Get me through Day 4 !!!!: Took yesterday... - No Smoking Day

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Get me through Day 4 !!!!

nsd_user663_34721 profile image
21 Replies

Took yesterday (Day3) off it was a breeze drank tons of water, went bike riding with my son!.

I have no idea what has happened today ?, Day 4 is meant to be the easy day, barring a little deppresion! started last knight couldnt sleep finaly fell asleep at 2 or 3 am.

Day 4 easy? NOT from where I am sitting! woke up the OH was smoking in the kitchen, that i can handle, came to work every smoking STILL doesnt worry me.

Sit down at my desk my thoughts are scrambeled i cant concentrate, what normaly takes me 2 or 3 mintutes to takes 10 or 15 minutes to do !!!

LORD get me through TODAY.

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nsd_user663_34721 profile image
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21 Replies
nsd_user663_34738 profile image

Hi Gary,

I know what you mean, my thoughts have been scrambled every afternoon this week (I quit last friday). I find having a breath of fresh air sometimes helps, i also have a bag of fishermans friends mints that I dip into now and again. Also coming on here and putting your thoughts down really helps too.

Good luck


nsd_user663_34721 profile image

Hi Paul

Thanks 4 the reply and advice!

I have drank soooo much water i am peeing every 5 to ten minutes!, gonna go and get a few mints and give em a whirl!.

Yea as for the "fressh" air i cant believe the differance after 4 day's! it is amazing i can breath a whole lot easier my energey levels are WAY up and my WORD does the food taste a hell of o lot better!

But the concentration thing is reayl getting me down! ANY how long the mind is gonna wonder for LOL

nsd_user663_34738 profile image

Hi gary,

it's maybe a bit weird, but I quite like the mind wandering/light headed thing. lol Everytime i feel it going I logon here and read some messages as that helps.

I still have my 2 morning coffees at work and havent had the urge whilst drinking them (I thought that would be the biggest struggle but it's been ok). Yes agree with you, taste difference is amazing. I also look forward to brushing my teeth now, they are a lot whiter already. :-)

nsd_user663_33740 profile image

Hi Gary, just thought I'd offer some support. I'm impressed that you can quit while your OH is smoking - my hubby did while I was smoking and I never appreciated how hard it was, so well done!

Just take one day at a time, you might be able to concentrate better tomorrow, or the jitters might last a bit longer, everyone is different. I find that (3 weeks in) I can concentrate well now, for longer than before-probably because I've no cravings now.

Keep it up and be nice to yourself.

nsd_user663_33545 profile image

It's not for everyone and I failt to understand the first time, but read/try Allan Carr's book. It used to really annoy me , but this time it really helped me and understand when I had horrible day.

Well done for staying so strong and coming so far. :D

nsd_user663_34721 profile image


If the lack of concentration is gonna take a few weeks maybe i need to put in for more leave!

It is a joke a find my mind wondering! DAY dreaming bout the strangest things!

I suppose the lack of sleep is playing a HUGE role! i am doing this CT is there any Natural alternatives to getting a good night sleep?

Oh and Paul you are soo rite with regards brushing teeth after day 1 my muth tasted like "Trash" there after kept brush n paste at the office must be brushing three or four times a day and LOVING it!

AND you are both RITE posting does HELP THANKS guys!

nsd_user663_32978 profile image

Hi Gary

Well done on getting to day 4.

I know what you mean about the concentration at work. I have been free for a while now but I still have concentration issues but that could be because I am bored. Home is fine I have no problems at all.

Keep up the good work it will get better


nsd_user663_34721 profile image

Oh my soul!!!

11:56 am

I now, officialy have the worst headache I have ever experianced in my LIFE!!!

I want to go home! I DONT want to SMOKE but I want to go home!!

WHY did I ever start smoking ?

And to think I embarked on this journey cause I caught my 16 y/o daughter Smoking "She says I'll stop if you do!!"

