Day 5. Struggling.: Hi everyone. I'm... - No Smoking Day

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Day 5. Struggling.

nsd_user663_57905 profile image
52 Replies

Hi everyone.

I'm normally a lurker in forums but figured what the hell I should get involved as it might help make this quitting process easier... I'm on day 5 and haven't really been having too many cravings but now the psychological stuff is kicking in. I've become really introspective and I'm finding it hard to stay positive. I know smokers that can just have one every now and again and I feel they're looking at me thinking well what's the big deal about not having one for a week.

I've quit a couple of times before and nearly got to a year but stupidly started up again. I just need reminding that fags don't make me feel better and I don't really enjoy them - I just romanticise them.

Anyway thanks for listening guys.

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nsd_user663_57905 profile image
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52 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hiya Kim and welcome :)

You're off to a very good start, are you using NRT or going cold turkey?

The first week or so is the toughest - and you're nearly through that which is brilliant :D It's tricky while your brain gets used to making its own hormones again, rather than relying on getting them from smoke - it definitely does pass and get loads better soon.

Don't worry about what other people think, that's their problem, not yours!!

It's tricky to get it to stick in your head, but smoking just makes you stinky, doesn't help anything else!!

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Hi Gemma, thanks for your reply :)

I'm going cold turkey, I've never really got on with patches and just think it's better to get the hard bit out the way all in one go...

That's true and I just need to remember its only me I need to worry about during this. I've always suffered a bit with anxiety and I'd turn to cigarettes at those times so I have to break that reliance :/

My partner doesn't smoke so I will smell and taste much nicer now which is a defo positive!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Hi everyone.

I'm normally a lurker in forums but figured what the hell I should get involved as it might help make this quitting process easier... I'm on day 5 and haven't really been having too many cravings but now the psychological stuff is kicking in. I've become really introspective and I'm finding it hard to stay positive. I know smokers that can just have one every now and again and I feel they're looking at me thinking well what's the big deal about not having one for a week.

I've quit a couple of times before and nearly got to a year but stupidly started up again. I just need reminding that fags don't make me feel better and I don't really enjoy them - I just romanticise them.

Anyway thanks for listening guys.

Excellent Kim. You've made a great start hun :)

Please try not to let these part time smokers get on your nerves. My boyfriend only ever smokes when it involves alcohol and he used to tell me off for smoking when I was ill or early in the morning etc. It wound me up at the beginning of my quit, because I always thought I'd be happy if I could just have the odd smoke, rather than ten a day. But now, I really feel as though nothing would make me want to smoke even just one. :rolleyes:

I don't think it's quite the same for them, so just try to focus on yourself for now. I'm sure they're not really thinking that way, but they should definately be supporting you all the way.

You will also probably find that not many smokers support your decision (you may have found this in the past as well), as they don't want to admit that they want it too. They envy that you have the guts to get rid of those nasty cancer sticks and, once they see how happy it makes you, they tend to realise how worth it quitting can be.

Well done for reaching day 5! Just hang in there and it WILL get easier. What are your best tips so far for surviving the cravings? x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Sarah's right :)

Was a part time smoker for 3 years and thought everyone who went on about quitting was exaggerating. :eek: How wrong could i be? :p

Hi Gemma, thanks for your reply :)

I'm going cold turkey, I've never really got on with patches and just think it's better to get the hard bit out the way all in one go...

That's true and I just need to remember its only me I need to worry about during this. I've always suffered a bit with anxiety and I'd turn to cigarettes at those times so I have to break that reliance :/

My partner doesn't smoke so I will smell and taste much nicer now which is a defo positive!

Cold turkey is definitely the best way to go - it's a lot easier in the long term!!

Know what you mean about anxiety too - I'd really lean on my fags then *but* nicotine's a stimulant, treating anxiety with that is like fighting a fire with petrol!!

Ooh and your partner will definitely love you for it :)

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Hi Sarah,

I'm at the point where I feel the same as you, I never want to smoke again because when I do I just feel trapped and end up smoking more and more. I'm totally not good at moderation lol. But even one fag is too many.

And yup people I know that smoke kind of distance themselves from talking about it with me. I never really looked at it the way you described and it's a good point. They also say well you've done this so many times before it'll only be so long until you fail again... I'm using this as motivation to prove to myself that I'm capable of kicking this filthy habit for good!

When I get cravings I normally get quite fired up so if I'm around people I just take myself away until its passed. I also go to the gym regularly and go running which boosts my mood and helps me stay positive. I'd say exercise is defo the best quitting aid :) although saying that during my craving last night I devoured one to many Pringles lol.

Thanks for making me feel positive hun

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Sarah's right :)

Was a part time smoker for 3 years and thought everyone who went on about quitting was exaggerating. :eek: How wrong could i be? :p

Cold turkey is definitely the best way to go - it's a lot easier in the long term!!

Know what you mean about anxiety too - I'd really lean on my fags then *but* nicotine's a stimulant, treating anxiety with that is like fighting a fire with petrol!!

