Need help...!!: I'm 60 years old and have... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Need help...!!

nsd_user663_61145 profile image
22 Replies

I'm 60 years old and have been smoking since I was 14..apart from a couple of years in my 30's when I gave up and stupidly started again.

I have been getting health problems for a few years now, mainly chest infections, asthma and so on. Over the past week I have developed Pleurisy, my ribs feel like someone's kicked me with a size 10 steel toe cap LOL and I have cut down on the cigarettes during this, and been using a Nicorette Inhalator.

I have tried so many times to stop the nicotine fixes, but never managed it - patches, inhalators you name it I've done it - but always had a ciggie again. I had one early this morning and immediately my chest went into a vice like grip and I went into a blind panic. This really is not good.

I live alone, am disabled with arthritis; don't drink and don't go out - and smoking seems to only pleasure I have and I do enjoy it - guess we all do or we wouldn't do it would we?

Its reached the stage where I have got to STOP SMOKING I know it will finish me off but it doesn't stop me wanting one..... but how on earth am I going to do it? as I write this I am craving like mad and almost on the verge of lighting one. Really need help with this please??!!

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nsd_user663_61145 profile image
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22 Replies
nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Hi there

I'm so sorry to hear of your health problems. I am 39 and have suffered with pleurisy and pneumonia for the last 10 years. It is incredibly painful so I do feel your pain! I stopped smoking in April using an electronic cigarette. I know they are controversial but it worked for me as I used it as a form of NRT. I gave up the e cig 3 months ago. I still crave (especially over the last 10 days) but if I ever really need to, I would use the e cig instead of the real thing any day.

Let me know if you want me to send you a message about the brand I used.

Good luck and I hope you feel better soon!!!


nsd_user663_4558 profile image

I'm 60 years old and have been smoking since I was 14..apart from a couple of years in my 30's when I gave up and stupidly started again.

I have been getting health problems for a few years now, mainly chest infections, asthma and so on. Over the past week I have developed Pleurisy, my ribs feel like someone's kicked me with a size 10 steel toe cap LOL and I have cut down on the cigarettes during this, and been using a Nicorette Inhalator.

I have tried so many times to stop the nicotine fixes, but never managed it - patches, inhalators you name it I've done it - but always had a ciggie again. I had one early this morning and immediately my chest went into a vice like grip and I went into a blind panic. This really is not good.

I live alone, am disabled with arthritis; don't drink and don't go out - and smoking seems to only pleasure I have and I do enjoy it - guess we all do or we wouldn't do it would we?

Its reached the stage where I have got to STOP SMOKING I know it will finish me off but it doesn't stop me wanting one..... but how on earth am I going to do it? as I write this I am craving like mad and almost on the verge of lighting one. Really need help with this please??!!

OK blues lets get started. Lets put some years on you!!

Set yourself some targets - 1 - plan to get some outside walking sorted, no matter how short. :eek:

2- change your mindset re thinking of smoking - knowledge is power against this addiction so use this website and others to arm yourself. :)

3 - start a diary of your wishes and progress ;)

4 - start today thinking positive re quitting. :)

nsd_user663_60839 profile image

hey there blues girl

Have you thought about using the money you spend on cigarettes on doing a new hobby?

I joined the gym which is great for me, as its a non smoking place so I cant smoke there. And the money I save from smoking pays for it.

I have a friend that got a monthly cinema pass with her quit cash and you cant smoke in cinemas.

Another friend took up a knitting club in the village center, again paid for with fag money.

Think about it and good luck


nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Hello Bluesgirl,

Hope you've not disappeared into the ether?? ;)

Max is (as always) spot on. I can tell you truly that joining the forum was one of the best things I have ever done. Everyone here is super-friendly and enthusiastic and we all provide each other with mutual support and motivation. I couldn't have come so far with my quit without the lovely people here, so please, please keep posting.

It must be difficult, living alone, having arthritis, being in pain much of the time and I can really understand why you feel that the fags are the only pleasure you have in life. Thing is, though, you smoke (as we all did) because you're addicted, not because it's really a pleasant or enjoyable thing to do (and in your heart you know that- and that they're killing you- or you wouldn't have joined the forum and asked for help). I bet there are other things you enjoy doing, or would like to do given half a chance and some additional cash, and those are what you need to focus on if you're going to do this thing.

Thing is, quitting smoking could (and will) literally change your life. It's such a positive and life-affirming thing to do and in my experience, everything else seems to follow.

Sorry if I sound a but evangelical- I don't mean to :D- but I do so hope you will join us on the long road to freedom.

And lovely to meet you by the way!

nsd_user663_61145 profile image

Hi everyone and thanks so much for all your not disappeared into the ether LOL I've done something positive today...had to go to the doc about the Pleurisy and have a heart tracing - which was normal (thank goodness) pity she said my lungs don't sound 'normal' too.......:eek:

I made an appointment with the Health Nurse for Monday to have a chat with her about stopping the nicotine - I've also done some research and scared myself reading what smoking actually does to you - maybe I need to do that to help me stop - I tend to bury my head in the sand!

