Day 8 and struggling to see the light at th... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 8 and struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel :(

nsd_user663_8098 profile image
10 Replies

Hello All,

I am currently reaching the end of day 8 being a non smoker and feeling ok :) However when i think about the future i cant seem to imgine it without cigarettes... does anyone else feel like this and is this normal?

I am on champix which i think is the base to my success as on my last attempts to stop smoking i cracked after a few days. I have managed to beat the cravings but this time i am keeping myself busy and making sure i am drinking lots of water and eating lots of fruit.

Every day from the minute i wake up i think about smoking and would really like the thoughts to disappear, its not neccessarily cravings or that i want one just thinking about it. How long till these thoughts fade away?

i would really appreciate some feedback as when i look online there are plenty of sites advising how to stop smoking and lots of tips but none telling you how long you are likly to feel like this.



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nsd_user663_8098 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_7337 profile image

Don't stress


i'm on day 14 and i know how you r feeling i smoked for 7 years since i was 14 so i have no idea what an adult is supposed to do when they don't smoke. i don't feel the cravings so much but i do sometimes want a cig just for summit to do (especially since i've been watchin old bad girls box sets n everyone is lightin up or trading cigs) it's completely normal to feel a little lost. just try to keep busy and soon the thoughts will become less until 1 day hopefully we can stop thinking about it.

you've given up smoking thats the hard part


nsd_user663_4866 profile image

Hi Kate

I too am on day 8 of my first successful quit. I am 35 and smoked since I was 17.

Your opening line "I am currently reaching the end of day 8 being a non smoker and feeling ok :) " is something to be very pleased about on 2 levels.

1/ You have got past the first week and nicotine is now completely out of your body.

2/ You ARE a non smoker. You stopped being a smoker the moment you put out your last cigarette and decided to quit.

You have moved on and should try not to look back.

I can't speak for using Champix or advise how long you will think of cigarettes for though. I used Allen Carr's Easyway as the basis for my quit which is a completely different approach.

This forum's members are v helpful and better to help with Champix experiences.

Best wishes and hope to see you posting in the 3 week section soon


nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Quitting is easy staying quit is hard

Hi both its great that you have stopped so dont beat yourselves up it doesnt happen over night that you stop and the feel great straight the way but believe me it does get better I was a smoker for 41 years and then just decided for some bizzar reason to quit at Xmas and 5 weeks later im still quit and I am sooooo glad I did it. The thinking part gets easy and you will get the health benefits so quickly look in the mirror and watch the improvements its amazing hair nails hands skin tongue teeth nose etc etc LOL

Dont go back it would be so sad and Im thinking you are both fairly young so you will get completly repaired so go for it and want you smell good.

Just keep coming on here ,join groups and go and enjoy the rest of your lives x

nsd_user663_8098 profile image

Thank you for your feedback :)

AngelaL - I understand what you mean, i unfortunately started smoking when I was 10. I was on 20 a day at the age of 13 and now I am 20 trying to imagine how things would be without smoking but can’t relate as I started when i was a child. If people can stop smoking after 20plus years of smoking then I am sure we can :)

talljools - how are you finding things as you are at the same point as me. I found this forum yesterday as i was surfing the net for some more information and as I was reading through I thought that this is excellent and decided to join.

jamangie - did you just quit with sheer will power? After 41years that’s impressive!! my boyfriend is a non-smoker and he keeps saying that even after a week he is noticing things like my skin on my face looks a lot brighter etc one bonus for him he can kiss me without me tasting like an ashtray!

Anyway once again thank you for your posts :) is really nice to speak to people that understand :)


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Katie :)

Well done you 8 days done and the way you feel just now is normal after all they were our conctant companions but it will pass promise

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathising with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

This link is good for the psychological part of

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here


Marg xx

nsd_user663_4866 profile image

Hi Kate

I am fine, thanks for asking. My skin is much better too (according to my fiancee) ;)

I can honestly say that I don't miss smoking or feel miserable about having quit.

The method I used focuses on removing the desire to smoke. It's hard to explain. I know what is mean't by cravings from previous failed attempts using patches and willpower.

I do get triggers where I think "I want a cigarette", ie walking the dog, but then just think to myself that I am no longer a nicotine addict so why smoke? I got completely trashed down the pub last weekend and didn't smoke despite being with a smoking mate.

Allen Carr doesn't work for everyone. It took me 4 attempts and the first few days withdrawing from nicotine were pretty miserable, as with any quit method.

If your interested, there is a thread here -->

There is also a Facebook group (search Allen Carr)

Also , the links that Marg has posted for you are very good reads. The more you know about smoking, the better and easier it is to quit.

All the best

nsd_user663_8102 profile image

Day 8 for me and not doing well at all today

Hi all

this is my first time on here so if i'm posting this is wrong place sorry but could really do with some advice its my 8th day and so far been my worst day of not smoking ive been strong enough not to have one but its all i'm thinking about today.. I smoked for 30 years but last week got took off in ambulance to hospital had a chest infection and colud not get my breathe at all it really frightened me so much i decided to quit first few days was easy but now the memory of that night is starting to fade. at the moment i'm using the inhaler. any advice to get me through please

nsd_user663_4786 profile image

Hi all

this is my first time on here so if i'm posting this is wrong place sorry but could really do with some advice its my 8th day and so far been my worst day of not smoking ive been strong enough not to have one but its all i'm thinking about today.. I smoked for 30 years but last week got took off in ambulance to hospital had a chest infection and colud not get my breathe at all it really frightened me so much i decided to quit first few days was easy but now the memory of that night is starting to fade. at the moment i'm using the inhaler. any advice to get me through please

Hi Neddy and welcome to the forum. Day 8 is really good, a whole week done. I would advise you read the links in some peoples signitures around here, they will really help you get your head in the right place.

It sounds like you had a really frightening experience and you need to try to remember how terrible it was. In the beginning I had to choose not to smoke everyday, sometime every hour, however I have just done 5 months and feel really good.

Stay strong it is soooo worth it, you are soooo worth it, keep reading and keep posting, you will find lots of great support around here.

nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Well done everyone for arriving at week 2. Don't worry about thinking about smoking, it will gradually fade, only to be set off by the odd trigger, but every day you stay smoke free, is another day of triggers overcome, and they get less and less.

Some days do feel worse than others, try to stay calm, do something that makes you feel good, or makes you smile. Take baby steps, not huge leaps. Think of today, and perhaps tomorrow if you're feeling brave, but don't think any further ahead as far as smoking is concerned. Don't assume it will be tricky, you might be pleasantly suprised.

You are doing great, stick with it, days become weeks, become months.

Lorraine :)

nsd_user663_8102 profile image

Thanks bev and lorraine for your support an kind words feeling much

better now just gonna see it as one day at a time and after reading other

posts on here i know i'm not alone and it really does help :)

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