Ooh and your partner will definitely love you for it :)

I'm glad you agree cold turkey is the best option, I was getting weird looks when I said I don't want to be reliant on any nicotine.

Yeah I was reading about how it was a stimulant and makes anxiety worse. Didn't even realise this until recently! How silly is that.

Have you found that you feel more stable emotionally now you're quit?

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I never want to smoke again because when I do I just feel trapped and end up smoking more and more. I'm totally not good at moderation lol.

Sounds a hell of a lot like how I was :eek:

I'm glad you agree cold turkey is the best option, I was getting weird looks when I said I don't want to be reliant on any nicotine.

Yeah I was reading about how it was a stimulant and makes anxiety worse. Didn't even realise this until recently! How silly is that.

Have you found that you feel more stable emotionally now you're quit?

I think it's brilliant!! If I could manage CT then I'd have liked to - did manage once when i was ill, and quit for 18 months then.

Never realised it made anxiety worse before I quit either, thought it was helping me, how flipping daft is that?

Am not nicotine-free yet (have got an e-cig to thank for that 'cos I got hooked on it and am quitting that now) but I've definitely been loads better :)

It's amazing how much calmer I am - my dad's ill and driving him places used to end up a bit heated but since quitting it's been fine. You will definitely feel heaps better for it :)

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

I'm glad you agree cold turkey is the best option, I was getting weird looks when I said I don't want to be reliant on any nicotine.

Yeah I was reading about how it was a stimulant and makes anxiety worse. Didn't even realise this until recently! How silly is that.

Have you found that you feel more stable emotionally now you're quit?

Unfortunately it's the truth. While nicotine isn't the worst part of a cigarette, it certainly alters things and actually does the opposite of what you think. It increases the heart rate and creates more stress on the body. :(

At the beginning of my quit I felt great (I stopped when I was poorly so didn't suffer with the first week of withdrawals), then I crashed. It was only because I was being so negative and so hard on myself (I do that sometimes, lol). It made me feel a bit like a crazy person for a while.

After that rough patch, things just got better and better. It was a slow improvement at first until I suddenly noticed that I hadn't thought about smoking for a whole hour, day etc.

I now feel happier and fitter (I started the gym 3 weeks ago as well, which is a massive help), I am proud of myself and feel that a little more confidence has grown in me.

While I wasn't a heavy smoker I DEFINATELY relied on my ciggies. I'm going to be having an op soon and it makes me feel really happy to know that the first thing I think of when I wake up from the General WILL NOT be smoking.

I don't have to worry anymore about whether or not I've remembered my cigarettes and a lighter.

It really is so so worth it, I promise! :D xxx

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

I dunno about you Gemma but I just couldn't stand that little voice in the back of my head telling me I was going to die a slow and painful death if I keep doing this. The power of denial was becoming increasingly difficult! It's crazy how something so small like a fag can take over your whole life!

What made you start again after previous attempts? I remember I was in a shop fighting with myself and just thought ahh one packet won't hurt... That's what I'm most afraid of happening again I think.

Good luck with quitting the e-cig, I've never tried one and was curious but didn't think it would break the relationship with smoking even though it doesn't have all the crap in it like a fag.

Sorry to hear your dads ill but well done you for getting to a good place :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I dunno about you Gemma but I just couldn't stand that little voice in the back of my head telling me I was going to die a slow and painful death if I keep doing this. The power of denial was becoming increasingly difficult! It's crazy how something so small like a fag can take over your whole life!

It's daft, but it never really bothered me that much. Did get times when I was smoking and wondering what I was doing to myself but the denial always kicked in - "you're young" "you smoke lights" "you're going to die anyway" that kind of thing :/

Didn't believe it was doing me any harm, which is insanely stupid, but then i'm a bit immature anyway.

What made you start again after previous attempts? I remember I was in a shop fighting with myself and just thought ahh one packet won't hurt... That's what I'm most afraid of happening again I think.

Um lots of things really.

Basically until now I've never quit for myself - it's always been because I was nagged or guilt tripped into it.

Last time I had a row with my dad (that was after 18 months quit) and because he hated me smoking decided buying a pack of 20 was the best way of sticking my fingers up to him - then when i calmed down decided that i wasn't addicted any more so would smoke on nights out, which obviously didn't work.

Before that it was stress, alcohol or just because I wanted to start smoking again. Daft isn't it?

Loads of people say on here NOPE - Not One Puff Ever - 'cos really the "just one" never works and it's a slippery slope.

Good luck with quitting the e-cig, I've never tried one and was curious but didn't think it would break the relationship with smoking even though it doesn't have all the crap in it like a fag.

Sorry to hear your dads ill but well done you for getting to a good place :)

Thanks hun :)

The e-cig stopped me smoking real ones again (was going to cave in :eek:) but ended up using the thing way too much and got totally hooked - it's in the bin now though :D They are way too much like real fags though!!

