, that's brilliant!! *And* you know what to avoid - number of quits and quitlets I've ruined by having "just one" well just grrrrrrr

Just remember we're not giving up a lovely treat, it's a nasty addiction that steals money, health and freedom!!

Ooh and you reminded me of this - it's very true!!

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

I know they say take it a day at a time...but my skin and teeth are looking better already I'm visualising 2 wks down the line and liking what I see there lol:D

Remember every day will get easier from here,we,re over the worst.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I know they say take it a day at a time...but my skin and teeth are looking better already I'm visualising 2 wks down the line and liking what I see there lol:D

Remember every day will get easier from here,we,re over the worst.

And that's the fab part!! It's sooo quick but it's a real lift isn't it?

Know I'm looking healthier already which is fab!! 30+ fags a day for a small me must have been taking it's toll :eek:

In some of my pics you can tell I smoked a lot then 'cos although my teeth are clean, there's that look about them if that makes sense?

Ooh and yes it's going to get easier and easier :D

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Well I'm feeling pretty stressy and shaky, but I'm here!!

Not feeling quite so bad physically but the cravings are still strong!!

It's a very up and down thing at the mo, one minute I feel totally powerful and the next I'm teary and would kill for a fag. :mad:

Still, it'll be worth it when i get there :D

You hang in there girl! Doing brilliantly!!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You hang in there girl! Doing brilliantly!!!

Thanks Sarah :)

Trying to kep it as unstressed as poss, but it's not easy - looking forward to getting a couple of months done then I can relax :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

My mouth is now getting serious revenge on me for all the fags :eek:

My tongue is covered in ulcers, and it's not nice, if this goes on I'm going to have a lisp

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Wow Gemma, i've not been around for a few days and you're back and already on day 4 :D:D:D How amazing is that !

Stay strong, it's not easy to start with, we all know that, but honestly when you get to where i am,you can see its all worth it.

Don't be scared about coming off the patches, i was as well but if you do it right and follow the steps as they recommend you'll be fine, i stayed on them for 3 and 1/2 months,yes i did get a tad tetchy for a couple days then i was fine.

Now even though i still on the odd occasion think about smoking, i'm pretty sure i won't as life is so much easier being a non smoker.

And i would not want to go through the quitting process ever again, as i'm sure you don't want to go through day 1,2,3 and 4 again.

Gem you can and will do it this time :):D

Netti xx

Aww thanks Netti!!

It's definitely worth it, am already looking better :D and it's so nice to not have to go outside to smoke!!

Was playing Wabble with Kat last night and it was the first time I didn't interrupt our game with "back in a mo" - fab :D

Oooh and thanks, that's great to know - am sure losing the patches will be a lot less of a bump than losing the fags - that was really scary!!

And huge well done to you - only getting the odd thought about smoking is fab, and where I'll be before too long :D


nsd_user663_60406 profile image

Day 4 already!! Well done. I know too well how the first week feels - I was like the living dead and wasn't optimistic about my quit at all.

You'll soon get through this tough stage and back (hopefully beyond) where you achieved before. Actually - I know you will! Keep strong and vow this to be your last quit. AND if you ever feel tempted to smoke, log straight in and make a thread about it so we can remind you of all the nasty reasons not to!


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Day 4 already!! Well done. I know too well how the first week feels - I was like the living dead and wasn't optimistic about my quit at all.

You'll soon get through this tough stage and back (hopefully beyond) where you achieved before. Actually - I know you will! Keep strong and vow this to be your last quit.


Hiya Lewis :)

Thanks :D it's not nice at all, am feeling pretty poo physically but most of the time the actual quitting is going pretty well :D

Get the moments when I think "stuff it" and want a fag but somehow I don't think I will!!

Think it's time to put all that behind me :D

How's you getting on?

nsd_user663_60406 profile image

Hiya Lewis :)

Thanks :D it's not nice at all, am feeling pretty poo physically but most of the time the actual quitting is going pretty well :D

Get the moments when I think "stuff it" and want a fag but somehow I don't think I will!!

Think it's time to put all that behind me :D

How's you getting on?

Great thanks. I won't debunk your thread, but you'll get to a point (which I did) where you feel so thankful to yourself for quitting and craves are nothing but nostalgic memories of when you once were a smoker. That's where I'm at now. I think that now you're quitting without the e-cig, you're breaking the physical addiction as well as the mental one, so I think this quit is for the long haul!

Also, I have to thank you for persuading me not to go down the e-cig route in my first ever thread because looking back, it was definitely a weakness I was feeling! :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Great thanks. I won't debunk your thread, but you'll get to a point (which I did) where you feel so thankful to yourself for quitting and craves are nothing but nostalgic memories of when you once were a smoker. That's where I'm at now. I think that now you're quitting without the e-cig, you're breaking the physical addiction as well as the mental one, so I think this quit is for the long haul!

Also, I have to thank you for persuading me not to go down the e-cig route in my first ever thread because looking back, it was definitely a weakness I was feeling! :)

Ooh you're welcome, I'm glad to have helped!! :)

Oh that's brilliant :D Can't wait to be feeling like that and I'm so happy you are :D

Yeah with the e-fag it does keep the habit alive in soem way so I'm definitely not a fan!! They work for some people but not many.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Just going to fill my dad's pill tower up - last week that was a fag before and a fag afterwards job.

Now? I'm just going to do it!!

Know that sounds totally unspectacular to a never-smoker but to me it's massive :D

Not sure if I can keep my eyes open though :o :eek:

__steve__ profile image

Great to see you snuggling up to day 5, Gembo :)


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Great to see you snuggling up to day 5, Gembo :)


Oh YAY!!

Can't believe it's nearly day 5 - but it's soooo good!!

Physically I feel pretty c**p still (small me, lots of fags) but I'm winning the mental side hands down :D :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Isn't she just?! awesome to see a post from Lewis and to know that you played your part in protecting him from getting caught up with an e-cig - ROCK ON!!!

That was so good, it's really rewarding to have helped someone make the right choice :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Congratulations on day 4 :) :)

Keep going you know you can do it :)

J x :)

Thanks Jenny!!

Am definitely thinking things are on the up now :D I *will* do this!!

And heck, i feel like poo at the mo, but the alternative is much, much worse :eek:

Sooo close to day 5 now YAY!!


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