Funtimefranky's Day 4-7 Thread: I know it's... - No Smoking Day

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Funtimefranky's Day 4-7 Thread

nsd_user663_60196 profile image
38 Replies

I know it's not day 4 yet but I'm counting the hours!:D

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nsd_user663_60196 profile image
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38 Replies
nsd_user663_59644 profile image

Every hour counts

Your on your way, just think how many white sticks you would have smoked and what a waste that was, keep posting and reading.

I have found all the lovely people on here a huge help in my quit , so utilise them , the pros have so much knowledge and advice it's a great help


Well done keep going :)

nsd_user663_60196 profile image

Your on your way, just think how many white sticks you would have smoked and what a waste that was, keep posting and reading.

I have found all the lovely people on here a huge help in my quit , so utilise them , the pros have so much knowledge and advice it's a great help


Well done keep going :)

Thank you Tracey... You are so right! This forum has been great for me. It's great to know that we are not alone.

nsd_user663_60196 profile image

Just a quick update on diet in case anyone is interested... Today went very well, although I did have some wine but it is Friday.:D Really enjoying the food so far. Just made some chilli burgers (extra lean steak mince) which I will cook tomorrow and some homemade crunchy coleslaw. Tonight was chilli king prawns with coriander and lime.:p

nsd_user663_60196 profile image


Getting closer to my one week goal. It's funny, I never really planned this quit. I knew I wanted to stop. There were previous half hearted attempts but it was literally realising that we were in October and that the Stoptober challenge had begun, finding this site and then reading a few threads that got me going. So glad I did.

nsd_user663_18145 profile image


Yah week two is beckoning so wont be long before your posting in anew room


and i agree this site is a gem and not only for the support but for the education side as well as for the fact everyone knows what your going through so can relate

keep that positive mindset and you will get through

onwards and upwards is the only way to go


nsd_user663_27255 profile image

This is a half hearted one for me :(

This that's what happened me, I threw myself back on the wagon too quickly or else just another stupid excuse, smoked when I got home from work yesterday!

Don't want to lose the want to quit feeling so planning on starting tomorrow or Monday as I'm out tonight with smokers, again prob another excuse

Sorry for letting you all down, I'm still hanging around and reading posts to keep educating myself.

My heads fried :mad:

nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Well done to you by the way, your doing brilliantly :)

nsd_user663_60196 profile image

This that's what happened me, I threw myself back on the wagon too quickly or else just another stupid excuse, smoked when I got home from work yesterday!

Don't want to lose the want to quit feeling so planning on starting tomorrow or Monday as I'm out tonight with smokers, again prob another excuse

Sorry for letting you all down, I'm still hanging around and reading posts to keep educating myself.

My heads fried :mad:

Hi Mrs Mash

Really, don't apologise. I remember years ago, I use to throw all my cigs down the loo every night for about 3 months straight. Then every morning I would crack and run straight to the paper shop to buy some more. Eventually I found a way out. It was the Allen Carr book and it was a God send to me at the time. I guess I should not give advice as I've barely 4 days under my belt but maybe you need to review your plan? Did you say you were using patches? Maybe the patches are not for you? Or maybe they are if you are not using them? Please don't think I'm getting on my high horse because I have a few days under my belt and think I've cracked it, I just genuinely want to see you beat this. You can do this Mrs, you really can! You have to be honest with yourself about why you keep giving in. Have a good think about the thought processes that lead to that moment. Do you believe you actually like cigarettes? The one thing I remember from reading Easy Way years back was the reality that I did not really like smoking, just thought I did. It took me a while to get it but something as simple as that is helping me this time around as I know that every single time I get a craving, it's not genuine. I remember my first ever cigarette and also how sick it made me feel, then I ask myself 'do you REALLY like smoking and do you REALLY want to smoke now?' I can't lie to myself, the answer is always no. I remember I'm feeling the way I do because of the addiction not because I want to smoke. In fact, I am feeling this way because I have chose not to smoke anymore. I tell myself it will pass. I go through this little talk with myself every craving that I get and so far it has not failed me. In fact, the cravings are now getting shorter in duration and although still quite frequent are not that intense. If I understood correctly, you planned to smoke with your friends this weekend, would it not be better to use the E cig than the real thing? You can tell me to shut up if you like, I've gone on far too much already, lol.

nsd_user663_27255 profile image


Thanks for your post! You've every reason to be so proud, your not on no high horse, your shouting for joy which is also what I like do to when I've been successfully.