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Unfortunately it's the truth. While nicotine isn't the worst part of a cigarette, it certainly alters things and actually does the opposite of what you think. It increases the heart rate and creates more stress on the body. :(

At the beginning of my quit I felt great (I stopped when I was poorly so didn't suffer with the first week of withdrawals), then I crashed. It was only because I was being so negative and so hard on myself (I do that sometimes, lol). It made me feel a bit like a crazy person for a while.

After that rough patch, things just got better and better. It was a slow improvement at first until I suddenly noticed that I hadn't thought about smoking for a whole hour, day etc.

I now feel happier and fitter (I started the gym 3 weeks ago as well, which is a massive help), I am proud of myself and feel that a little more confidence has grown in me.

While I wasn't a heavy smoker I DEFINATELY relied on my ciggies. I'm going to be having an op soon and it makes me feel really happy to know that the first thing I think of when I wake up from the General WILL NOT be smoking.

I don't have to worry anymore about whether or not I've remembered my cigarettes and a lighter.

It really is so so worth it, I promise! :D xxx

Thats like me, i'm really self critical and sometimes i loose the ability to look at the bigger picture and see good things. I've felt crazy these last few days too. I'll be walking along and just feel like my head is fuzzy and not be able to think straight.

Well done on starting the gym! I've been going for a few years but i remember when i first started i was really self conscious and worried about everyone looking at me, but now i dont worry about that and just feel really good after :) I run half marathons and i was still smoking until 5 days ago - thats a major brain disconnect!

Good luck with your op, it'll be so much better after like you say. No worrying about when and where you'll be getting your next fix.

Its so great we've all realised that there is nothing good about smoking even if sometimes the subconscious likes to try and make us think differently.


nsd_user663_57905 profile image

It's daft, but it never really bothered me that much. Did get times when I was smoking and wondering what I was doing to myself but the denial always kicked in - "you're young" "you smoke lights" "you're going to die anyway" that kind of thing :/

Didn't believe it was doing me any harm, which is insanely stupid, but then i'm a bit immature anyway.

Um lots of things really.

Basically until now I've never quit for myself - it's always been because I was nagged or guilt tripped into it.

Last time I had a row with my dad (that was after 18 months quit) and because he hated me smoking decided buying a pack of 20 was the best way of sticking my fingers up to him - then when i calmed down decided that i wasn't addicted any more so would smoke on nights out, which obviously didn't work.

Before that it was stress, alcohol or just because I wanted to start smoking again. Daft isn't it?

Loads of people say on here NOPE - Not One Puff Ever - 'cos really the "just one" never works and it's a slippery slope.

Thanks hun :)

The e-cig stopped me smoking real ones again (was going to cave in :eek:) but ended up using the thing way too much and got totally hooked - it's in the bin now though :D They are way too much like real fags though!!

Yeah i'm 27 so always thought, as long as i quit by the time i'm 30 it'll be fine lol. Then i thought oh wait i've been smoking since i was 17 so thats already 10 years!

Alcohol is a big trigger for me too, i havent been drinking this week and i'm gonna be a bit nervous next time i go out drinking as i'm bad for just going up to people and asking for one when ive quit in the past. But i'm determined to stay strong!

I've defo learnt that i have to abide by NOPE, i have an inability to just have one of anything.

It feels so satisfying to throw things in the bin doesnt it lol.

Cheers for chatting to me, you've taken my mind off my cravings for the afternoon :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Yeah i'm 27 so always thought, as long as i quit by the time i'm 30 it'll be fine lol. Then i thought oh wait i've been smoking since i was 17 so thats already 10 years!

That's exactly what i used to say!! They said the same on the radio, ooh back in October or November I think - which I took as a licence to smoke more anf to carry on up to my 30th, but here i am, 29 and a non-smoker :D

I either smoked for 15 years or 12 years (with quits in between) depends if you count the 3 years i had as a social smoker or not :)

Alcohol is a big trigger for me too, i havent been drinking this week and i'm gonna be a bit nervous next time i go out drinking as i'm bad for just going up to people and asking for one when ive quit in the past. But i'm determined to stay strong!

It can be a real pain!!

But if you take it gently and go with good (preferrably non-smoker) friends it's not too bad!! I decided it was good to give up the fags but no way was I giving up booze too, lol so drank pretty early on in my quit. Did have some hairy moments but got through it :D

I've defo learnt that i have to abide by NOPE, i have an inability to just have one of anything.

Ooh you and me both, lol

Am not good at moderation, or self control :o :o

It feels so satisfying to throw things in the bin doesnt it lol.