She is in for a surprise she has no idea the lengths I will go to for HER! or any of the kids!

nsd_user663_34738 profile image

Dorset, yes Allen Carr book is a bit annoying lol - but there are a few useful bits in it and I've gone back to it and read sections again just to try to keep focussed.

I dont know if you are having problems with your hands, I realised I was rubbing my 'smoking' fingers really fast against each other as I walked to work, i got a free quit kit from the nhs web page and it has a tangle thing in it that you use to keep your hands occupied. A few other useful bits in there too, wall chart, health/money calculator etc. Have put the link on below.

nsd_user663_34721 profile image

Hi Paul

Again thanks 4 the reply alas the site is unavailable if you ouside the U.K :(

would have been nice tho, as Recoucres and kits of that nature are non existant in Deepest darkest AFRICA!!!

Where smoking and Drinking are national pastimes ROTFL

nsd_user663_34738 profile image

Ah that's a shame.

LOL - well I'm still going to enjoy the drinking Gary. :-)

nsd_user663_33545 profile image

Dorset, yes Allen Carr book is a bit annoying lol - but there are a few useful bits in it and I've gone back to it and read sections again just to try to keep focussed.

I dont know if you are having problems with your hands, I realised I was rubbing my 'smoking' fingers really fast against each other as I walked to work, i got a free quit kit from the nhs web page and it has a tangle thing in it that you use to keep your hands occupied. A few other useful bits in there too, wall chart, health/money calculator etc. Have put the link on below.

Thanks for the link Paul, yes I downloaded something like this yesterday. The only problem I am having is that I sleep more then I used to. I feel so exhausted, probably from not smoking heheheeheh.

I think the book annoyed me years ago, because he was telling me everything I really knew already and then the word "easy" every time...

made me go all stubborn "whats easy rant" heheheh. Today I see it

different. I let him into my mind and accept what he's saying and just

carry on reading.

I hope everyone is in a good place and keep going .

nsd_user663_34738 profile image

LOl - I was thinking that this morning, I am going to bed earlier, but still feeling really tired when I wake up? (maybe sleep being disrupted, cant recall waking in the night tho?)

Maybe I need to try and sleep at work, should be ok as long as I dont drool over the keyboard. hahaha


nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Good luck to you all

Regarding sleeping there is a link in Cav's signature regarding sleep adjustment - you might find this useful too

Good luck and it does get easier. Each minute of being quit is a minute you don't have to do again.


nsd_user663_34738 profile image

Thanks for the link M, it made a lot of sense, I definitely used to have a cig to ward of tiredness.

nsd_user663_34742 profile image

Aagh I'm right there with you Gary!!

I have an hour left at work then the difficult bit for me - I pick the little darlings up from school. A couple of hours listening to them squabbling and fighting and I shall just about be ready to pick up the nearest vase when my hubby walks in!!

I'm going for a run tonight. Not really the very active type but I ran on Monday and swam yesterday. Really helps you focus on why you need to stop.

The tooth brushing thing seems to help a little, as does drinking loads of water. Other than that I just wanted to say well done so far and do not cave in!!

nsd_user663_34721 profile image

4:23 pm TY everyone for getting me through day 4

Lets see what day 5 brings :)

My kingdom for a good nights sleep LOL

nsd_user663_34738 profile image

only 3:30ish here, time to open my chocolate bar I think.

nsd_user663_34721 profile image


You deserve it!!


nsd_user663_34721 profile image


I stand here day 17 drawing to an end and think "Dude is this the same you?"

to everyone WD we getting there!!

nsd_user663_26699 profile image

I found the best way to overcome cravings was to let myself be in a grumpy, depressed, agitated, angry, sad etc. or whatever mood I happened to be in that particular day.

I think that part of the problem when withdrawing (whether physically from the nicotine or mentally from the nostalgia) is that we expect ourselves to feel and behave as we did while we were smoking, and therefore we make things worse when we try to fight against these sudden changes.

Instead of fighting these mood swings, accept them as part of the giving up process and alllow yourself to be different for a while. It will pass, and you will get back to your normal self soon enough.


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