As for my quit method I don't think I really have one. I did is think it was like 16 days cold turkey and found it easy(ish) even though my hubby was still smoking. But again gave in with alcohol so tried the e-cig but to me it didn't feel like I had stopped smoking so after failing again I decided up stick on a patch and I did well again until the morning of day 2. I didn't want to put on a patch until after the shower, had bad cravings but the e-cig helped. I had only step 2 patches left from a previous quit which I put on and went to work but the stupid thing fell off so I went at lunchtime and bought more step 1. Like a fool I thought I'll wait till after work and put it on as I don't normally smoke in work anyways but then had a crappy day at work and decided to have a glass of wine and a smoke doh!

Think its cos there are fags here I'm smoking, hubby's quit attempt failed after mine so we've decided to go for it again on Monday together!

I have my new pack of patches to try them again. I have read allen carr numerous times along with Kristina's book and Neil Casey's - I really must be thick cos the message just ain't sticking :(

Reading Joe's never take another puff now but the way he chats about nicotine being so bad and to do it cold turkey scares me.

Just feel so confused don't know what to try next :(

Thanks for taking the time to support and help me even though I'm not trying like I should, it really is appreciated

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks for your post! You've every reason to be so proud, your not on no high horse, your shouting for joy which is also what I like do to when I've been successfully.

As for my quit method I don't think I really have one. I did is think it was like 16 days cold turkey and found it easy(ish) even though my hubby was still smoking. But again gave in with alcohol so tried the e-cig but to me it didn't feel like I had stopped smoking so after failing again I decided up stick on a patch and I did well again until the morning of day 2. I didn't want to put on a patch until after the shower, had bad cravings but the e-cig helped. I had only step 2 patches left from a previous quit which I put on and went to work but the stupid thing fell off so I went at lunchtime and bought more step 1. Like a fool I thought I'll wait till after work and put it on as I don't normally smoke in work anyways but then had a crappy day at work and decided to have a glass of wine and a smoke doh!

Think its cos there are fags here I'm smoking, hubby's quit attempt failed after mine so we've decided to go for it again on Monday together!

I have my new pack of patches to try them again. I have read allen carr numerous times along with Kristina's book and Neil Casey's - I really must be thick cos the message just ain't sticking :(

Reading Joe's never take another puff now but the way he chats about nicotine being so bad and to do it cold turkey scares me.

Just feel so confused don't know what to try next :(

Thanks for taking the time to support and help me even though I'm not trying like I should, it really is appreciated

First off Mrs M don't beat yourself up!!

It can be very hard to keep yourself off the fags, but you can do it!!

NRT is fine if you can't do cold turkey - there's no way on earth i could - you just have to find the one that works for you :)

Maybe a patch and gum combo - gum to get over strong cravings and the patch to take the edge off?

While you do that read whatever quitting books you think are the most helpful - IMO at least you have 2 problems. 1 is the act of smoking which is probably stronger than 2) the addiction to nicotine. If you can fight the first one and really get that sorted you should find it a lot easier!!

Not having the temptation of fags in the house will help as well, so good luck to you and your husband on Monday :)

You can do it!!

nsd_user663_59305 profile image


Getting closer to my one week goal. It's funny, I never really planned this quit. I knew I wanted to stop. There were previous half hearted attempts but it was literally realising that we were in October and that the Stoptober challenge had begun, finding this site and then reading a few threads that got me going. So glad I did.

Hiya Franky, congratulations on getting to day four, Carol is right, you will soon be one week, then two then asking where the time went. Keep it up you're doing so well.

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

Thanks for your post! You've every reason to be so proud, your not on no high horse, your shouting for joy which is also what I like do to when I've been successfully.

As for my quit method I don't think I really have one. I did is think it was like 16 days cold turkey and found it easy(ish) even though my hubby was still smoking. But again gave in with alcohol so tried the e-cig but to me it didn't feel like I had stopped smoking so after failing again I decided up stick on a patch and I did well again until the morning of day 2. I didn't want to put on a patch until after the shower, had bad cravings but the e-cig helped. I had only step 2 patches left from a previous quit which I put on and went to work but the stupid thing fell off so I went at lunchtime and bought more step 1. Like a fool I thought I'll wait till after work and put it on as I don't normally smoke in work anyways but then had a crappy day at work and decided to have a glass of wine and a smoke doh!

Think its cos there are fags here I'm smoking, hubby's quit attempt failed after mine so we've decided to go for it again on Monday together!

I have my new pack of patches to try them again. I have read allen carr numerous times along with Kristina's book and Neil Casey's - I really must be thick cos the message just ain't sticking :(

Reading Joe's never take another puff now but the way he chats about nicotine being so bad and to do it cold turkey scares me.