I was quite surprised that the doc confided in me that she was a 40 a dayer and stopped with an e cig...she is cutting the nicotine strength down now. I have had a kind person recommend a make of e cig which I am going to have a look at when I've done this. I think the e cig is the way for me - I can't take Champix due to other meds I'm on, it wouldn't mix well at all and I have tried all the others and failed.

Yes I do need other hobbies...the gym is out with my arthritis; I do have 2 Cocker Spaniels though and I am out walking them every day; I love knitting, wardrobe full of wool but have Carpel Tunnel Syndrome from knitting too much at the moment so had to have a rest from it.

My 2 kids live in Essex and London and not really any close friends round here, they live all over the yes I do feel on my own so to speak and have tended to rely on the ciggies especially when I get stressed. I now realise I have really got to change my mind set about it all and think more positively about stopping - its hard though when you have tried loads of times and failed!! I have never gone as far as joining a forum for support before, so this time...I'm really going to try my damn best....will post again tomorrow with updates. Only had 3 cigs today, usually have around 30..and sucking the inhalator instead LOL Thanks again everyone...much appreciated you are all stars!! Julie xx

nsd_user663_61136 profile image

Only had 3 cigs today, usually have around 30

A 90% cut is pretty fantastic, you know. It's not 3 failures, it's 27 successes...

nsd_user663_61145 profile image

Just ordered my e cig, hopefully it will be here by Monday - be nice if it arrived tomorrow though. Still suffering with the rib/back pain at the moment and feeling very bloated and queasy with all the anti biotics. Now is a very good time to stop smoking... I've usually had about 5 by this time in the morning, lit 1 first thing and my ribs went into spasm again so put it really going to try very hard not to have one for the rest of the day but stick to the inhalator. As soon as the e cig arrives I will be posting on Day 1 !!

At the moment taking each hour at a time..... ;)

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Hurrah for Julie! :)

Everything you are doing sounds really positive and you have us lot now so you aren't on your own.

You can do it. You can. And as Declan says, you've already started. So there. :D

nsd_user663_61094 profile image

Hi Julie :)

Lovely to see you here. I am quitting for health reasons too. I took a seriously bad chest infection following a flu and needed 3 loads of antis to clear it. I spent most of December struggling to breath :(

I am now on day 6 and feeling really positive that after 20 years I can quit. I too am using an Ecig for those 'down' times. I can feel my airways already getting clearer :)

Good luck with your quit :D

nsd_user663_61136 profile image

so I put it out....

That's pretty good in itself Julie! I don't think I ever put a fag out before I'd squeezed every last drop of poison out of it.

nsd_user663_61145 profile image

Hi Julie :)

Lovely to see you here. I am quitting for health reasons too. I took a seriously bad chest infection following a flu and needed 3 loads of antis to clear it. I spent most of December struggling to breath :(

I am now on day 6 and feeling really positive that after 20 years I can quit. I too am using an Ecig for those 'down' times. I can feel my airways already getting clearer :)

Good luck with your quit :D

Hi Lindy, your reply was me 2 years ago...I was on antibiotics/steroids and it still didn't clear my chest. Doctor ended up putting me on very expensive antibiotics they don't use often because of the price... that are given for Pneumonia. He gave me these after he could hear me wheezing like a steam train walking down the corridor to his room at the surgery and me in tears as I couldn't breathe....It was really scary so I know how you feel..but I KEPT ON SMOKING as soon as I felt a bit better, in fact I tried to smoke with my chest as bad as it was. It goes to show just how addictive nicotine is. Good for you Lindy you have more sense than I did and I'm sure you will crack it this time, in fact it sounds as if you have already.

WELL PEOPLE - today..after the ciggie that went in the bin, I got myself sorted and took the dogs out for a walk. My boy Blue did me the huge favour of rolling in something totally disgusting (you don't want to know LOL) and stunk the car out on the way home...DANGER TIME FOR COFFEE AND SMOKE before I washed it all off...then my ex hubby rang in the middle of the dog wash :eek: MORE DANGER TIME :eek: but I managed not to light up but sucked on plastic instead (albeit quite hard :D). However I did (sorry) have one this afternoon...but hey that's not so bad after 30 odd a day I don't think. Already I am not wheezing anymore. Hope the E cig arrives tomorrow and that I'm brave enough to throw the tobacco/roller/tips/papers in the dustbin.;)

I'd just like to thank you all so much..knowing I can come on here and get some replies/support and that others understand how hard this is helps so much. I don't feel so on my own with the battle having you all out there...:) Will talk again tomorrow I hope. x

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Oh well done Julie :)

To have managed to get through the day (and deal with two stressful experiences) on only one-and-a-bit fags is good going. I'm sure your meeting with the nurse on Monday will help too, and hopefully your e-cig will arrive tomorrow.

