Day 5 - Hopefully I can get through with wi... - No Smoking Day

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Day 5 - Hopefully I can get through with with less Ranting!

nsd_user663_58273 profile image
30 Replies

I'm still here, still a non-smoker!!!

Oh nearly half way through my 10 day target. Not that I'm only quitting for 10 days, it's just my number 1 priority for the first 10 days. Then I will actually have to deal with more of real life.

I know I've been ranting a lot and sorry to witter your ears off! I'm a tad ashamed of how much I've been going on and whingeing, but having said that I'm sure many of you understand how upsetting it is to hire a tradesman who then doesn't do the job you've asked for and makes a mess of your house in the process!!! And I have no doubt all of you agree that I'm far better off coming here and venting than buying some tobacco. So I'm afraid you might have a bit more venting from me to come but I'll try to keep a lid on it!

I'm putting my positive face on and I'm going to stop stressing and deal with this situation calmly and sensibly. I'll start by telling the builder I'm not happy and see what he suggests.

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nsd_user663_58273 profile image
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30 Replies
nsd_user663_58273 profile image

First positive thing of the day, my shower's coming today! Hey anything to keep me positive, but I am quite excited to see it!

nsd_user663_58318 profile image

You just need to remember bad things happen and will continue to happen through your life. Just repeat in your head - this is a bad situation but smoking will not improve it, it will make it worse. It will make me hate myself for being weak and cost me more in a year than any shoddy builder.

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Thanks SuperGirl (love it) you're so right. I'm so glad I was able to remind myself of that last night, then have oh so many puffs of my ecig and pack myself off to bed with a hot chocolate instead of buying stinky sticks.

The money side of things doesn't really work as motivation for me. I smokED rollies so it was costing me maybe £7.50 a week. £390 a year, money yes but it wouldn't even pay for my car insurance or any single part of this building work. It's not to be sniffed at don't get me wrong and I'm sure I will enjoy spending it on better things but as a motivation to quit - not so much.

nsd_user663_58318 profile image

I spent that a day, not a week haha! What made you quit?

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Oh I could give a zillion little reasons, the yukky stain on my finger, yellow teeth, I'm 32 and I have loads of wrinkles, naff circulation which leaves me with chilblains on my fingers in winter, the dinky little burns in all my tops. But if I'm really honest, I'd like to have kids one day and smoking has no place in that future.

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

You are doing so well Bridie!! Whinge away - that's what his forum is here for amongst other things!! I'm am sure you will start finding it easier soon so hang in there


nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Whooo Hoooo, go me!

I stopped the builders as they came in and told them very clearly that I'm not happy with the plumber. I said I'm on the verge of not having him back. They were very understanding and said they will do their best to turn his bodge job into the nice finish I asked for. Very good of them because it's not their fault and not their responsibility to go out of their way to make it better for me.

The plumber followed closely afterwards and I stopped work and spoke to him. He was more interested in playing with my dog so I pulled her away. He tried to walk away from me and he could barely look at me. I've told him I'm not happy, he shouldn't have bought or fitted the boiler without checking with me, it's not what I asked for. He says it was the slimmest on that range, I said he should have checked other ranges or asked me to do it. I've acknowledged that there's nothing can be done about it now and he apologized as I thought he said he's working on too many jobs at once. I've told him to get a move on with the rest of the job. He said he'd get the bath in today. Daft thing is the builders have told him they won't plaster until he's chiseled out for the shower water and electrics. They're bareing in mind the fact that I've asked for nice finish.

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

He keeps walking past! - wouldn't want him to think I'm naming and shaming him on some review website!

He's getting cracking on now and he just checked exactly where I want the shower. He's still not meeting my eye but hey, if he's uncomfortable that's his fault.

Oh I can hear the builder ripping him a new one . . .

I did try to end my complaint on a positive note, I asked him to get a move on with the job because I stink! It's the only useful action he can take to improve the situation he's left me in. And ya know, getting a bath or a shower will make this whole thing seem so much better!

Thanks for your support Sarah. I do seem to be managing the cravings better for the most part. It's just those dangerous triggers that could set me off smoking again. Like SuperGirl says, just gotta keep reminding myself that smoking won't help and as you say it will get easier, just got to get through these first 10 days.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You rant away hun, it's good to get it all out!!

Goodness knows i did plenty, lol.

The money side of things doesn't really work as motivation for me. I smokED rollies so it was costing me maybe £7.50 a week.


By the end it was costing me £8-£10 a day :/

More on a bad day, less on a good one.

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Yeah, rollies are a zillion times cheaper. Once I invested in a rolling machine I was away. It was years before I learnt to roll for myself. I was always quite proud of my thriftiness, I think I'd have had no choice but to quit years ago if I'd been on proper fags. But the nasty finger stain was my first thought when SuperGirl asked me why I'm quitting.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Yeah, rollies are a zillion times cheaper. Once I invested in a rolling machine I was away. It was years before I learnt to roll for myself. I was always quite proud of my thriftiness, I think I'd have had no choice but to quit years ago if I'd been on proper fags. But the nasty finger stain was my first thought when SuperGirl asked me why I'm quitting.

