Week Number 2...: So here i am, week 2. Still... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Week Number 2...

nsd_user663_57905 profile image
41 Replies

So here i am, week 2. Still thinking about cigarettes fairly often and get pangs of longing but i will not give in to my cravings.

The feeling of something missing is still with me, like i've lost something from my life and im yet to replace it. I guess after smoking for so long it's going to take a while to reprogram my brain.

Back at work today and i'm hoping it wont be too stressful but now i know that going for a smoke doesnt change anything - it was all an illusion.

I've also learnt quitting is a very personal thing and you cant expect other people to always understand or say the right thing. Everyone experiences everything differently and this forum has been the most helpful tool i've found :)

How is everyone else doing on this lovely rainy morning?

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nsd_user663_57905 profile image
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41 Replies
nsd_user663_56237 profile image

So here i am, week 2. Still thinking about cigarettes fairly often and get pangs of longing but i will not give in to my cravings.

The feeling of something missing is still with me, like i've lost something from my life and im yet to replace it. I guess after smoking for so long it's going to take a while to reprogram my brain.

Back at work today and i'm hoping it wont be too stressful but now i know that going for a smoke doesnt change anything - it was all an illusion.

I've also learnt quitting is a very personal thing and you cant expect other people to always understand or say the right thing. Everyone experiences everything differently and this forum has been the most helpful tool i've found :)

How is everyone else doing on this lovely rainy morning?

Very wise words Kim.

I think once you can get an understanding of the addiction, you start to become stronger. Even though you'll still have the feeling of losing/missing at the moment, those feelings should be much easier to handle because you understand why you have these feelings.

Well done. You're doing a brilliant job! :D x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hiya Kim, well done on getting to week 2!! You're doing brilliantly :D :D

We all get the "lost" feeling - and it does go away :)

Smoking is an insidious little b**ger 'cos it uses all our senses, and when you're doing something 10, 15, 20 or 25 :o times a day it really gets under your skin - plus you teach yourself you need, like and rely on your fags to live normally.

Shame we didn't stick to our first impressions, isn't it?

But with time it becomes normal not to smoke!! It's just an adjusting thing, and you can make up for it by treating yourself to nice things with you would have spent on baccy. Last time I bought any (failed cost cutting, rolling experiment) it was nearly £4 for a pouch (of sticks actually, lol) so it's got to mount up :D

Anyway it's great your mind's in the right place, think this is the quit for you hun :)

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Kim you are doing superbly!

The feeling of something missing is totally normal.There is an empty feeling like a hole in the soul,isn't there.:rolleyes: It is an ILLUSION.Also don't mistake hunger,or tiredness or worry or excitement,for craves.That feeling of a hole fades and disappears altogether after time.Smoking,in its cruel deception,creates a sense in the smoker of its own total need to be.Remove the cancer that is smoking,and the whole infrastructure of the illusion falls away with it.Persist Kim!:D

Morning Max :)

Thats a good point about not mistaking other emotions/ feelings for craves. I hadnt looked at it like that so i'll be more aware now. I'm stressed at work as we speak and i keep thinking im more stressed becasue i'm not smoking but that cant be true, it's just stress that has nothing to do with smoking.

I will definately persist :p

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Very wise words Kim.

I think once you can get an understanding of the addiction, you start to become stronger. Even though you'll still have the feeling of losing/missing at the moment, those feelings should be much easier to handle because you understand why you have these feelings.

Well done. You're doing a brilliant job! :D x

Thanks Sarah, it's always really helpful to hear other people's experiences/ advice :)

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Hiya Kim, well done on getting to week 2!! You're doing brilliantly :D :D

We all get the "lost" feeling - and it does go away :)

Smoking is an insidious little b**ger 'cos it uses all our senses, and when you're doing something 10, 15, 20 or 25 :o times a day it really gets under your skin - plus you teach yourself you need, like and rely on your fags to live normally.

Shame we didn't stick to our first impressions, isn't it?