We'll all be here to hold your hand and help whenever you need us to. We're all in this together :D

nsd_user663_61136 profile image

It blinking is good going, Julie. Unthinkable not very long ago too. Just shows how strong you can be. Don't apologise for the one - it was 3 a couple of days ago.

nsd_user663_61145 profile image

Morning all you lovely people ;) been up since 5.30 am its now 9.07 am and no cig as yet. Am really going to try today not to have an 'odd one' like I have been doing over the past couple of days.

Doesn't mean I'm not wanting one fact my mouth is watering at the thought of having a cig... how bizarre is that??!! :confused:

Another day of one hour at a time and plastic inhalator. Hope the E cig arrives today...

Let the battle commence... I may well be on and off here all day today I think!!...have a good day all. Julie ;)

nsd_user663_61145 profile image

We will be willing you all the way and just hang in there and post as often as you need xxx

Thanks think I'll need it to try and keep busy LOL x

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

That's the spirit, Julie :)

Keep as busy as you can and do anything other than smoke. I found drinking gallons of ice-cold water helped. Expect to feel wierd, disembodied and thoroughly out of sorts but it will pass.

Hope your e-cig turns up today. If not and you can get to a chemist it might be worth purchasing some emergency lozenges or strips.

Good luck for today- we're all rooting for you :D

nsd_user663_61145 profile image

Almost 7.15 pm and no ciggie all day. Ecig arrived, very fast delivery only ordered it yesterday - seems good and also have the Nicorette Inhalator.

Been on and off craving all day really, at the moment REALLY craving ..really really...:eek: and on the verge of lighting one.. OH NO must not, not had one since yesterday and don't want to give in now.

This is the first day for more years than I care to remember that I haven't had a cigarette.

Trying to stay positive :-)

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Almost 7.15 pm and no ciggie all day. Ecig arrived, very fast delivery only ordered it yesterday - seems good and also have the Nicorette Inhalator.

Been on and off craving all day really, at the moment REALLY craving ..really really...:eek: and on the verge of lighting one.. OH NO must not, not had one since yesterday and don't want to give in now.

This is the first day for more years than I care to remember that I haven't had a cigarette.

Trying to stay positive :-)

That's great!! How's the e cig? You really are doing brilliantly!!

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hi Julie

Just read your posts and I think you are doing brilliantly too, hope ur feeling a bit better now with the pleurisy? I know it can be really painful :( Cutting right down with the fags will help ur breathing and I bet by having the ecig instead of real ones you have probably already noticed ur chest isn't tightening up when u puff on it? I hope so anyway, keep up the good work xx

nsd_user663_61055 profile image

hi bluesgirl

Just wanted to say my thoughts are with you - truly

I reckon you sound like such a lovely person that your community

is missing out on not getting a chance to know you better

Thought about joining any local groups?- there are so many things going

on in most local areas - often we don't realise the half of whats out there

People and places and new experiences can be so good for all of us

Wishing you all the very best - look forward to hearing how you get on

Lexilou x

nsd_user663_61145 profile image

That's great!! How's the e cig? You really are doing brilliantly!!

Ecig very good. Only one thing though, my stomach seems to fill with air when I use it LOL its really uncomfortable and I feel as if someone's blown me up with a bike pump!! Anyone else had this problem with them? Maybe its all the antibiots I'm on for the Pleurisy not helping, and I can't take Gaviscon or anything with them either to help ease it. Other than that the Ecig is helping a lot, its just the bloating I'm getting.

So here we go with Day 2 then. My two dogs got me up at stupid o'clock (5.30 am) wanting their brekkie. First thing in the morning is one of the danger times for everyone I think, but I had the Ecig and was ok. I do want a real cig though, quite badly actually....... but I know what will happen if I have one, ribs tight and I'll go all dizzy and silly and probably fall off the stool I'm sitting on...:) and I'll be really angry with myself too...must not give in..

The Pleurisy seems to be easing, thanks everyone - don't feel as if my ribs are in a vice anymore anyway, just a vague ache between my shoulder blades. One lot of antibiotics finish tomorrow thank goodness, they totally wash me out.

Another day of taking it one hour at a time and see how we go - really don't want to give in now, not had a ciggie since Friday, this is the longest I've ever gone apart from when I've been in hospital of course. So... I'm off to get sorted soon, get the dogs out/brushed/go supermarket...(not to buy tobacco honest LOL) and then its chill out for me. Actually I've just realised I haven't bought any tobacco for over 2 weeks...believe me that's some sort of record, I'm usually on the verge of running out and constantly thinking I must get more !!:D

Have a good day all you lovely supportive people - stay positive - will update as the day goes on.... xxx

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Well done Julie :)

You're doing BRILLIANTLY! :D:D:D:D:D:D

Looking forward to hearing from you again later.

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