That's why I tried again last year :)

Trouble was that 1) I can't roll a decent ciggie to save my life (think I made a handful of good ones out of a 12g pouch) and 2) it didn't feel like I'd had a fag so I usually sparked up a "proper" one straight after.

Odd isn't it?

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Plumbers still cracking on . . . things are looking up. And he keeps checking with me exactly where and how i want stuff. He's put the sink in the wrong place and I do get the impression he was prepared to rip it all out and do it again if I insisted. It's only a centimeter out so it should be OK if he gets the pedestal over to one side of the pipework. I'm not being daft, whingeing about a cm, it's a tiny bathroom so it's been very carefully designed to fit everything I want. The sink being a cm too far to the right means the under sink unit rubs up against the radiator socket.

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Thanks Max

But naughty naughty you! Duty free baccy and from a copper too! Oh and even worse, rolling and driving.

In all honesty I wouldn't have minded paying the duty if it had gone to pay for the strain i was putting on the NHS. But it goes to customs, i never understood that.

You're totally right, I popped on to post a little good moment. I won a little competition and my prize has just arrived, just a little pack of goodies someone has popped in the post for me. It happens to be some papers for making greeting cards with and I flicked through them as ya do - waaaaa!!! The stink!! I can smell a mile off they've been sent by a smoker. The smell in my office is actually nauseating! It's seriously giving me a headache - yukky yukky yuk! To think I stunk like that!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You're totally right, I popped on to post a little good moment. I won a little competition and my prize has just arrived, just a little pack of goodies someone has popped in the post for me. It happens to be some papers for making greeting cards with and I flicked through them as ya do - waaaaa!!! The stink!! I can smell a mile off they've been sent by a smoker. The smell in my office is actually nauseating! It's seriously giving me a headache - yukky yukky yuk! To think I stunk like that!

It's horrible!!

I buy a lot of bits off eBay, and can always tell if they come from a smoker's house or not. It's minging!!

Am hoping that as i smoked outdoors, the bits I've sold didn't smell for people :eek:

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

I had exactly the same thought Gemma, I sell stuff mail order too, my gawd I'd be mortified to think anyone smelt what I can STILL smell (even though I've actually binned the paper) on one of my parcels. It's been a real eye opener.

I used to tell my bloke to shut up when he winged I stunk or insisted I use mouth wash. Now I'm thinking he was a saint to put up with it.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I had exactly the same thought Gemma, I sell stuff mail order too, my gawd I'd be mortified to think anyone smelt what I can STILL smell (even though I've actually binned the paper) on one of my parcels. It's been a real eye opener.

I used to tell my bloke to shut up when he winged I stunk or insisted I use mouth wash. Now I'm thinking he was a saint to put up with it.

Worst bit is I used to buy stuff from people who said they smoked in the advert 'cos it was cheaper and mostly thought "oh that doesn't smell" :eek:

Never said I was a smoker in my adverts 'cos i didn't want to put people off :/

Not a nice thought!!

And yes, think we all used to think non-smokers where just whinging. :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Yup, like you I figured because I have never smoked in my office and only outside for the last 6 years, I figured it didn't matter.

As a non smoker I can so say it REEKS!!!

We were talking about money earlier, I should end up saving on perfume at least!

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

So true Max!

I've discovered another plus point (I did say I was putting my positive face on today!). I know people say they have more energy when they quit but I didn't really believe it. I think I'm starting to notice an improvement, maybe I'm looking for it, trying to focus on the positives but hey, if it's all in my head so be it, I still feel better.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Yup, like you I figured because I have never smoked in my office and only outside for the last 6 years, I figured it didn't matter.

As a non smoker I can so say it REEKS!!!

We were talking about money earlier, I should end up saving on perfume at least!

I actually have done - tend to use bodysprays mostly (Impulse, Playboy and Avon Chic ones are my favourites) and they go so much further now!!

I am sure that it would be so much more difficult to quit,if fags didn't stink so badly-it's so bad,the stench:rolleyes: Gemma that wonderful word of yours 'Minging' was made totally to describe smelly fag stink :D

Can tell you 100% that if they didn't smell minging I'd still be happily puffing away Max 'cos that's the main reason I stopped. :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

So true Max!

I've discovered another plus point (I did say I was putting my positive face on today!). I know people say they have more energy when they quit but I didn't really believe it. I think I'm starting to notice an improvement, maybe I'm looking for it, trying to focus on the positives but hey, if it's all in my head so be it, I still feel better.

You will - all that oxygen in your blood instead of CO :eek:

On my bad days I'd be dragging myself round like a zombie but it didn't really register what was causing it.

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

I'm still here, still a non-smoker!!!

