Not Quite Day One - But Nearly, I Hope - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Not Quite Day One - But Nearly, I Hope

nsd_user663_51671 profile image
10 Replies

Yet another round of sinusitis and I think a chest infection has brought me back to that miserable spot called 'I know I've got to stop, I know I want to stop, so why can't I?' And I've run out of answers.

I'm scared to stop, mostly because previous attempts have left me feeling like I'm going mad, as if I'm going to lose control. The anxiety/anger levels were almost at panic level. I'm off to the doctors this evening regarding the chest infection and I'll swallow my pride and ask for help - I don't believe for one second that I'll get anything more than a patronising lecture and possibly a prescription. I'm hoping this forum can help as the only person who knows what a broken leg feels like is someone else who has broken their leg - no matter how much non-breakee's may try to empathise they don't know how it feels.

Miserable as sin, I know. Sorry.

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nsd_user663_51671 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_51617 profile image

Hi there, well first of all you are not alone. There are millions of people feeling exactly the same only you are brave enough to do something about it. Nice one.

I am seriously crap at quitting although i know i have to and i really want to. Its a real melon twister isnt it? I know it sounds harsh but maybe a health scare is what you need? Maybe this trip to the docs will trigger something in you? maybe he/she will have some stern words for you?

Ive found this site to be quite good as it helps to know that others have been there and done it but dont expect any magic cures... the only way in my opinion is will power and sadly i dont have much of that myself so cant share some.... :o

the thing is though, i will keep trying and you should too.

good luck

AngryBear profile image


Hey York.......welcome! I was the same on June 23rd. I had a fag before bed as usual the night before and didn't wake up till lunchtime, felt like Death. Spent all day in bed and like you said, I knew something had to be done.

69 days later and here I am, still smoke free, and the missus will tell you, considering how I smoked, that's a miracle. This forum has done it for me till today, no NRT needed so far luckily (but only because I thought I would not need it with the "nicotine gone after three days" stuff I kept reading; I had been ill for two of them!).

And you don't lose control. If there's one thing you do gain very early on, it is just that.....control ;)

nsd_user663_44157 profile image

I found the scareiest thing about stopping smoking was when I still smoked and was thinking about stopping. All the doubts after failing before, telling myself I liked smoking and I would miss it. Anything to justify the habit although deep down I wanted to stop. When you are still smoking its amazing how many good reasons you can make up for not stopping. Once you have stopped you will not find any good reasons to smoke because there are'nt any

In the end I just realised I had to stop before it stopped me.

I just said thats it I am stopping and just believed I could and would stop. OK that makes it sound easy and you know with that belief it has been relatively easy.

Self belief is a very powerful thing.

Yes you can do it.

Good luck


Dippy_Egg profile image

York...we were ALL scared to stop. All of us. We all started where you are.....feeling like you do. Trust us. We ARE you. We may be a week, a month, a year ahead of you quitting wise.....but we all were once you...... and we all look back to tell you that you can do this. Give it a go York. Go on....give it a go. I did it. You can too :)

nsd_user663_47108 profile image

What Dippy said! :)

nsd_user663_49670 profile image

Don't keep putting it off like I always used to - it was always going to be tomorrow for me because I didn't think I could quit, it was easier to smoke.

Eventually I ended up with a smoker's cough, you know the one where you have to clear your chest first thing in the morning - absolutely horrible.

I have just completed a month without my beloved cigarettes and, much to my surprise, I have discovered that I can survive quite well without them. I won't pretend that my quit has not been without it's difficulties but it has been worth all the effort that I sometimes have had to put in. My cough by the way disappeared completely after about 3 days, proof to me that it definitely was time to stop.

Just give quitting a go, you can do it and you will feel so much better for it believe me.

Good luck.

Evie x

nsd_user663_51671 profile image

Thank You

Thanks for all the positive messages. Yep a chest infection - ridculous trying to smoke through this or should I say Insanity. Just back from the Smoking Advisor with a couple of tubes of Clear Mist. I feel much more positive today and look forward in the next few days to posting my Day 1 quit experiences.

nsd_user663_36288 profile image

Yep a chest infection - ridculous trying to smoke through this or should I say Insanity. .

We can definitely do 'ridiculous' here - and as for insanity, well there are plenty of us who have been just where you are now.... standing on the edge, fearful and hopeful and dread-ful (if you see what I mean!).

I know I'm not the only one who has stood with a cigarette in one hand and an inhaler in the other. ..

The good news is you've reached a point where you are thinking of quitting. And you've found a place where others really, really, really understand what you are going through. Who will support you all the way.

And the journey is so, so worth it. Take the plunge. Join us soon. There is always someone to 'talk to' on here, someone who understands - and you don't even have to talk to get the benefit of their wisdom! You can just read, read, read. It is oh so helpful.



nsd_user663_51759 profile image

Thank God I found you all!!!

I am so grateful I found this site!

After 30 years of fags and my champrix starter pack on my mantlepiece , PLEASE PLEASE tell me not all of you are psychotic or suicidal?

I need to stop! My kids complain , I am bankrupt and I perculate at night like a coffee maker . please be my friend and give me the confidence to do this ...

Shev xxx

Aged 80s chic.....:eek::eek:

nsd_user663_48218 profile image

I am so grateful I found this site!

After 30 years of fags and my champrix starter pack on my mantlepiece , PLEASE PLEASE tell me not all of you are psychotic or suicidal?

I need to stop! My kids complain , I am bankrupt and I perculate at night like a coffee maker . please be my friend and give me the confidence to do this ...

Shev xxx

Aged 80s chic.....:eek::eek:

You can do this Shev. I'm just starting week 4 not smoking and have been using Champix. It makes it easier but you will still need willpower.

York, can't wait to see how you get on and to keep up with your progress.

Well done to both of you for making the best decision you will ever make.

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