Tal's Week 2 Combined Saga: Let's hope I make... - No Smoking Day

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Tal's Week 2 Combined Saga

nsd_user663_56934 profile image
18 Replies

Let's hope I make it all the way through week 2.

I have made this thread so I can just post in here all week and not flood the board because I post a lot, mostly for the therapeutic benefits, but I also like talking to you all :D

Really feel like a smoke still. Craving has lasted for a long time. Hasn't really gone away. I'm really tense and my shoulders are all bunched up but nothing I do seems to be helping.

About to hit Week 2 in about 16 minute or so. Looking forward to it. I live regionally so shops a closed, but damn I feel like a PJ. Know it would taste like crap but my body is still screaming for it.

So much for the easy-peasy first days. I knew I'd pay for them!

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nsd_user663_56934 profile image
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18 Replies
nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Tal, if you are in week 2 why does your signature strip say march sometime...is that an old quit:confused:

nsd_user663_56972 profile image

Yo do not cave, your doing great

nsd_user663_56934 profile image



nsd_user663_56712 profile image

hey! how has your day been?? what time are you?

nsd_user663_56934 profile image

Fixed it, thanks Trea!

I can't believe I didn't notice it, I've altered my signature a hundred times this quit lol...

Doing okay today. Super busy at work. Feel like a smoke, but I think my body is actually craving water. So have started drinking more of it :) Got some yummy soup for lunch too. Normally I don't have lunch I split it into three smoke breaks so it's nice to have a big break and get something decent into my tummy :D.

Finished my assignment and got it on into the online submission thing with 17 minutes to spare. I forgot about it and was at a friends house where I stood up, swore and ran out. It's okay though I'm heading back over there tonight lol.

I did okay over there, she had a few cigarette's and just before the room got smokey she moved to her E-cig so it wouldn't bother me.

Tonight I have both my best friends there. They both smoke heavily, so it will be interesting to say the least.

Sorry this post has taken me a long time to write... Busy day at work for once. It's now 3:04pm here!

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

gla dyou got your assignment off in time phew!!!

Congrats on not buckling when with your friends, that is so hard not to take even that one puff, even an ecig has nicotine remember NOPE!! maybe your heavy smoking friends could smoke outside? Is it warm enough to spend the evening outside?

Its 6.13am here so as you are preparing to finish your day later, we will be going to work:(

nsd_user663_56934 profile image

Had an okay today. Feeling sad, but just normal sad not a side effect of the withdrawal/champix I don't think.

Went outside on a break for the first time since quitting today. Walked down to my car enjoying the crisp fresh air, and moved my car to a closer park to the door. It's the first time I've actually had the time to do that. :D

Had some soup for lunch, it was ok but most of it lumped in the bottom :(

My friends smoke in their sunroom which is pretty open to the air but closed off from the weather. I used to live with one of them at that same house so I love sitting in the sunroom still. I find I'm trying not to take myself out of the social situations I don't want to lose, and seeing them as building strength against nicotine cravings. So far I've done really well, and plan to keep doing so. I don't have time to smoke, I have assignments to do. rofl!

nsd_user663_56934 profile image

Really proud of myself. Only thought about having a smoke once tonight when my friends were smoking. Most of the time I found my self distressed at the worst coffee I have ever made.

And then I made an instant and it tasted just as terrible. I vaguely remember this happening last time, and I went completely off coffee. I've think this is common though?

Major headaches but I'm not sure if it a result of spending a lot of the night with two smokers, my throat does feel a bit raw.

Happy though, told my mate Timmy that my hubby and I quit and he was ecstatic so the feeling kinda spread to me too :D

Edit: Woo! Day 9!!!

nsd_user663_56934 profile image

Day 9...

Day 9...

Last night I made a coffee and thought I had burnt it. Twice. So I made an instant. It was terrible - even more so than normal and tasted burnt as well. So I had my friend taste it. Nope it was fine. I had this same thing happen the last time I quit smoking. I totally went off coffee. Anyway today I had one from Maccas and it tasted fine. This afternoon I went to the cafe (not next door but the one after that). Got a coffee and it also terrible. Yet I am still drinking it. I don't know why. :rolleyes:

So today was interesting. I got up and went out to have breakfast, got to uni early, all that jazz. Had a meeting with my uni "colleagues" and they helped me to understand what was going on with our assignment. In the end, all they did was introduce a ball or two of wool... It was fun though and then one of the girls asked if I could giver her a lift home, and now we've decided to car pool it! Making friends is certainly not my strong suit. Long story. Anyway it was even more awesome because we bonded over quitting!!! :D

Went and got my man a present. Haha, saved some money (from not smoking!) and my best friends donated as part of his birthday present (last month). He doesn't stink of cigarettes now, because he quit too, but also I can actually smell now and I thought, I have nice perfume, why can't he have some good manfume? I had bought him a cheap rip off of Hugo Boss's Man, and he'd gone through it all. Figured with saving so much money I would get him a really nice one, the real one!

It smells manly but divine :D

So a a running total, just on my own, not including my partner I have:

Saved ($): 125.48AUD - 84.69BPD

Not smoked: 244.85 cigarettes

And saved over 24 hours worth of smoking!


nsd_user663_56934 profile image

Has anyone else found themselves getting completely airy in their second week at all?