Cheers for chatting to me, you've taken my mind off my cravings for the afternoon :)

Oh you're very welcome, it's nice to chat (even if I'm meant to be doing other, boring things) and YAY for taking your mind off the evil Nic :D

Ooh and, when I binned the e-cig batteries in the supermarket they probably thought I was mental 'cos i had this huge grin on my face :o

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Welcome Kim and great to see you posting and getting support,you are doing fine ;)

You have to deny yourself the cigs long enough for it to become the habit NOT to smoke and it will; once it becomes the norm not to smoke you really don't think about them at all,or if you it is just a passing fancy that lasts seconds not a crave that lasts hours. Best of luck :D

Hi Max,

I'm looking forward to getting to that point. The crazy thing is i almost got to a year and wasn't thinking about them until i let my guard down and thought 'oh just one wont hurt.' I've learnt that lesson! I know it'll be hard but i'm determined this will be for life now :)

Thanks for your support :p

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

That's exactly what i used to say!! They said the same on the radio, ooh back in October or November I think - which I took as a licence to smoke more anf to carry on up to my 30th, but here i am, 29 and a non-smoker :D

I either smoked for 15 years or 12 years (with quits in between) depends if you count the 3 years i had as a social smoker or not :)

It can be a real pain!!

But if you take it gently and go with good (preferrably non-smoker) friends it's not too bad!! I decided it was good to give up the fags but no way was I giving up booze too, lol so drank pretty early on in my quit. Did have some hairy moments but got through it :D

Ooh you and me both, lol

Am not good at moderation, or self control :o :o

Oh you're very welcome, it's nice to chat (even if I'm meant to be doing other, boring things) and YAY for taking your mind off the evil Nic :D

Ooh and, when I binned the e-cig batteries in the supermarket they probably thought I was mental 'cos i had this huge grin on my face :o

I dont think i could survive if i gave up alcohol and fags! I just have to rewire my brain becasue it was automatic to 'enjoy' a fag if i was drinking. Well done you for getting through it though, that's a great achievement!

My self control is almost non existant, i've been hoping it would get better as i got older! Think i've just realised you have to work really hard at stuff.

Im at work and have been trying to get stuff done and carry on this convo lol.

haha i can just imagine poeple giving you funny looks :p

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I dont think i could survive if i gave up alcohol and fags! I just have to rewire my brain becasue it was automatic to 'enjoy' a fag if i was drinking. Well done you for getting through it though, that's a great achievement!

Thanks :)

Was definitely like that with fags and booze, probably drove my friends mad but I got there in the end, now i enjoy *not* going out to the Leper's Corner to smoke!! No more burned dresses and skirts YAY

And no more lighting the wrong end :p

My self control is almost non existant, i've been hoping it would get better as i got older! Think i've just realised you have to work really hard at stuff.

Always thought one day I'd just grow up and stop by magic!! But yes, you've got to work at it.

Im at work and have been trying to get stuff done and carry on this convo lol.

Me too, flitting in and out of here is a good way of getting through a boring day though!! :D

Nearly home time though YAY :cool:

haha i can just imagine poeple giving you funny looks :p

They must have thought that either i'm mental or that I really love recycling :eek::p

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Lol yeah i can't say i'll miss hanging out in some dingy outside area of a club surrounded by a haze of smoke trying to drunkenly roll one. I feel sorry for my non smoking friends that i dragged out there!

Yes it's a good way to make the day go faster, my last 3 hours flew by and now its a 3 day weekend, get in! And even though we're talking about smoking its taking my mnd off of it at the same time :)

Who doesnt love a good bit of recycling :p Just think how many packets of fags are in bins across the country from people suddenly getting inspired to stop lol.

I've just opened a cider and it tastes gooood :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Lol yeah i can't say i'll miss hanging out in some dingy outside area of a club surrounded by a haze of smoke trying to drunkenly roll one. I feel sorry for my non smoking friends that i dragged out there!

Ooh definitely not!!

Couldn't roll fags when I was sober, forget tipsy :eek:

Yes it's a good way to make the day go faster, my last 3 hours flew by and now its a 3 day weekend, get in! And even though we're talking about smoking its taking my mnd off of it at the same time :)

It does, and it really helps :)

I'd not still be off them if it wasn't for this place!!

Who doesnt love a good bit of recycling :p Just think how many packets of fags are in bins across the country from people suddenly getting inspired to stop lol.

I've just opened a cider and it tastes gooood :)

Well taking the bottles to the bottle bank is always fun - and good stress relief when you want to get some anger out too, lol :p

Enjoy your cider :D

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Ooh definitely not!!

Couldn't roll fags when I was sober, forget tipsy :eek:

It does, and it really helps :)

I'd not still be off them if it wasn't for this place!!

Well taking the bottles to the bottle bank is always fun - and good stress relief when you want to get some anger out too, lol :p

Enjoy your cider :D

Cheers hun, have a good evening :)

ps ill remember the bottle bank tip :p

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Cheers hun, have a good evening :)

ps ill remember the bottle bank tip :p

Thanks, you too hun :)

nsd_user663_57605 profile image

I think having a partner that does not smoke helps a ton!! I know my partner appreciates me not smoking which is more incentive for me not to. Besides that - I don't want to be the stinky one in the relationship. :p

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

I think having a partner that does not smoke helps a ton!! I know my partner appreciates me not smoking which is more incentive for me not to. Besides that - I don't want to be the stinky one in the relationship. :p

I totally agree. I feel a bit bad for stinking for so long but at least they won't have to shout at me now for smoking out a window instead of going outside! I can imagine if your partner was still smoking and you were quitting it would be a nightmare...

