Day Four - Struggling: Hey Everyone, I have... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day Four - Struggling

nsd_user663_4052 profile image
15 Replies

Hey Everyone,

I have decided to quit CT but am having a terrible time today. Actually yesterday as well. I keep thinking that I want to have one more....and that thought keeps ringing through my head and its really making it hard to not go to the store. I am a stay at home mom and if I could just stay in my house I would be fine...but when I do have to leave I am having a hard time staying away from the store. I am on day 4 now and really don't want to fail, I though this would get easier with each day that past and it isn't. I am so tired of fighting that I just feel like giving in....any tips on how to get past this?

Thanks for you help.


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nsd_user663_4052 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Shiann :D

Welcome to the forum you have come to the right place you will get loads of help and support on here we all help each other I know I would not have made it without this place having tried many times before

The guys are right it really will start to get easier now you are over half way through the forst week and the more you read the easier it will get Just hang in there


nsd_user663_4052 profile image

Well I have to be honest, I caved. I just couldn't take it anymore and I ended up having one.

It's hard because I feel like its my only 'escape' from the kids...I have a 4 and 2 year old and I feel like when I can get outside and have a smoke it's my time to relax. I really don't want to smoke anymore for the obvious reasons I guess it's just getting over the mental part. I don't feel the cravings so much but the thought of 'just one more' seemed to get me for the last couple days and I just couldn't take it anymore. No need to beat myself up about it, I went 3.5 days without one so I just have to get back up , dust myself off and go again. I realize now that I am not missing anything by smoking and I look forward to being smoke free from now on.

Thanks again.


nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Hi Shiann,

Sorry to here about you caving. But, TBH it seems that it's shown you a valuable lesson when you state that you realised that you aren't missing anything by smoking.

That statement sounds so familiar and I wondered if you had read any of Allen Carr's books. Whilst not being the wonder solution it has helped quitters through at least the first few months until they got back on to their legs, so to speak. You can even download his book Scandal here and read at your leisure.

Great stuff that you are so quickly picking up the reins again.


dangermousette profile image

Hi Shiann,

Where did you get the cigarette from? Make sure that if you have a packet in the house that you run them all under water so you don't get tempted again. Please, stay strong ........ you have 2 beautiful children who 1. want to grow up with a mum ; 2. are learning about smoking daily from watching you (they might have even tried to copy you with cigarettes they found in your bag) - I saw a similar story on the news last week.

You ARE going to do it - you sound so positive. It is hard, no doubt, but it gets so much better as time goes on.

DM xx

nsd_user663_4052 profile image

I know I can do it, if for nothing else for my kids....What I am finding though is the mental part is SO much harder then I ever expected it to be. I have actually learnt alot today from caving but most important I now feel even more confident in my ability to quit and quit for good.

I know its going to be tough, I am starting over at day 1 basically, but I know what to expect and am 100% prepared.

nsd_user663_4016 profile image

Hi, Shiann and welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear about your blip, but you definitely have the right attitude! Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start again. It's well worth it! Read everything you can and read others on this forum. You'll do fine.

Quit: Jan 18, 2009

Method: CT

dangermousette profile image

Hello Shiann - you are soooo right. The mental bit is by far the hardest. It goes on for longer, and affects you more than you ever think.

Hang on a mo..... let me see if I can dig out a post I did about it.....

DM xx

dangermousette profile image

Found it -------

Hope it helps, and stay strong ---- have you thrown away the rest of those fags now?

DM xx

nsd_user663_4052 profile image

Oh yes, all are gone now.

Thanks for the info.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Shiann

Good so glad you threw them away asprobably to much of a temptation I know they would have been for me

I would advice you to read anything you can find the sites under BB reply are all good I have read them all]

Good Luck :D

nsd_user663_4026 profile image


I know exactly where you are coming from. My downfalls were not social or drinking, but when I was on my own or just with the children and no husband. I have three children and I know how much of a nightmare that can be. I would go out to the shops to buy 'stuff' and add in a packet of smokes. Then, i would use the excuse of a smoke to get 5 mins peace from my children. This time I have decided it won't make anything better. The 5 mins peace can be obtained from locking myself in the toilet! The smoking does not make it better, the stress is still there at the end of the smoke! Today is my big tester. I am on day 5 and I have an afternoon at home on my own. No kids. No husband. I am determined not to buy and smoke but I am a bit nervous too!

Keep going. Read lots. You can do it if you are mentally there!

nsd_user663_3838 profile image


I know exactly where you are coming from. My downfalls were not social or drinking, but when I was on my own or just with the children and no husband. I have three children and I know how much of a nightmare that can be. I would go out to the shops to buy 'stuff' and add in a packet of smokes. Then, i would use the excuse of a smoke to get 5 mins peace from my children. This time I have decided it won't make anything better. The 5 mins peace can be obtained from locking myself in the toilet! The smoking does not make it better, the stress is still there at the end of the smoke! Today is my big tester. I am on day 5 and I have an afternoon at home on my own. No kids. No husband. I am determined not to buy and smoke but I am a bit nervous too!

Keep going. Read lots. You can do it if you are mentally there!

You'll be fine! Just remember all the nicotine has left your body now, you are nicotine free and you don't want to go through those nasty withdrawl symptoms again, when you get through this afternoon you will be so proud of yourself tonight, and everyone on this forum will be proud of you to! Just imagine how good you'll feel, hold onto that thought. Stay strong :)

nsd_user663_4025 profile image

Busy, busy!!


I am only on day five, so not much advice, but I know exactly what you mean, getting away from the kids and going outside is the best part! My son has been ill the last two days and I was on my own with him and when he fell sleep it was the time when I usually would have gone for a cigarette, I kept thinking about it but instead started cleaning, tyding, washing, amazing never done that before. So for my little experience, just keep busy.

Saying that, I am on my own in the office today and keep on thinking about going for a cigarette :)

Good luck!


nsd_user663_3996 profile image


HI Shiann,

I found it hard to give up the cig to which you escaped the kids...... as someone said on here.................. you can still stand outside in peace with no cig.

wishing you all the best



nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Thanks for the encouragement! Am over the moon as I just passed the 'test' with flying colours!

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