But with time it becomes normal not to smoke!! It's just an adjusting thing, and you can make up for it by treating yourself to nice things with you would have spent on baccy. Last time I bought any (failed cost cutting, rolling experiment) it was nearly £4 for a pouch (of sticks actually, lol) so it's got to mount up :D

Anyway it's great your mind's in the right place, think this is the quit for you hun :)

Thanks Gemma :)

I d/l that app you told me about and when you see the amount of fags you HAVENT smoked its shocking! When you look at the bigger picture its scary and kind of motivational not to go back and have those 100s of fags!

I can feel this is the quit for me :p Thanks for all your posts, they've been very helpful x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks Gemma :)

I d/l that app you told me about and when you see the amount of fags you HAVENT smoked its shocking! When you look at the bigger picture its scary and kind of motivational not to go back and have those 100s of fags!

I can feel this is the quit for me :p Thanks for all your posts, they've been very helpful x

It's amazing isn't it? My app says I'm up to 3,368 now :o and that's an underestimate :/

Most of those fags we wouldn't have even noticed smoking - we just did it because it was time, someone else was having one, bored or whatever.

You should be really proud of yourself and flipping heck imagine all those fag ends in a huge ashtray :o

Huge inspiration there :D

It's lovely to have helped, this place is fab!! x

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

It's amazing isn't it? My app says I'm up to 3,368 now :o and that's an underestimate :/

Most of those fags we wouldn't have even noticed smoking - we just did it because it was time, someone else was having one, bored or whatever.

You should be really proud of yourself and flipping heck imagine all those fag ends in a huge ashtray :o

Huge inspiration there :D

It's lovely to have helped, this place is fab!! x

Wow, that's a lot of smokes! Mental, isn't it? :eek::rolleyes:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Wow, that's a lot of smokes! Mental, isn't it? :eek::rolleyes:

It's flipping scary!!

My poor lungs :(

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

It's amazing isn't it? My app says I'm up to 3,368 now :o and that's an underestimate :/

Most of those fags we wouldn't have even noticed smoking - we just did it because it was time, someone else was having one, bored or whatever.

You should be really proud of yourself and flipping heck imagine all those fag ends in a huge ashtray :o

Huge inspiration there :D

It's lovely to have helped, this place is fab!! x

Woah thats loads! Imagine how big that pile would be!

I've still got my old ashtray/ bucket thing in the garden which is full of tar water and dog ends just to remind me how gross they are if im ever tempted! I used to gag when i emptied it becasue seeing them like that grossed me out!

Well done you for getting so far - such a major Achievement :p

Thank you :) this place is great becasue if you need to get anything off your chest you just write it here

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Woah thats loads! Imagine how big that pile would be!

It's huge!!

*Imagines sitting next to a dustbin instead of an ashtray* :p

I've still got my old ashtray/ bucket thing in the garden which is full of tar water and dog ends just to remind me how gross they are if im ever tempted! I used to gag when i emptied it becasue seeing them like that grossed me out!

Ooh I had one of them, it started out pink but that didn't last :/

Used to use pocket ashtrays too, and it was them that made my smoke tinted glasses fall off!!

It's a good idea to keep something like that to remind you how manky it smells - my quit buddy kept one of her ashtrays in a plastic bag to have a sniff shen she wanted a smoke and it worked for her :D

Well done you for getting so far - such a major Achievement :p

Thank you :) this place is great becasue if you need to get anything off your chest you just write it here

Yay thanks!!

Oh it's amazing, they've dragged me through some lousy times here and I definitely wouldn't be a non-smoker still without it!!

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

It's a good idea to keep something like that to remind you how manky it smells - my quit buddy kept one of her ashtrays in a plastic bag to have a sniff shen she wanted a smoke and it worked for her :D

Thats such a good idea! It would put anyone off. Although saying that in the past when i had run out i went through an ash tray and used the old baccy to make a fag :\ If i told a non smoker that they'd think i was homeless or something!

Yay thanks!!

Oh it's amazing, they've dragged me through some lousy times here and I definitely wouldn't be a non-smoker still without it!!

Like minded people can help solve any problems :P

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thats such a good idea! It would put anyone off. Although saying that in the past when i had run out i went through an ash tray and used the old baccy to make a fag :\ If i told a non smoker that they'd think i was homeless or something!

It's amazing - always knew ashtrays stank but when you're a non-smoker it's gut churning!!