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I totally agree. I feel a bit bad for stinking for so long but at least they won't have to shout at me now for smoking out a window instead of going outside! I can imagine if your partner was still smoking and you were quitting it would be a nightmare...

Try living at home (sad @29 but house prices in Cornwall are mental) with 2 non-smoking parents, LOL

You can't begin to imagine the grief I got :p

Althoug hI never got caught smoking out of my window :p

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Try living at home (sad @29 but house prices in Cornwall are mental) with 2 non-smoking parents, LOL

You can't begin to imagine the grief I got :p

Althoug hI never got caught smoking out of my window :p

I only rent, although Somerset is a bit cheaper than Cornwall. I'm looking forward to all the extra money I'm going to have :)

That's prob a good thing they gave you a hard time about it, although I hate people telling me what to do so I'm sure it was also annoying :p

Haha well when it was raining and cold and I'd just got up I didn't want to go outside. Just saying that makes me feel dirty now - never again!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hiya Kim, how are you feeling on day 6?

Nearly a whole week YAY!!

I only rent, although Somerset is a bit cheaper than Cornwall. I'm looking forward to all the extra money I'm going to have :)

Oh the money's fab - it's pretty scary how it mounts up though!!

My app says I've saved £1,332.40 - no idea where it's enede up though :p

That's prob a good thing they gave you a hard time about it, although I hate people telling me what to do so I'm sure it was also annoying :p

Oh it was!!

Used to get pretty fed up with it TBH, but I can't blame them - who wants to watch their daughter basically killing herself?

Haha well when it was raining and cold and I'd just got up I didn't want to go outside. Just saying that makes me feel dirty now - never again!

Oh I know what you mean!!

Was allowed to stand in the porch if it was like a monsoon or something but had to keep the door open.

When you think about it, what we did for "fun" was a right pain wasn't it?

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Morning Gemma :)

I'm feeling good cheers, playing badminton a bit later then cycling a few miles so that should keep my mind off wanting a fag. I know it's getting a bit easier because smoking isn't one of the first things I think about when I wake up :) when I get to a week I'm gonna reward myself to keep positive I reckon.

How are you doing? You've quit since December right? That's very impressive, you'll be hitting 6 months in no time!

Woah that's loads! I'm gonna look for that app.

Oh definitely, but at least we realise that now hun. My definition of fun is now not inhaling poison!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Morning Gemma :)

I'm feeling good cheers, playing badminton a bit later then cycling a few miles so that should keep my mind off wanting a fag. I know it's getting a bit easier because smoking isn't one of the first things I think about when I wake up :) when I get to a week I'm gonna reward myself to keep positive I reckon.

Ooh nice, hope you have a fab time!!

Hope you feel better for not having smokey lungs :D

Treats are fab, you're doing a great thing for yourself but you don't want to make it a miserable time!!

How are you doing? You've quit since December right? That's very impressive, you'll be hitting 6 months in no time!

Woah that's loads! I'm gonna look for that app.

Thanks :)

Yep I stopped 24 weeks on Monday night :eek:

Am only struggling a bit 'cos i was an idiot and bought an e-cig which i got well hooked on :eek:

But, YAY for smoke free!!

My app's called Quitnow if it helps - have got the free one and it's good :)

Oh definitely, but at least we realise that now hun. My definition of fun is now not inhaling poison!

Lol, it wasn't the brightest thing for us to do was it?

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Thanks, I was competitive before but now I'm full of energy my opponent doesn't stand a chance :p

You're not an idiot for getting an e-cig, I nearly did but after reading stuff about them I thought it was all just a big conspiracy to keep people hooked on nicotine an spending money! 24 weeks is such an achievement you must be so proud of yourself :)

Cool, I shall take a look and d/l it

It wasn't but hey at least we did something about it. I'm finding it hard now not to be one of those preachy people that tells smokers they should quit lol and I'm only on day 6.

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Morning lovely ladies

Have a super,smoke free day and enjoy the sun today :cool:

And keep that sense of pride that you are better,wealthier,healthier more sensible and sweeter smelling than you were this time last year :D:D

Morning Max :)

Hope you have a great day too enjoying all the above. I could smell the blossom on the trees yesterday and I actually stopped walking to enjoy it!

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Getting sense of smell back Kim for me was one of the best things about quitting.It felt like taking a plastic bag off my head! I would stop and sniff things randomly,like a loon :rolleyes:

And how very appealing and encouraging that despite years of being blasted by foul poisonous smoke,the delicate hairs and receptors kick back to life in just days.:D

Lol that makes me feel less weird that you did it too :p freshly cut grass is one of my faves as it brings back memories of when I was younger so ill be loving that all summer!