I tried to open the front door with my car key, and then a couple of hours reversed it and tried to open my car with the front door key. :confused:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Has anyone else found themselves getting completely airy in their second week at all?

I tried to open the front door with my car key, and then a couple of hours reversed it and tried to open my car with the front door key. :confused:

Was really dopey for quite a while - well OK dopier than usual!!

nsd_user663_56934 profile image

Lol, at first I just thought it was normal me stupid stuff but I think it's getting more worse than normal LOL.

Moving towards doing another step towards my "getting of the healthiness variety" :p Going back onto my old diet. I've put on 5 kilos since last December, and two of those just since I quit! :S

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Coffee, i found exactly the same, persevered though, I may have quit the fags but I am NOT giving up my beloved coffee!

Carpooling- great you have a new friend, supportive over quitting and it will save you more money

Presents, not sure you have this the right way round Tal- you're supposed to treat yourself! seriously, That is a really sweet thing though.

(NOBODY mention this daft idea to any spouses of the forum members!! there'll be mutiny!)

as for the airy fairy things, I get that all the time have done for years so cant blame that on quitting!

nsd_user663_56934 profile image

Day 10!

Day 10!

So I just went for my first major walk since I quit smoking. I think I've been on a few walks since I quit but wow at the difference! Not only did I not feel any pain (normally in my lower back) - well not until the last stretch - I walked two extra blocks! The blocks here are very large, normally I only do two.

I enjoyed it and so did my dog... He was puffed by the end :D

He and I are getting fit together hahaha. He's not fat but he hasn't got any endurance! Nor do I lol...

But it was good. There was smoke in the crisp night air and it was the good kind. The kind you smell from someone's fireplace. The kind you can smell... :D

nsd_user663_56934 profile image

I really feel like a cigarette right now. I have been studying for ages and normally I would use nicotine to keep me awake :(

nsd_user663_56934 profile image

On day 11 and haven't had a cigarette yet, though I think that the cravings are actually increasing. That said I have been drinking water a lot less, and doing an enormous load of homework in the last few days so the increased stress might not be helping :(

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Let's see if I can remember 'supporting' a person's quit

Let's hope I make it all the way through week 2.

I have made this thread so I can just post in here all week and not flood the board because I post a lot, mostly for the therapeutic benefits, but I also like talking to you all

Great idea, Tali

...but I think my body is actually craving water. So have started drinking more of it !

Yup, that's normal. Generally smokers are quite dehydrated...christ, more than smokers are like that. Have you tried increasing vitamin C? That's another side-effect of smokers...not enough vits as the body under nicotine poisoning needs more to compensate the poisoning.

Really proud of myself.


Day 9...

Last night I made a coffee and thought I had burnt it. Twice. So I made an instant. It was terrible - even more so than normal and tasted burnt as well. So I had my friend taste it. Nope it was fine. I had this same thing happen the last time I quit smoking. I totally went off coffee.

Sack the coffee if you wish. No one says you have to keep drinking that at the moment. You're body is going through so many changes realigning you back to healthy.

Moving towards doing another step towards my "getting of the healthiness variety" :p Going back onto my old diet. I've put on 5 kilos since last December, and two of those just since I quit! :S

In this first year don't overly worry about the weight gain. We generally put on a bit of 'puppy fat' in the first year. That can come off after the initial lifestyle change has been implimented.

Has anyone else found themselves getting completely airy in their second week at all?

I tried to open the front door with my car key, and then a couple of hours reversed it and tried to open my car with the front door key. :confused:

Yeah, all that oxygen in the early quit can be a struggle for some. But don't worry cos its all part of the process.

But it was good. There was smoke in the crisp night air and it was the good kind. The kind you smell from someone's fireplace. The kind you can smell... :D

WHOOP...how good are you doing!!

On day 11 and haven't had a cigarette yet, though I think that the cravings are actually increasing. That said I have been drinking water a lot less, and doing an enormous load of homework in the last few days so the increased stress might not be helping :(

Get into a new habit of going past the craves. They generally try us at times. But then a crave only last seconds and each successful win consolidates the new healthy you.

Tali, you're doing amazing.

Keep on keepin' on,


ps: keep it purple!!

nsd_user663_56934 profile image

Yup, that's normal. Generally smokers are quite dehydrated...christ, more than smokers are like that. Have you tried increasing vitamin C? That's another side-effect of smokers...not enough vits as the body under nicotine poisoning needs more to compensate the poisoning.

ps: keep it purple!!

Nyaw Cav :) <3 Talk about knocking it out of the park! :D

I haven't had a smoke, and I changed my diet. Lost half a kilo already ^.^

Still feel like a smoke, feel like i need to be chewing or constantly sucking on things...but have been drinking more water :)

As for the vitamins, it's so hard to know which ones I need :( I'm on 5mg of folate (an epic amount), and my body doesn't absorb vitamins well because of the epilepsy drugs I'm on. That said, I might need to start a multi-v just to get as much as I can at the very least!

Been getting really tired too, but seeing that as a side effect of extra oxygen, extreme stress, and change in diet.

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