Lol, I used to do that too sometimes - works rather badly with ready rolled ones but that's addicts for you :rolleyes:

Like minded people can help solve any problems :P

YAY that's so true!!

And if that doesn't work Max wil lthreaten you :p

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma-darling-I keep seeing you throw in little digs about me :D

I wouldn't threaten anyone except criminals,I am a big softy.:rolleyes:

Just 'cos I said you are able to get pi$$ed on seawater :p


Nooooooo lol it wasn't a dig!!

Just that you promised you'd track me down if I smoked that's all :)

Am wondering if that means you think I'm a lightweight or that I booze a lot though ;) xx

nsd_user663_57531 profile image

Max & Kim

Just read this thread and found two things that hit home - Max`s `hole in the soul` really sums up the feelings and Kim - you are not the only one who`s raided the dog ends in an ash tray. Now I don`t know how I could have done that!!


nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Just read this thread and found two things that hit home - Max`s `hole in the soul` really sums up the feelings and Kim - you are not the only one who`s raided the dog ends in an ash tray. Now I don`t know how I could have done that!!


I know me too Chris, looking back now after getting to this point I can see how much of an 'addict' I was! Because smoking is socially acceptable, to a certain extent, I never saw anything wrong with what I was doing at the time, just had to get my hit.

NEVER again huh :p

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

It's amazing - always knew ashtrays stank but when you're a non-smoker it's gut churning!!

Lol, I used to do that too sometimes - works rather badly with ready rolled ones but that's addicts for you :rolleyes:

Oh I tried it with straights to - absolutely disgusting lol.

I just made the mistake of standing on the scales... I thing my appetite has increased lol.

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

I think many of us have raided the ashtray (in one case even the bin for me) to find a little stub. Disgusting isn't it!?!?

Don't worry about the scales just yet - one thing at a time!

Or try my way and have some fresh oysters - food poisoning does wonders for your cravings and your weight ....;)

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

I think many of us have raided the ashtray (in one case even the bin for me) to find a little stub. Disgusting isn't it!?!?

Don't worry about the scales just yet - one thing at a time!

Or try my way and have some fresh oysters - food poisoning does wonders for your cravings and your weight ....;)

I'm trying not to be too bothered about eating more because like you say one problem at a time.

Haha um if it's ok with you I might pass on using the Oyster weight loss plan :p depending on when that was hope you're feeling better :)

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Haha um if it's ok with you I might pass on using the Oyster weight loss plan :p depending on when that was hope you're feeling better :)

I don't blame you! Currently experiencing it - very effective but not very pleasant!

But worth bearing in mind next time you have a bad crave.....

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

I don't blame you! Currently experiencing it - very effective but not very pleasant!

But worth bearing in mind next time you have a bad crave.....

Next time I do crave you know my mind is going to think of bad oysters lol!

Hope it passes quickly (and don't eat anything that looks that weird in-future :p)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oh I tried it with straights to - absolutely disgusting lol.

*Can remember picking tobacco out of her mouth from doing that*

I just made the mistake of standing on the scales... I thing my appetite has increased lol.

Am keeping off them - what I do know is that I'm heading to size 10. :o

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

*Can remember picking tobacco out of her mouth from doing that*

Am keeping off them - what I do know is that I'm heading to size 10. :o

I'd give my right arm to be size 10, I'm fast approaching size 14 now. But better that than having a tobacco habit :)

Oh and I smoked roll ups so having tobacco in my mouth was a daily occurrence and i can still remember how horrible it tastes! Blergh

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I'd give my right arm to be size 10, I'm fast approaching size 14 now. But better that than having a tobacco habit :)

Know i shouldn't moan, but I lost a lot of weight when I started smoking again a few years ago, so am clinging onto the one positive of it :o

Oh and I smoked roll ups so having tobacco in my mouth was a daily occurrence and i can still remember how horrible it tastes! Blergh

I tried a few times to smoke them but never got the hang of rolling.

Had another go last year and am still picking bits of tobacco out of my car carpet - even though I never smoked in it!!

It's flipping disgusting though isn't it?

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Know i shouldn't moan, but I lost a lot of weight when I started smoking again a few years ago, so am clinging onto the one positive of it :o

I tried a few times to smoke them but never got the hang of rolling.

