Mixed Emotions on day 7: So, I am feeling... - No Smoking Day

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Mixed Emotions on day 7

nsd_user663_50545 profile image
13 Replies

So, I am feeling mostly positive and proud that I have made it this far without any major issues. My husband smoked a cigar last night and I almost puked ( I used to love the smell). What worries me is that I have managed to keep busy this past week as the kids have been off school; without them I am worried I will become bored at home on my own and become tempted. They are off to Cornwall to stay with their Grandparents for a week.

Also, I have discovered, I have put on a fair bit of weight! I don't really understand this as I have made an effort not to over-eat and I have been excersizing and generally more active than usual. It's made me a bit sad to be honest.

I hope I am just having a down day [sighs] and things will perk up tomorrow :(


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nsd_user663_50545 profile image
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13 Replies
AngryBear profile image

Hey congratulations on 7 days first and foremost :)

I could relate to your whole post...

I was with a mate the other night who was chain-smoking at about the same rate I used to. The smoke really got to the back of my throat, it was almost choking me, I couldn't believe it, so I know how that feels!

Enjoy the down-time when the kids are away; I don't know about yours but mine are 16 & 17 and were both away the other week, and although I did miss them it was bliss in a lot of ways; peace and quiet, no other kids in and out at all hours, fridge door got a rest etc etc. I must be getting old! I just filled the time for myself, hopefully the weather will be nice while they're away so you can get out for a bit!

I've been putting a bit of weight on too, I read on here it's a metabolism thing rather than just what you're eating, connected to quitting smoking; someone else might be able to clear that one up, but I'd rather put a bit of weight on than smoke today.

Hope you feel better later or tomorrow, one week clear is brill :D

nsd_user663_50410 profile image

Hey Charlie Girl! Can you give me a toot toot!, Peep peep!!:) Congrats on getting to Day 7..... the worst is over! There is nothing on earth that would want to make me go back to days 1 - 3!:confused: The weight thing is as angrybear quite rightly pointed out to do with the metabolism thingy, Nicotine actually increases the rate so stopping it entering the system will slow it down a little. I have also read that after stopping smoking your blood (cells) increase the amount & rate sugar is absorbed which explains why I am craving anything sweet & thus in turn results in a little more fat depositing. What is recommended is increasing water intake to about 2-3 litres per day!! Alot I know, but this will flush out the toxins & breakdown the fat cells. If you have an iPhone or Smart phone, I stronly suggust downloading the NHS smokefree (quitsmoking) app. Once downloaded, just type in the date & time of your quit & it does the rest calculating the money saved & full of encourging top tips & facts! When I have a trigger I find it good just to have a look & it reminds me why I still have a £20 note in my wallet from the weekend!! :D

nsd_user663_50410 profile image

The weight thing is as angrybear quite rightly pointed out to do with the metabolism thingy, Nicotine actually increases the rate so stopping it entering the system will slow it down a little. I have also read that after stopping smoking your blood (cells) increase the amount & rate sugar is absorbed which explains why I am craving anything sweet & thus in turn results in a little more fat depositing. What is recommended is increasing water intake to about 2-3 litres per day!! Alot I know, but this will flush out the toxins & breakdown the fat cells.

P.s - This is only a temp thing. The body is ajusting to what it should be like & after years (19 yrs for me) abuse, it will take a little time to repair but not as long as you think. :)

nsd_user663_50545 profile image

Thanks guys. I know the weight gain isn't the end of the world but it's hard for girls to accept changes in that department, especially as I have never been slim. Curvy is the most polite way of putting it, lol.

Anyway, I am looking forward to some "me time" this week. I might even try and encourage the other half down the pub ( I must be feeling brave! ). And although the kids aren't with me, I can just think about how proud they are of me for stopping smoking and that should keep me going.

I will keep doing what I am doing as far as exercise and food is concerned but increase the water levels. I think I may start sloshing with 2-3 litres inside me though! :D

Keep strong and keep smiling :)

Charlie :)

AngryBear profile image

My kids still don't quite believe that I'm still not smoking...I always urge caution with them, saying it could all end in a minute, all that stuff, but they are so proud.....and Leeroy, keep posting, you're like a bundle of positivity, makes me smile every time buddy ! :D

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Dont you just love this forum and the friendships it forges. I think it is brill! The support you guys give each other cant be beat.

Dippy_Egg profile image

Dont you just love this forum and the friendships it forges. I think it is brill! The support you guys give each other cant be beat.

Haze how right you are. I'm loving following Bear and Leeroy's progress. Always giggling at that twenty pound note Leeroy seems to constantly still have in his wallet :) The note that just keeps on giving. What a team we all are on here......we stopped smoking.....ergo we can do anything :D

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

I like trying to help new ppl but feel like I Carnt when I feel rubbish me self :(

nsd_user663_50410 profile image

So, are you ready for today's installment of...... Leeroy & is £20 note! I shall begin. I bought an ice cream yesterday in this lovely sunny weather, only spent £1.50, normally that would have been £8.96 with a packet of 20! The £20 note survives again!!! (just for you dippy egg) :):D

AngryBear profile image

I like trying to help new ppl but feel like I Carnt when I feel rubbish me self :(

Shelly you do help, just seeing you post and knowing that you've still quit gave me a boost especially in my first two weeks or so because someone else felt rubbish with me :)

Dippy_Egg profile image

So, are you ready for today's installment of...... Leeroy & is £20 note! I shall begin. I bought an ice cream yesterday in this lovely sunny weather, only spent £1.50, normally that would have been £8.96 with a packet of 20! The £20 note survives again!!! (just for you dippy egg) :):D

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa heeeeeeeeee :) Can't wait for tomorrows installment :D

nsd_user663_50545 profile image

I like trying to help new ppl but feel like I Carnt when I feel rubbish me self :(

I find everyone's post invaluable. I was totally in the dark about what to expect emotionally and physically when I stopped smoking. This forum and your imput into it made all the difference to me. I can search out others feeling the way I am and feel normal and supported. It is awesome and we are awesome for changing our lives :D

Stay strong and keep smiling :D

Charlie :)

nsd_user663_50545 profile image

So, are you ready for today's installment of...... Leeroy & is £20 note! I shall begin. I bought an ice cream yesterday in this lovely sunny weather, only spent £1.50, normally that would have been £8.96 with a packet of 20! The £20 note survives again!!! (just for you dippy egg) :):D

You really make me smile Leeroy

Keep smiling :D

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