Just feel so confused don't know what to try next :(

Thanks for taking the time to support and help me even though I'm not trying like I should, it really is appreciated

Hi Mrs Mash, are you really ready to quit? I spent 10 months putting on patches and still smoking 5-10 fags a day because everyone said I should give up and I tried to make it look like I was trying!!! IMHO the biggest driving force in any quit is our determination to succeed and the ability to be honest with ourselves. Unless you are 100% committed mentally and physically you will fail, as I did every day for 10 months(every day I was going to stop tomorrow) until I had my lightbulb moment. In fact my first post on here smacks of someone looking for an excuse to stop their quit - I think I was looking for someone to tell me Champix were dangerous so I could "legitimately" stop taking them, no surprises the advice and support I received from the start made me take stock and realise that it is not impossible and if I wanted it, freedom was there for the taking. I note your husband isn't keen on you taking Champix again, may I ask why? because as much as I love and respect my man there is no way I would allow him to dictate to me what I could or couldn't do, if they work for you why not try them again? You also seem to be reading loads of literature and confusing yourself into the bargain, just remember, every expert has an opinion, which is why in a court of law the defence and prosecution will each have an expert witness to refute what the other side claims and the juror has to decide which fits. I apologise profusely if I'm wrong and I'm hoping you will prove me wrong by smacking the demon onto oblivion once and for all.

nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Thanks for your posts everyone.

My hubby does want me to start champix again because it seemed to mess with my head, twice after trying champix I ended up on anti depressants so he's afraid of me going back there now that I'm doing well again.

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

Thanks for your posts everyone.

My hubby does want me to start champix again because it seemed to mess with my head, twice after trying champix I ended up on anti depressants so he's afraid of me going back there now that I'm doing well again.

I am so sorry to hear that, I am a bit cross with whoever prescribed them to you a second time as they should have known better with all the publicity they've had :mad: Do you have a cessation councillor or a group that can help with the motivational stuff, apart from here of course?

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks for your posts everyone.

My hubby does want me to start champix again because it seemed to mess with my head, twice after trying champix I ended up on anti depressants so he's afraid of me going back there now that I'm doing well again.

They can be dodgy!!

Will be quick cos I'm on my phone but here's some homework for you :p

You're smoking now, right?

When you have a fag write down how it feels, what it tastes and smells like, how you smell afterwards.

Above all why do you smoke?

I can't make you not want to smoke but that should help!!

Believe me smoking does nothing for you except take:

Your money

Your looks

Your self respect

Your health

Your senses of taste and smell

It is a hard fight for you but it is well worth it :)

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Well done, are doing so well and have also got past the dreaded Day 3, which can be a bit of a stinker! You seem to have your mind set straight on this quit and that is vital for success, so well done you!:D



nsd_user663_60196 profile image

day 5, yay!

Wow I thought it was going to be quiet here over the weekend. Logged in this morning and saw the thread had reached page 2! Mrs Mash, so you and the hubby are quitting on Monday, that's great! I hope you work out whatever it is that you need to, to make this quit the one!

I was a bit grumpy yesterday evening, ok I was a lot grumpy if I'm honest.:p I got through it though. Deep breaths help a lot! I did not think of a cig when I woke up this morning which is great as I use to smoke first thing. So here's to a great day 5! Be strong everyone. Thanks for the support. x

nsd_user663_60196 profile image

Well done, are doing so well and have also got past the dreaded Day 3, which can be a bit of a stinker! You seem to have your mind set straight on this quit and that is vital for success, so well done you!:D



Thanks Val, I do have a fear that I'll encounter a moment and fail. Would be nice if I could get rid of that feeling. I worry that I don't feel overly determined.:confused: Don't get me wrong I am doing this but it just feels different than before. I was a heavy smoker, I'm a terrible addict and I never want to give in to that disgusting crap again, ever!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I never want to give in to that disgusting crap again, ever!

Hold onto that thought and you won't!!

Remember smoking gives you nothing only takes!!

Always remember there's no such thing as "just one" - they're like wolves they come in packs :p

nsd_user663_60196 profile image

I had never heard of Champix until coming here....are they the same as Zyban? I've got Zyban here somewhere. I tried it a few months back but only took it for a few days so no idea if it would have worked for me.

nsd_user663_60196 profile image

Hold onto that thought and you won't!!

Remember smoking gives you nothing only takes!!

Always remember there's no such thing as "just one" - they're like wolves they come in packs :p

Ha! I like that one, never heard it before!:D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I had never heard of Champix until coming here....are they the same as Zyban? I've got Zyban here somewhere. I tried it a few months back but only took it for a few days so no idea if it would have worked for me.