Had another go last year and am still picking bits of tobacco out of my car carpet - even though I never smoked in it!!

It's flipping disgusting though isn't it?

Well if we can quit smoking then we're capable of anything so my dream of looking like Jamie Eason may come true just need to be bothered to go to the gym lol.

It is gross! Whenever I smoked straights I'd feel sick but if I had a pack I'd still smoke them all because yeah that makes sense lol.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well if we can quit smoking then we're capable of anything so my dream of looking like Jamie Eason may come true just need to be bothered to go to the gym lol.

YAY we definitely can :D :D

I need to get off my bum and do some exercise - says she who is planning to curl up with a bottle of wine tonight. :eek:

It is gross! Whenever I smoked straights I'd feel sick but if I had a pack I'd still smoke them all because yeah that makes sense lol.

Well it makes sense to other smokers, lol.

Weird, but when I smoked rollies, it never felt like I'd had a "proper" fag so my "cost cutting" usually meant me sparking up a straight as soon as I'd finished it - or it had opened up on me, burned my lip or whatever.

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

YAY we definitely can :D :D

I need to get off my bum and do some exercise - says she who is planning to curl up with a bottle of wine tonight. :eek:

Nothing wrong with wine, I had some red left but then discovered it had been used in cooking and I was a little bit annoyed at that particular person lol.

Well it makes sense to other smokers, lol.

Weird, but when I smoked rollies, it never felt like I'd had a "proper" fag so my "cost cutting" usually meant me sparking up a straight as soon as I'd finished it - or it had opened up on me, burned my lip or whatever.

Blo*dy things. I always told myself they had less chemicals in, pffft yeah right. I'm getting a bit of a cough now, never had one when I smoked so this can only be good.

Hope you enjoy your wine hun :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Nothing wrong with wine, I had some red left but then discovered it had been used in cooking and I was a little bit annoyed at that particular person lol.

Oh no!! Lol I know the feeling!!

Blo*dy things. I always told myself they had less chemicals in, pffft yeah right. I'm getting a bit of a cough now, never had one when I smoked so this can only be good.

Hope you enjoy your wine hun :)

That's what I told myself when I switched to lights - like it made up for smoking so much more :/

Am enjoying my wine thanks :) Have had a horrible day and it's just what I need!!

The cough's good in a way, you're getting all that nasty stuff out and you'r getting better YAY :D:D

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Oh no!! Lol I know the feeling!!

That's what I told myself when I switched to lights - like it made up for smoking so much more :/

Am enjoying my wine thanks :) Have had a horrible day and it's just what I need!!

The cough's good in a way, you're getting all that nasty stuff out and you'r getting better YAY :D:D

Oh no, how come you had a horrible day hun?

I just finished Allen Carrs book, some good stuff in it. Especially the bit about not worrying if you think about smoking all the time as long as its in the right way.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oh no, how come you had a horrible day hun?

That's a long, boring and embarrassing story of idiotic crushes. :rolleyes:

*throws herself a pity party*

I just finished Allen Carrs book, some good stuff in it. Especially the bit about not worrying if you think about smoking all the time as long as its in the right way.

It's good, his book definitely helped me!! Glad it's working for you too!!

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

That's a long, boring and embarrassing story of idiotic crushes. :rolleyes:

*throws herself a pity party*!!

Oh i see... No pity parties allowed, just have to keep trying :p

It's good, his book definitely helped me!! Glad it's working for you too!!

It was working until i turned up at work today! Such a crappy stressful day and i keep thinking about how i used to be able to have fag breaks grrrr.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oh i see... No pity parties allowed, just have to keep trying :p

I got drunk, was the easier option :p

It was working until i turned up at work today! Such a crappy stressful day and i keep thinking about how i used to be able to have fag breaks grrrr.

Aww I'm sorry you're having a crappy day :(

Don't cave in though - am really glad i didn't yesterday, and if you do it makes you feel lousy!!

Anyway, if you smoked still you'd be having a crappy day but you'd smell of fags too and be spending lots of money on baccy - not worth it!!