It is amazing, and it's just gonna keep improving which I'm excited about. I'll actually be able to taste what I'm eating!

You've done so well along with others on this forum and its great to get tips and words of encouragement from you guys :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks, I was competitive before but now I'm full of energy my opponent doesn't stand a chance :p

You're not an idiot for getting an e-cig, I nearly did but after reading stuff about them I thought it was all just a big conspiracy to keep people hooked on nicotine an spending money! 24 weeks is such an achievement you must be so proud of yourself :)

Cool, I shall take a look and d/l it

It wasn't but hey at least we did something about it. I'm finding it hard now not to be one of those preachy people that tells smokers they should quit lol and I'm only on day 6.

Ooh that's fab go you!!

Really must get into exercise 'cos no smoking plus eating is making be grow :p

Thanks, I feel a bit of a prat but hey, I'm good at beating myself up!! You're right about the e-cigs, they're all very nicely marketed and what have you but they're nasty things!! :eek:

Am definitely dead proud of myself for keeping off the fags though - nobody thought I'd do it but here i am :D :D

Lol, I'm always having to bite my tongue with smokers - think it's partly because we know it doesn't help anything now - but would we have listened? Nope!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Morning Max :)

Hope you have a great day too enjoying all the above. I could smell the blossom on the trees yesterday and I actually stopped walking to enjoy it!

They were going to transfer Max to the dog unit :p

We've got flowers coming out here, and I'm always saying how lovely they smell - we've missed so much!!

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Ooh that's fab go you!!

Really must get into exercise 'cos no smoking plus eating is making be grow :p

Thanks, I feel a bit of a prat but hey, I'm good at beating myself up!! You're right about the e-cigs, they're all very nicely marketed and what have you but they're nasty things!! :eek:

Am definitely dead proud of myself for keeping off the fags though - nobody thought I'd do it but here i am :D :D

Lol, I'm always having to bite my tongue with smokers - think it's partly because we know it doesn't help anything now - but would we have listened? Nope!!

I've been eating more recently even before I'd quit so I'm conscious I need to slim down a bit but fully aware shouldn't worry about it too much at the mo.

I think that beating ourselves up is ingrained in us because of always making excuses for smoking. When I started after my last quit I was a serial liar just so I could get my fix without people finding out! And then I felt really guilty, it's the guilt that I hate most.

Yup they won't listen until they're ready, I just wanna share how great it can be with them :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I've been eating more recently even before I'd quit so I'm conscious I need to slim down a bit but fully aware shouldn't worry about it too much at the mo.

Ooh heck yes, you don't want to be fighting 2 battles!!

That's what i did, just be nice to myself to reward me for not smoking and to cheer myself up a bit, got to start undoing that soon though!!

I think that beating ourselves up is ingrained in us because of always making excuses for smoking. When I started after my last quit I was a serial liar just so I could get my fix without people finding out! And then I felt really guilty, it's the guilt that I hate most.

Definitely!! And doing something we know is bad for us, but trying not to admit it :eek:

Was a secret smoker for years and felt bad about lying to cover it up - if I ever thought I smelled smoky I'd have an excuse handy - and it's not a nice feeling!!

Yup they won't listen until they're ready, I just wanna share how great it can be with them :)

I'm like that, but I think if you show how good it is it really does work.

One of my friends quit on No Smoking Day last year and thinking about it, she inspired me to have a go - even though it was months later - and I'm inspiring some of my other smoker friends to pack it in to :D :D

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Ooh heck yes, you don't want to be fighting 2 battles!!

That's what i did, just be nice to myself to reward me for not smoking and to cheer myself up a bit, got to start undoing that soon though!!

Definitely!! And doing something we know is bad for us, but trying not to admit it :eek:

Was a secret smoker for years and felt bad about lying to cover it up - if I ever thought I smelled smoky I'd have an excuse handy - and it's not a nice feeling!!

I'm like that, but I think if you show how good it is it really does work.

One of my friends quit on No Smoking Day last year and thinking about it, she inspired me to have a go - even though it was months later - and I'm inspiring some of my other smoker friends to pack it in to :D :D

Quick question - and the answer is prob really obvious - how do you just quote paragraphs instead of whole convo?

Good work on inspiring other people to quit, that's a big compliment :)

I'm at partners parents house and the last time I came here I was smoking loads so I'm trying really hard not to think about it :/ its those little niggling thoughts that get to me, like oh it's really sunny and pretty outside it would be really nice to sit outside with a brew and fag.... No kim no lol

nsd_user663_54332 profile image


Between the first quote and the last quote when you click 'quote' you can remove,make bold/italicise or change or edit any words or paragraphs in the text.:D

You just have to leave the quote at the start and the end untouched.

What Max said :)

I just copy [QUO TE=Max414;321493] (without the space) and put at the end :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Quick question - and the answer is prob really obvious - how do you just quote paragraphs instead of whole convo?