They're the same sort of thing, but it's a different drug of that makes sense :)

Ha! I like that one, never heard it before!:D

Thanks :D I just made it up!!

nsd_user663_60196 profile image

Put it on the joke thread!!

nsd_user663_48218 profile image

You are doing really well Franky . I'm proud of you chum. Soon you'll get that moment of elation and you will know that you have cracked it. Keep at it and you will soon know freedom again.

nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Thanks Franky! I started at 11 this morning, stuck on a patch then the hubby went and bought 20 :mad:

Ahh well that's his problem now not mine.

I was full of pathetic excuses and didn't even try. If I really want this I need to put my heart and soul into instead of waiting for some form of magic to happen! It's only me can wave the wand :D

Your doing amazingly, I'm following in your footsteps now. I really miss the feeling of elevation when moving through the forum!

nsd_user663_60196 profile image

Thanks Franky! I started at 11 this morning, stuck on a patch then the hubby went and bought 20 :mad:

Ahh well that's his problem now not mine.

I was full of pathetic excuses and didn't even try. If I really want this I need to put my heart and soul into instead of waiting for some form of magic to happen! It's only me can wave the wand :D

Your doing amazingly, I'm following in your footsteps now. I really miss the feeling of elevation when moving through the forum!

Yay! So glad you are back on track. When your hubby sees how well you are doing he will be desperate to join you I'm sure. This is your turn everything you can to make it work. You know there will be some rough times ahead so prepare yourself. It does get easier and our discomfort will not last forever. I've got faith in you.:)

nsd_user663_60196 profile image

The National Cancer Institute actually claims that an ex smoker who has abstained for 5 years cuts the chance of having lung or oral cancer by fifty percent. According to the University of Florida, after ten years of not smoking the ex smoker has the same risks of these types of cancer as someone who has never smoked.


nsd_user663_60196 profile image

Day 6!

Still smoke free. :) I mentioned I had a bit of a cold, well it's full force today. I feel really worn out. I woke up at 2 am and could not get back to sleep. I can't smell a thing, which in some ways is good as I'm off my food a bit. Hope everyone is doing well. X

nsd_user663_60196 profile image

Franky you are doing brilliant one week tomorrow eeek.

Thanks Debbie, I know! I can barely believe it!

nsd_user663_60196 profile image

Having a tough time this evening.:( I think the cold is making me tired and so I've less energy to put in when a craving occurs!

nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Cyber hugs coming your way!!

Having a tough time this evening.:( I think the cold is making me tired and so I've less energy to put in when a craving occurs!

Aww sorry to hear your not feeling so good Franky, think you deserve a night chilled out evening with a good film and some munchies!!

You've been doing so well and supported others through the way so we are here for you now!

nsd_user663_60196 profile image

Aww sorry to hear your not feeling so good Franky, think you deserve a night chilled out evening with a good film and some munchies!!

You've been doing so well and supported others through the way so we are here for you now!

Thank you, it's so good to know because at times it feels like this forum is the only thing between me lighting up.:eek:

nsd_user663_60196 profile image

That's lousy FTF, poor you!:( Look at it this way, you would HATE the taste of it and it would make you feel even more poorly - in some ways getting sick is an advantage! Hope you feel better soon :)

I keep reminding myself how ill it would make me feel. Also, I don't want the disappointment I would feel if I caved either. So I'm keeping strong, thanks for the guys are great!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Having a tough time this evening.:( I think the cold is making me tired and so I've less energy to put in when a craving occurs!

Aww that's a shame!!

Do stick with it though 'cos smoking with a cold only ever makes it worse.

Had a bad one about a year ago now and got a right telling off from one of my friends (who's a doctor, to make it even better) because my symptoms were "typical of a smoker" - she was decidedly unimpressed I didn't stop, just switched to menthols as usual :/

nsd_user663_60196 profile image

day 7!!!

Thank you Gemma and Kat... I made it through the night! Kat....I have a vitamin drink here called Vital Greens. It has everything under the sun in it so I'm gonna start taking it daily again. I need to get in the routine of taking my supplements, I tend to do a few days and then slack off.:confused: feel good being on day 7 but I'm not out of the woods yet.

nsd_user663_31349 profile image


yay for day 7! You are doing so well. Are we off to week 2 next?! x ;)

nsd_user663_60196 profile image

YAY!!!! :D:D:D Just 24 little hours and you'll have a WHOLE WEEK done and dusted!!!! How fantastic is that? Way to go FTF!:cool:

Thanks Kat, I know it's great isn't it! Still can't believe I'm actually here!!

nsd_user663_60196 profile image

yay for day 7! You are doing so well. Are we off to week 2 next?! x ;)

We are indeedy! I'll see you over there.;)

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