Seeing some success: As some of you may know... - No Smoking Day

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Seeing some success

11 Replies

As some of you may know, I've come back to the forum after successfully quitting smoking, and after reaching the Penthouse in March.

Now it's weight loss that I'm committing to, and I've described my plan in another post, "Master of the Universe," in this forum.

Just popped on today to brag a little bit. I've been paying attention to what I eat, and starting to exercise (hilly walking) for just thirteen days so far. Here's my early success:

I've dropped ten pounds.

I've lost two inches on my waistline.

Needless to say, I'm pumped! :)

11 Replies
nsd_user663_57259 profile image

That's amazing!!!!! Well done

That is indeed amazing!!! Perhaps you could expand on your experiences DGee,I need to lose weight I am a right porker now and I do not like it!:eek:

Well, sure, but remember, this is what I'm doing, and YMMV.

I'm a big proponent of "environmental control," which means if it isn't in the house, I'm not going to eat it, so I stopped buying snack food, sugary cereal, and the like when I'm grocery shopping.

I enjoy cooking, and I'm no gourmet. But I have started eating a LOT more veggies and a little more fruit than in the past, and I've had several meatless days in the past two weeks. I've made a sweet potato be my whole dinner one night (and didn't feel deprived). I'm not a salad kind of guy at home (too much work) but I will roast veggies and love 'em to death. Also some fruits, like apples, bananas, and especially grapes for snacking.

If you want to lose weight, I believe you HAVE to exercise and in some way "move your body through space" more than you are now. I'm woefully out of shape and quite inflexible, so my options are limited. I've started by simply walking nearly every day, and increasing the length a little as time went on. Right now, I walk about 2 miles a day on VERY hilly roads (because that's what's available where I live).

I've cut the sugar I put in my coffee by half. Used to be two heaping teaspoons, now it's one. Took me about 2 days to get used to it. Soon, I'll cut it to one half teaspoon, and when I'm oaky with that, I'll start drinking it black. This is huge - I drink 5-6 cups a day, so I've eliminated 5-6 heaping teaspoons of sugar PER DAY from my diet.

I prepare most of my meals, but when I eat out, I take pride in selecting more healthier meals. For instance, we have a chain of hamburger joints around here called SmashBurger. They make the most delicious, mouth-watering burgers and wonderfully seasoned french fries on the planet. I went there the other day, and ordered a spinach, goat cheese, and tomato salad, with raisins, cucumbers, and other stuff in it, and it was FANTASTIC. I could only eat half, the rest went home and became dinner the next night.

So, that's for starters. Eat more fruits and veggies, get the crap out of your cupboards, and start walking. :D

Continuing to make progress

Hi all,

My latest stats:

Beginning weight: 255 pounds, May 13, 2013

Current weight: 243 pounds as of May 28

Loss: 12 pounds, or 4.7% of original body weight

Short term goal: 235 pounds by June 19 (3 weeks away, 8 pounds to go)

Long term goal: 200 pounds by May 13, 2014 (55 pound loss in a year)

I've also lost 2 inches in my waist so far.

Had my first plateau so far, with my weight bouncing around between 243 and 246 pounds over the last two-three days.

Oh yeah, and I haven't smoked for 1 year, two months, 16 days, 16 hours, and 51 minutes.

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Well done DGee, excellent form! :D

I'm also trying to diet at the moment. I was always pretty good at losing the weight I needed before a holiday, but then I'd put it all back on again once arriving home. I didn't want to do that as it seems a rather unhealthy way to stay fit.

So I am now going to a women's gym three times a week, walking a couple of miles at least once a week, and I am really trying to remove the crap from my diet.

It's a really slow process at the moment, as I have a problem with my hips that means lower body exercise (running, which I love, and cardio that involves dancing or jumping up and down) is a no for now. I had a six week weigh in and measurement the other night and I have gained a couple of pounds and inches! :( But I've been told this is because I have severely reduced the amount of cardio I'm doing (because it hurts the old hippies :o) and am still doing a lot of muscle toning. I'm hoping that this gain is due to my muscle mass increasing.

So I start boxing tonight, which is apparently great for increasing the heart rate and doesn't involve my hips much at all.

Even without losing anything at the moment though, it does feel good eating better and exercising regularly :) I think I will pinch your idea of removing all junk from my kitchen cupboards!

Twenty three days into this fitness and nutrition saga, and...

I've lost 15 pounds.

Unah profile image

Well done DGee. I'm glad I never put on any weight.


Well, I'm trying not to freak out about my first real plateau, where my weight bounces back and forth between 240 and 243. Been doing that for more than a week.

So I decided to look at other data, and dragged out the tape measure.

I lost another inch around the waist.

That makes for a 3 inch loss in my waistline since May 13, or in four weeks, one day. Now I don't feel so bad about the plateau.

I'm still on a plateau, hovering at 240 pounds for a couple of weeks now. It's a bit frustrating.

But, I still have encouraging news.

I have now lost 6 inches in my waistline.

If memory serves, I started back on 13 May, 2013. So in five weeks, I've lost about 15 pounds and six inches on my waistline.

Keep on truckin! :)

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

I'm still on a plateau, hovering at 240 pounds for a couple of weeks now. It's a bit frustrating.

But, I still have encouraging news.

I have now lost 6 inches in my waistline.

If memory serves, I started back on 13 May, 2013. So in five weeks, I've lost about 15 pounds and six inches on my waistline.

Keep on truckin! :)

That's is really impressive!! Well done you!!!!

Down 18 pounds, and 6 inches around the waist

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Brilliant Dgee, just ****** brilliant!:)

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