Good work on inspiring other people to quit, that's a big compliment :)

Thanks hun :)

It's nice to see more and more people stopping - back when Istarted most of my friends smoked, now hardly any of them do :D

*Is pleased not to be the last*

I'm at partners parents house and the last time I came here I was smoking loads so I'm trying really hard not to think about it :/ its those little niggling thoughts that get to me, like oh it's really sunny and pretty outside it would be really nice to sit outside with a brew and fag.... No kim no lol

Ooh be tough Kim :)

Always smoked loads on Saturday afternoons and it took a while to get out of the habit of expecting it if that makes sense?

YAY for sunshine though!! :cool::cool:

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Thanks guys :)

I totally know what you mean about getting out of the habit of smoking at certain times Gem. My walk to walk is another one I'm still finding a bit difficult. Well pretty much walking in general because I used to fill it with smoking, so healthy.

I had my last fag last Sunday so I've hit day 7 today, get in :p

How are you guys doing? X

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks guys :)

I totally know what you mean about getting out of the habit of smoking at certain times Gem. My walk to walk is another one I'm still finding a bit difficult. Well pretty much walking in general because I used to fill it with smoking, so healthy.

I had my last fag last Sunday so I've hit day 7 today, get in :p

How are you guys doing? X

YAY :cool:

So you can post in Week 1 now :D

You're doing brilliantly Kim, and week 1 is known as the worst so that's fab to have out of the way!!

Ooh and yes, it's like certain times trigger it - think smoking is much more of an addiction to the cigarette and actual smoking than the nicotine if that makes sense?

nsd_user663_57605 profile image

Congrats on reaching DAY 7!!!! :D Sounds like you are doing great!!!! I was able to mow the yard yesterday without feeling winded. I hope you knowing that soon you will start noticing how much better you feel keeps you motivated not to pick up a cig again!

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Awesome I will move on to the next level of forum. Thanks for your support Gemma :)

I was getting complacent because I was just hit by a massive craving when I was in the supermarket and had to fight my feelings of frustration. Could have punched someone for no reason - totally irrational!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Awesome I will move on to the next level of forum. Thanks for your support Gemma :)

You're very welcome, it's fab to see you doing so well!! :D

I was getting complacent because I was just hit by a massive craving when I was in the supermarket and had to fight my feelings of frustration. Could have punched someone for no reason - totally irrational!

Ooh heck, that's nasty!!

Have had that before - and times when people just breathe wrong :p

But it doesn't last long!!

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Congrats on reaching DAY 7!!!! :D Sounds like you are doing great!!!! I was able to mow the yard yesterday without feeling winded. I hope you knowing that soon you will start noticing how much better you feel keeps you motivated not to pick up a cig again!

Thank you! I know I'm still gonna have battles ahead but im determined!

That's so great that you're able to do that now, you must be proud that you've got to that stage :) well done!

I know that I can keep this up even though I have doubts when I get a crave and like you say I just need to keep remembering the positives.

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

You're very welcome, it's fab to see you doing so well!! :D

Ooh heck, that's nasty!!

Have had that before - and times when people just breathe wrong :p

But it doesn't last long!!

I'm back now and it's pretty much stopped, thank god. It's crazy that in that moment you can't control how your brain thinks and it instantly goes to 'if you have a fag now you'll feel so much better'

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I'm back now and it's pretty much stopped, thank god. It's crazy that in that moment you can't control how your brain thinks and it instantly goes to 'if you have a fag now you'll feel so much better'

YAY I'm glad it's gone!!

It's a bit like a toddler throwing a tantrum isn't it?

Me after a few was quite a sight *Blushes* and I've gone into my car at times to cry and tell myself off.

But a 28/9 year old crying in her car and shouting "I want a fag" - what a tragic thing smoking makes us into :eek::eek::eek:

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

YAY I'm glad it's gone!!

It's a bit like a toddler throwing a tantrum isn't it?

Me after a few was quite a sight *Blushes* and I've gone into my car at times to cry and tell myself off.

But a 28/9 year old crying in her car and shouting "I want a fag" - what a tragic thing smoking makes us into :eek::eek::eek:

It certainly is, my minds like 'why are you you denying yourself something you want' I get really self destructive thoughts. And then it starts going into well if I can't smoke I'll drink alcohol instead! F'ed up to say the least. I don't need any substances to be happy, I just have to convince my brain this is true

It is tragic when you look at it, and like you said before its the addiction to the act of smoking, like the psychological stuff, that's the most difficult to get over.

If someone that had never smoked read these threads they'd think we were crazy :p

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

It certainly is, my minds like 'why are you you denying yourself something you want' I get really self destructive thoughts. And then it starts going into well if I can't smoke I'll drink alcohol instead! F'ed up to say the least. I don't need any substances to be happy, I just have to convince my brain this is true

Ooh i did too - ended up drinking more than normal because of quitting smoking.

Early on especially though you can be a bit nice to yourself 'cos it can be tough quitting and you need to make life bearable!!

