Sooooo.....on day 22 today!: Never thought I... - No Smoking Day

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Sooooo.....on day 22 today!

nsd_user663_60348 profile image
8 Replies

Never thought I would get past day 5 let alone get to 22! Feeling good, though. Im having a few cravings, but nothing major. Inhalator helps, but im chewing it more than I am using it. My nurse says Im doing well, she has already dropped my visits.

I got a bit down last night talking to a "friend"....she tried to quit 2 1/2 years ago....I supported her until I found out she was faking the breath test thing and purposely not using the patches correctly.....she wanted the Champix and Docs wouldnt let her have it without trying other methods...anyway, I told her last night "whoop whoop Ive nearly done Stoptober!" to be met with, "yeah well I give up ages ago so"....thing is, Id rather she was honest about her addiction. She hasn't given up. She can be a jealous person, so Im wondering if that's it? Because she has struggled....but surely you wouldn't slate somebody else's achievment when you know how hard it actually is!? Im sorry, just needed to get this out of my system as its really upset me and left me feeling a bit down :-(

My other half, who is a smoker, is very jealous...but in a really supportive way! :-) He says he " is jealous I have gotten this far cos he couldn't do it with such grace"......and my mom who is also a smoker with COPD is also chuffed to bits and really supportive too!

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nsd_user663_60348 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_60348 profile image

As an added note....

My other half had to travel to Stevenage on Sunday night for work on Monday morning, he was meant to be back yesterday evening.....but no....he had to stay problem, so he would travel back today....NOOOOOOO!!! His HGV wagon has well......gone caput!!!......the last few hours have been spent trying to repair all the hydraulic tubes, in order to replace the lost hydraulic it looks like he has another overnight stay tonight!! :-(........woe is me!!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Never thought I would get past day 5 let alone get to 22! Feeling good, though. Im having a few cravings, but nothing major. Inhalator helps, but im chewing it more than I am using it. My nurse says Im doing well, she has already dropped my visits.

I got a bit down last night talking to a "friend"....she tried to quit 2 1/2 years ago....I supported her until I found out she was faking the breath test thing and purposely not using the patches correctly.....she wanted the Champix and Docs wouldnt let her have it without trying other methods...anyway, I told her last night "whoop whoop Ive nearly done Stoptober!" to be met with, "yeah well I give up ages ago so"....thing is, Id rather she was honest about her addiction. She hasn't given up. She can be a jealous person, so Im wondering if that's it? Because she has struggled....but surely you wouldn't slate somebody else's achievment when you know how hard it actually is!? Im sorry, just needed to get this out of my system as its really upset me and left me feeling a bit down :-(

My other half, who is a smoker, is very jealous...but in a really supportive way! :-) He says he " is jealous I have gotten this far cos he couldn't do it with such grace"......and my mom who is also a smoker with COPD is also chuffed to bits and really supportive too!

Hey, I know what you mean about the friend thing. My best friend stopped around a week before me and I was so jealous of her to begin with. She made her quit look so easy, while I was struggling in the first few weeks.

But she made the decision to allow herself "Friday night smokes". We had both said that if we were only social smokers then we wouldn't bother giving up.

It started to annoy me quite a bit when we were out and people would congratulate my friend on doing so well, even though she was still allowing herself those cigarettes on a Friday night. Again I think I was a little jealous about the social side of it, as I was going out and drinking without allowing myself one puff. I would sit inside while she would go along with our usual Friday routine of going out with the smokers every hour or so.

But I have recently started to notice signs that Friday nights aren't enough anymore, and it has totally changed my attitude. My friend has openly admitted that she envies the fact I can go out and enjoy myself without a cigarette. And I notice that sometimes she might choose to have a glass of wine during the week, just so she can have a smoke.

I really hope that she doesn't lose it, and she doesn't seem to mind not smoking most of the time, but it has made me realise that I will never have that nasty nicotine monster whispering in my ear, whereas my friend still let's him in now and then :rolleyes:

Just remember that, even though it's nice to have praise and support from friends, what really matters is the pride in your own quit.

Well done so far!! :D

nsd_user663_59644 profile image

Hi my lovely, it's only my opinion but you may have to really focus on your own quit, as that's what really matters for now so you can achieve your goal of beng smoke free. Some tmes our friends do things that make us question them, but we really never know what some one is thinking or going through, just as long as you can always encourage and support then life will be ok

Be pleased for your self in the choices you have made to day to stay free of Mr Nicotine,

Your dong great well done:):):):)

nsd_user663_60348 profile image

Thankyou Guys!!

Its not really about my friend not being supportive and such that has upset me, its because she praises her own quit to me and others around her...when she hasn't actually stopped! She has struggled, and any stress she has she finds difficult to deal with so buys ciggies.......but when she puts others acheivements down or dismisses them because she "has been there and got past it" (her words!), I thinks it really hurtful for those who have committed themselves and struggled through. I suppose she will get there at some point, but I feel she needs to be honest with herself about quitting, as the journey is not an easy one.

I am incredibly proud of my achievement so far, and can honestly say, Im enjoying the process of quitting....its not always easy but I like a challenge! Ive managed to hold my temper and have just concentrated on getting through each crave and each day one by one. Ive accepted that I will be an addict to the nicotine for life, but ill not let it bother or impede me. Im no longer afraid of it. Im learning the process of carrying on regardless, although I know I have a way to go confident though!!

Re my other half....I have the bed completely to myself until Thursday night!! lol. We go away on Friday for the weekend too, so ill cope!! lol

nsd_user663_60348 profile image

My friend has openly admitted that she envies the fact I can go out and enjoy myself without a cigarette.

SarahLou, I think this is what it is with my friend if im honest. I know she has struggled, but I sometimes think that maybe the want to quit isnt there for her. Before I stopped, I supported her 100%! I was chuffed she had taken the choice as I knew how hard it was from previous attempts. Problem is, she thought the champix would make it easy for her to quit (verbally said that too) and I think she has found it harder than she anticipated poor love. I will give her time, and support as best I can, I think once she admits that its difficult, she can get her mindset right hopefully

nsd_user663_60348 profile image

I agree Max, and I think that is the problem for my friend. She genuinely thought the champix would do the work and that she could just carry on. She did everything she could to be rid of all the help and NRT things just to get the champix.

Ill be there for her, and Ill do my best. But she does need to be honest and admit it. That's the hardest part, the admittance of "man...this is harder than I thought it was going to be!"....and Ill encourage her all I can.

You know, you guys on here are blooming brilliant!!! Thankyou all for reading my moan!! :)

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

What a lovely person you are and I'd be proud to have a supportive friend like you. My other half gets my goat, he's eight weeks into his quit, firstly he only used champix for the first five weeks and apart from feeling a bit sick he has had no cravings or withdrawal symptoms at all, he says it's like he told himself he doesn't smoke - so he doesn't !!! Secondly if I'm having a moment he seems to think I'm exaggerating or making it up as he didn't suffer Grrrrrrrrrr. You are doing fantastically well, and to be honest I think your friend has to come to terms with how hard it is to quit before she can move on, you've already reached, and passed, that milestone so mentally you're in a better place than her, and she knows it. Keep up the brilliant work. :D

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Well done, magicmom! I'm sure your friend is a bit envious of your success, which is such a shame. You must concentrate on your own quit for's hard enough job to quit yourself without having to deal with someone else's "non-quit". Surely your mutual friends realise that she still smokes and that you don't?

I know things are easier said than done, but try and weigh your friend's "claims" against the absolute delight of your family and of your fellow quitters here and of your own justified pride and delight in what you have achieved. :)



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