Oh nearly half way through my 10 day target. Not that I'm only quitting for 10 days, it's just my number 1 priority for the first 10 days. Then I will actually have to deal with more of real life.

I know I've been ranting a lot and sorry to witter your ears off! I'm a tad ashamed of how much I've been going on and whingeing, but having said that I'm sure many of you understand how upsetting it is to hire a tradesman who then doesn't do the job you've asked for and makes a mess of your house in the process!!! And I have no doubt all of you agree that I'm far better off coming here and venting than buying some tobacco. So I'm afraid you might have a bit more venting from me to come but I'll try to keep a lid on it!

I'm putting my positive face on and I'm going to stop stressing and deal with this situation calmly and sensibly. I'll start by telling the builder I'm not happy and see what he suggests.

Well done Bridie! :)

I reckon your 10 day target is a great thing to do in the early stages. Taking it one day at a time was a real life saver for me and it stopped me from thinking about the future as a non-smoker (this thought terrified me!).

Sounds like you have plenty going on at home to stress you out, so keep up the ranting! :D x

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Thanks for your support Sarah and Gemma, it helps loads!

It's mostly my OH that triggers me failing to quit and he's on holiday for 10 days. He can be the most dis-organised, thoughtless, infuriating person I know. We rub each other up the wrong way and my stop smoking efforts go out the window. It's the only coping mechanism I know of.

I figure with him out of the way for a full 10 days and a quiet time at work I stand my best chance of beating this right now. If I can just push through the cravings, get the foul stuff out of my system and get my brain around not smoking before he get's back then I think I have a good chance of sticking to it.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Glad to help, am sure you can do it after the stress you've had going on!!

It's mostly my OH that triggers me failing to quit and he's on holiday for 10 days. He can be the most dis-organised, thoughtless, infuriating person I know.

That's 'cos he's a bloke!!

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

So true!!

I'm starting to come to the conclusion that they're all like that and I just have to roll my eyes and deal with it. I have a friend who phrases it very well, she sort of tuts, rolls her eyes and very firmly says "CHILD" then turns away.

It's amazing how much better I'm feeling seeing actual progress. The wiring and plumbing for the shower are done. I think the boiler may be filled and running. They haven't mentioned it so I'm guessing it could be in some phase of being tested. But the real bonus was when the plumper and his dad came down stairs and picked up the new bath from my office and toddled off upstairs with it. As requested they gave me chance to chose where the taps will go, well, I followed them upstairs and stuck my oar in. But that sort of thing is mostly a down to me to decide.

So all looking good so far. I'm looking forward to day 6, I should be able to have a bath at the end of it! Best reward yet. If think I'll tell myself that if I smoke tomorrow I can't have a bath!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

So true!!

I'm starting to come to the conclusion that they're all like that and I just have to roll my eyes and deal with it. I have a friend who phrases it very well, she sort of tuts, rolls her eyes and very firmly says "CHILD" then turns away.

They are like kids!!

It's amazing how much better I'm feeling seeing actual progress. The wiring and plumbing for the shower are done. I think the boiler may be filled and running. They haven't mentioned it so I'm guessing it could be in some phase of being tested. But the real bonus was when the plumper and his dad came down stairs and picked up the new bath from my office and toddled off upstairs with it. As requested they gave me chance to chose where the taps will go, well, I followed them upstairs and stuck my oar in. But that sort of thing is mostly a down to me to decide.

So all looking good so far. I'm looking forward to day 6, I should be able to have a bath at the end of it! Best reward yet. If think I'll tell myself that if I smoke tomorrow I can't have a bath!

Ooh that sounds fab, glad it's coming together for you now :D

nsd_user663_58273 profile image


The difference between men and boys?

The size of their shoes

And the price of their toys.

Boiler's on! They were worried because there was no power to it - doh there's not supposed to be power to anything while you're working on it. They say I should be able to have a bath tomorrow. The tap has been fitted too - looks awesome!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oooh fighting words Max!!

Why is it so hard for women to find men that are sensitive, caring, and good-looking?

Because they already have boyfriends.

What did God say after creating man?

I can do better.

Why did God create man?

Because a vibrator can't mow the lawn.


YAY for having a bath tomorrow Bridie :D :D

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

I wondered if anyone would proffer the other side of the coin.

I'm sure there are oh so many responses, I'll leave others to post them.

Although, the best builder I've ever had is a woman - she cleans up after herself and she takes care not to damage my stuff and she cares about how the job will look when she's done. And she's still up and down the scaffold like a monkey.

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Oh Gemma!!

Love 'em!

And it's so true. I met a lovely guy once, gorgeous, nice, well mannered - gay. TYPICAL.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oh Gemma!!

Love 'em!

YAY :cool:

And it's so true. I met a lovely guy once, gorgeous, nice, well mannered - gay. TYPICAL.

Not sure what's worse, gay or with someone else :/

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