It is tragic when you look at it, and like you said before its the addiction to the act of smoking, like the psychological stuff, that's the most difficult to get over.

If someone that had never smoked read these threads they'd think we were crazy :p

Oh they would, so would someone who just smokes when they feel like it - but I think that's why e-cigs are bad to quit with 'cos OK I'm chewing some Nicorette now but it's not the same as having a fag, while an e-cig is.

If I could find 13 year old me, I'd give her such a slap :p

nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Ooh i did too - ended up drinking more than normal because of quitting smoking.

Early on especially though you can be a bit nice to yourself 'cos it can be tough quitting and you need to make life bearable!!

Oh they would, so would someone who just smokes when they feel like it - but I think that's why e-cigs are bad to quit with 'cos OK I'm chewing some Nicorette now but it's not the same as having a fag, while an e-cig is.

If I could find 13 year old me, I'd give her such a slap :p

My friend just said to me oh you're not trying to quit again, why are you bothering because you'll just be back to smoking again... It made me feel like a bit of a failure and feel a bit upset now :/

I'll take your advice on drinking hun :)

Yeah I can imagine the e-cig keeps you hooked in the same way as smoking. It's holding it in your hands and inhaling something that we associate with being comforting.

Haha I'd go back too and do the same! Stealing baccy out of my friends dads car and going down a lane so no one would see us and coughing our lungs up! Why didn't I learn from that!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

My friend just said to me oh you're not trying to quit again, why are you bothering because you'll just be back to smoking again... It made me feel like a bit of a failure and feel a bit upset now :/

Aww, don't let it upset you hun, we've all of us had failures on here before!! If your friend doesn't smoke she doesn't know how tough it can be and if she does she's got that guilty nagging feeling - am sure you know the one!!

I'll take your advice on drinking hun :)

Some people on here *cough*Max*cough* think I'm a total boozer, lol.

It's best to be careful at first though 'cos it can make you crave :eek: but you've got to get through that unless you'e giving up everything!!

Ooh and a fab thing is that since I stopped smoking I've not had anything like the hangovers :D :D

Yeah I can imagine the e-cig keeps you hooked in the same way as smoking. It's holding it in your hands and inhaling something that we associate with being comforting.

It does, which isn't exactly helpful. Called mine my dummy, and it wa a bit :eek:

Haha I'd go back too and do the same! Stealing baccy out of my friends dads car and going down a lane so no one would see us and coughing our lungs up! Why didn't I learn from that!

I used to hide away with my friends too, we used to go round the shops in Plymouth when we were there hoping we'd get served and stock up on them.

They never made me cough, not even my first one but guess who decided to show off and inhale it? *Nearly threw up everywhere*


nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Aww, don't let it upset you hun, we've all of us had failures on here before!! If your friend doesn't smoke she doesn't know how tough it can be and if she does she's got that guilty nagging feeling - am sure you know the one!!

Some people on here *cough*Max*cough* think I'm a total boozer, lol.

It's best to be careful at first though 'cos it can make you crave :eek: but you've got to get through that unless you'e giving up everything!!

Ooh and a fab thing is that since I stopped smoking I've not had anything like the hangovers :D :D

It does, which isn't exactly helpful. Called mine my dummy, and it wa a bit :eek:

I used to hide away with my friends too, we used to go round the shops in Plymouth when we were there hoping we'd get served and stock up on them.

They never made me cough, not even my first one but guess who decided to show off and inhale it? *Nearly threw up everywhere*


Lol um I may also have a reputation as a total boozer/ can not handle my drink. If you're ever in Taunton let me know :p

Oh wow good news about the hangovers!

I went to uni in Plymouth and that's when my smoking habit really kicked off :/

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Lol um I may also have a reputation as a total boozer/ can not handle my drink. If you're ever in Taunton let me know :p

*High fives*

Lol, I don't often get more than tipsy and unsteady though tbh :)

Oh wow good news about the hangovers!

It's fab!!

I'd often feel wooly and headachey for a lot of Saturday after a night out, even if i didn't have that much to drink, but even though I've drunk enough to earn me a stinking one several times since I've not been too bad :D Nothing a bit of ibuprofen doesn't sort anyway. :D

I went to uni in Plymouth and that's when my smoking habit really kicked off :/

Me too!! Although I was on a different campus, and that's when I went from around 5 a day to 10-ish :o

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma that isn't true :D I don't think you are an 'alchy' at all :cool:

Just that you like a drink and you like to have fun,and maybe sometimes that naughty alcohol makes your head spin and causes you to pass out on the pavement of some small Cornish town,and so what if you wake up with a sore head a few times a month and cannot remember what happened? :D

So you see you misjudge my opinion of you dear :D XX

Oh LOL!!

I've never blacked out in the street!! :eek::eek::eek:

Gone to sleep on a friend's sofa or floor maybe though :p

And how can I misjudge "Gemma, you could get pi$$ed on seawater"? :p :p x

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