New year, same struggles...: Hi everyone and... - No Smoking Day

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New year, same struggles...

nsd_user663_57259 profile image
10 Replies

Hi everyone and happy new year!

I haven't been on here much lately to post but I do tend to have a little nosey around most days. I am over 8 months into my quit and have been nicotine and e cig free for 3 months now. But I have really struggled the last few days. We are on a family holiday which may be part of the problem - my family and my in laws in cottages in a remote village..... Yesterday I didn't think I would get through without caving as the cravings were so strong!! I did make it but the cravings are still really strong this morning!! 2 of our party still smoke and 1 uses an e cig but it usually doesn't bother me (actually it usually helps because I find the smell repulsive). Anyone else struggling at the moment?


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nsd_user663_57259 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Aww I'm really sorry you're struggling Sarah


Might be down to it being your first smoke free Christmas and new year?

Well done for not caving, believe me you don't want to!! xx

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Thanks guys. I'm sure it will get easier.

Another HUGE milestone out of the way. Well done everyone!!!

nsd_user663_20978 profile image

how many holidays have you had since quitting??? those unusual situations can take u by surprise sometimes but each holiday will make you stronger you have beat it this time so next time will be ten times easier


nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Come on Sarah,keep that chin up :) lots of good advice already given,you are in a remote place,time to think time to be tempted..lots of places I suspect where in the past you might have stopped to admire a view ,broken out a bottle of water and sparked up a fag.:rolleyes:

This quit is forever,you really have no option to go back Sarah,and throw away all you have achieved????..:( it really is a case of-you have risen magnificently all year to beat the demon :D:D ,do NOT let him slide in now-it could take years before you try to quit again!!!!

This is a crucial part of a successful quit- you MUST fight.

Like Kat always says,you MUST deny craves airtime in your mind.I can feel,even now,when a faggy thought is trying to form and I block it,I mentally block it.If you cannot do this,you should distract yourself urgently-game on the mobile phone,jumping jacks as Jennine espouses,big drink of very cold water-these things will work to head off a crave but only putting in time will ease off the pressure.

You are simply,Sarah,not ALLOWED to fail here-on behalf of those in the Penthouse I decree it to be so!!!!!!

Wise words indeed - thanks Max. I will not cave as I want to beat this horrible addiction, but the last few days have been harder than I expected. I am glad to have got through it though.

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

how many holidays have you had since quitting??? those unusual situations can take u by surprise sometimes but each holiday will make you stronger you have beat it this time so next time will be ten times easier


Thx - I hope it's easier next year!!!

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

Hi everyone and happy new year!

I haven't been on here much lately to post but I do tend to have a little nosey around most days. I am over 8 months into my quit and have been nicotine and e cig free for 3 months now. But I have really struggled the last few days. We are on a family holiday which may be part of the problem - my family and my in laws in cottages in a remote village..... Yesterday I didn't think I would get through without caving as the cravings were so strong!! I did make it but the cravings are still really strong this morning!! 2 of our party still smoke and 1 uses an e cig but it usually doesn't bother me (actually it usually helps because I find the smell repulsive). Anyone else struggling at the moment?


Great to see that despite the struggles, the resolve remains undiminished;)

An interesting post this - have you heard of the terrible threes? Three days, three weeks, three months - all times noted for their difficulty, and here you are three months free from nicotine (though obviously considerably longer from smoking) and going through the same battle.

It's just part of the healing process; never doubt yourself, you'll get through this!!

nsd_user663_58329 profile image

Hi Sarah,

Understand your struggle!

I haven't posted on here either since the early days of my 20 a day quit in June last year (203 days clear!). Used the patches for 1 month and then dropped those also.

Christmas and New Year were fine, even at the 'works do' where most smoked, and the parties etc. not once was I tempted.

However coming back to work in January the cravings have felt at times like the first few days of quitting.

Don't get me wrong I have no intention of giving in now.... I said from the start and my 'catchphrase' has been the same throughout... 'it's easy to give up smoking, you just don't light another cigarette!' and that is how I intend to cope.

I think for me it's just the trigger of coming back to work after spending a couple of weeks with family and friends and my children, the weather is depressing, my bank balance even more so!.

But chin up and try and focus on the positives and I'm sure you'll get through!.


nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Thanks Egg and Matt!! It is getting a bit easier now although I'm still craving more than usual. I think Egg might be right about the 3 month thing so hopefully it will pass soon. I wonder if there is a 3 year blip too?

Anyhow - I survived!! Thanks to everyone for the kind, supportive words.


nsd_user663_57259 profile image

I forbid you to smoke ever again Sarah :)

There that was easy-the law has spoken :D


That almost makes me want to smoke again!!!!!

nsd_user663_40237 profile image

Lol, Max is laying it down.

There may be something to the 3 factor. Such is the life of a recent non-smoker. The cravings come and the cravings go. Most of the time they just don't matter anymore. Soon enough it won't even be a consideration. Until then, be vigilant. I think you have this one in the bag though. :D

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