We all got days like that before we quit and it was nice to have a break for enough time to smoke a fag or 2 but it wasn't the ciggies that helped, it was the break, can you try that maybe?

Hang in there!!

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

I got drunk, was the easier option :p!!

Lol yeah that's normally how i deal with stuff, great idea until the next day :p

Aww I'm sorry you're having a crappy day :(

Don't cave in though - am really glad i didn't yesterday, and if you do it makes you feel lousy!!

Anyway, if you smoked still you'd be having a crappy day but you'd smell of fags too and be spending lots of money on baccy - not worth it!!

We all got days like that before we quit and it was nice to have a break for enough time to smoke a fag or 2 but it wasn't the ciggies that helped, it was the break, can you try that maybe?

Hang in there!!

I had a dream last night that i had a fag and when i woke up i thought i had actually had one! Was so glad when i realised it wasn't real so i'm using that dream feeling as motivation lol.

Cheers hun, what i'm trying to work out is do i just cope badly with stress or is it worse becasue im only in the early stages of quitting? I've always been highly strung but dont know how much of that was the nicotine addiction and how much was my personailty...

nsd_user663_57889 profile image


I'm on day 5 now and I'm getting cravings for sure but like yourself am ignoring them. I have been constructive this week and joined the gym, started a new course and booked an appointment with the hygienist on Friday. You are so right when you say it's all an illision....I had a chest infection when I gave up (a good time to do it) smoking was draining me and making me feel so ill. I'll be really happy when my energy returns and my sleeping sorts it self out. I gave up before for about 10 months and gained a stone and a half, this time I won't allow that to happen.

I smoked from the age of 15....I'm 40 now so yes it's hard but totally worth it. I'm going to be fit and 40!!!!! :)

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

I'm on day 5 now and I'm getting cravings for sure but like yourself am ignoring them. I have been constructive this week and joined the gym, started a new course and booked an appointment with the hygienist on Friday. You are so right when you say it's all an illision....I had a chest infection when I gave up (a good time to do it) smoking was draining me and making me feel so ill. I'll be really happy when my energy returns and my sleeping sorts it self out. I gave up before for about 10 months and gained a stone and a half, this time I won't allow that to happen.

I smoked from the age of 15....I'm 40 now so yes it's hard but totally worth it. I'm going to be fit and 40!!!!! :)

Hi Susannah,

Congrats on getting to day 5, thats a great achievement! And exercise defo helps, i always feel way more positive about things after a gym class so it's a great habit to start getting into :p

I admire anyone who decides to quit because it isnt an easy thing to do, especially as you've smoked since you were 15, but its completely achievable even though i've been finding it hard today!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Lol yeah that's normally how i deal with stuff, great idea until the next day :p

Tell me about it, lol. :eek::eek:

I had a dream last night that i had a fag and when i woke up i thought i had actually had one! Was so glad when i realised it wasn't real so i'm using that dream feeling as motivation lol.

Ooh those dreams are nasty :eek:

But that you're glad you didin't smoke shows you really want this!! :D

Cheers hun, what i'm trying to work out is do i just cope badly with stress or is it worse becasue im only in the early stages of quitting? I've always been highly strung but dont know how much of that was the nicotine addiction and how much was my personailty...

Think it's mostly quitting - know it really set me off, hell people could even breathe wrong :eek: but it does pass!!

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Ooh those dreams are nasty :eek:

But that you're glad you didin't smoke shows you really want this!! :D!

Right now i want to go home, drink alcohol and wash it down with pizza!

Think it's mostly quitting - know it really set me off, hell people could even breathe wrong :eek: but it does pass!!

Im hoping so, ive already cried twice today!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Right now i want to go home, drink alcohol and wash it down with pizza!

Now that's what I call a plan!!

Im hoping so, ive already cried twice today!

Aww that's horrible but quitting does make you feel teary early on. It doesn't last though!!


nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Now that's what I call a plan!!

Aww that's horrible but quitting does make you feel teary early on. It doesn't last though!!


Thank you darling, i could do with a hug right about now!

nsd_user663_57259 profile image


Here is another virtual hug to cheer you up....:p

nsd_user663_54332 profile image


Virtual group hug!! :D

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Awww thanks guys! Made me smile :p xx

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