Newbieeee Day 1: So I just smoked hopefully... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Newbieeee Day 1

nsd_user663_57645 profile image
50 Replies

So I just smoked hopefully my last ciggy.

Im work in an office full of grumpy people so hopefully this afternoon wont be hell.

Ive popped on a patch :o)

Its will be very nice to have support as my partner doesnt smoke and doesnt know how hard it is to stop. Also living with my parents who dont even know I smoke so its hard to talk to them about it.

Thanks for the opportunity to talk here


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nsd_user663_57645 profile image
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50 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

So I just smoked hopefully my last ciggy.

Im work in an office full of grumpy people so hopefully this afternoon wont be hell.

Ive popped on a patch :o)

Its will be very nice to have support as my partner doesnt smoke and doesnt know how hard it is to stop. Also living with my parents who dont even know I smoke so its hard to talk to them about it.

Thanks for the opportunity to talk here


Hiya Sammi :)

Welcome to the forum and well done quitting!!

Lol, you were another secret smoker then? So was I for years - how the heck did they not notice? :p

Anyway there's always someone on here to help, chat or rant at, I'd definitely be smoking again if it wasn't for here!!

Have you got plenty of chewing gum? It really helps take your mind off the cravings :)

Good luck xx

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

hi G-L :D

nope I havent got any gum, I find it hurts my teeth after awhile.

I need to buy some polos but OMG i just heard they are laxitives. Maybe not then >.<

Ill find something. maybe lollipops but today Ill go hardcore and use my thumb


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

hi G-L :D

nope I havent got any gum, I find it hurts my teeth after awhile.

I need to buy some polos but OMG i just heard they are laxitives. Maybe not then >.<

Ill find something. maybe lollipops but today Ill go hardcore and use my thumb


That's why I've got jawache :p

Um, the sweetener in Polos can be a laxative, but you have to eat a huge amount to have any problems. I was chewing a cardboard pack of Extra a day and it didn't have too much of an effect (not going to give TMI, lol) but quitting can make you a bit constipated so it kind of balances out!!

Lollipops are fab, several people on here have used them then "smoked" the sticks after which helps :)


nsd_user663_57645 profile image

got a meeting at 2, this will be the first test. Then break time will be the 2nd test I hope I can go without a yukky stick...

There needs to be a stressed face on the smilies D:

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

Thanks Kat

I think Im going to have to go raid the sweetie section of the shops tonight :D

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

This is my upside down stressed face D: lol

Ive put elastic bands on my wrists and everytime i get a crave im going to ping it and the sharp sensation will stop my thought into an ow thought.

Better than an electric shock collar :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

got a meeting at 2, this will be the first test. Then break time will be the 2nd test I hope I can go without a yukky stick...

There needs to be a stressed face on the smilies D:

Good luck :)

Definitely drink lots of water, I have no idea why but it definitely helped me, and it gets rid of the toxins from smoking so that's a bonus!!

Get something for your hands too, I've got a Tangle toy, and it's fab when I'm feeling fidgety :eek:

Anything works though, rubber band, beady bracelet - you get the idea :)

Oh, and i nearly forgot, if you're on patches you might want to take them off before you go to bed - I was for quitting fags and am back on them now to quit the e-cig, and they can give you horrible nightmares.

Just pop on a fresh one when you wake up and it's fine. :)

And depending how much you smoked you might need a boost from time to time so lozenges or spray might help if you get a bad crave. Basically anything to keep you off the flipping ciggies!! That might help when you're a bit stressed too in the early days, like after your meeting xx

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

Thanks G-L

I still have the taste of my last ciggy, I need to do something about that. :S (my sicky face)

I might try and keep this patch on for tonight and if I get bad dreams Ill take it off for the other nights. Thanks for the heads-up

I usually have quite adventurous dreams so this could be interesting! :D

Ill be back in an hour.... meeting time D:


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks G-L

I still have the taste of my last ciggy, I need to do something about that. :S (my sicky face)

I might try and keep this patch on for tonight and if I get bad dreams Ill take it off for the other nights. Thanks for the heads-up

I usually have quite adventurous dreams so this could be interesting! :D

Ill be back in an hour.... meeting time D:


I can't remember what they taste like now, lol.

Am glad about that too 'cos I got properly fed up with having the taste in my mouth.

You should be OK for a bit keeping it on 24 hours, but I found after a couple of weeks I got no sleep and bad nightmares - you might be fine on them :)

Good luck in your meeting!! xx

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

Im back, with a mega craving!

do not smoke Sammi!

It wasnt even a stressful meeting. I just want to grab a colleague and natter about stuff!

D: test 1 lets get over it

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

Ive decided I will get a hot drink with some colleagues rather than going for a smoke, that way I still get social interaction. :D

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

Thanks Max :D

im thinking about arranging a chat with an NHS person as patches are soo expensive! See if I can get them on prescription

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks Max :D

im thinking about arranging a chat with an NHS person as patches are soo expensive! See if I can get them on prescription

I get mine on eBay - around £7 for a week's worth :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Ive decided I will get a hot drink with some colleagues rather than going for a smoke, that way I still get social interaction. :D

Loads healthier and tastier too!!

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

Thanks, I will try and look for some on ebay. The only prob there is my mum will prob ask what I have ordered! I suppose I can ask them to be delivered at my friends house though... hmmmm

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks, I will try and look for some on ebay. The only prob there is my mum will prob ask what I have ordered! I suppose I can ask them to be delivered at my friends house though... hmmmm

Mine come in a Jiffy bag, so it's not like it says what they are - although my parents know (and absolutely hated) that I used to smoke!!

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

Not allowed to have things delivered at work. They are quite strict :-S

Ive emailed our SmokeFree rep and hopefully I will get a months worth for £7.60ish what ever the price is now :D

If she is useless Ill try ebay and get some delivered to a mates house. Then I have the excuse of visiting my friend :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Not allowed to have things delivered at work. They are quite strict :-S

Ive emailed our SmokeFree rep and hopefully I will get a months worth for £7.60ish what ever the price is now :D

If she is useless Ill try ebay and get some delivered to a mates house. Then I have the excuse of visiting my friend :D

Now that's a bargain!!

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

I love my bargains :D

Ahh the craving has stopped for abit. Test 2 is over!

Test 3- Home time, not to have one in the car on the way home at 5

nsd_user663_56938 profile image

Woohoo! Well done you!

It's fab you're on here talking through your experience, everyone is very helpful and really help pull you through.

The NHS group things are great for prescriptions - they last 12 weeks, so you only pay once I think, and the NRT sees you through to 3 months when hopefully you won't need it any more (or much much less)! :)

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

Hi Madders :D

Everyone has been great today. I think I would have flopped by now if it wasnt for you guys :D


nsd_user663_19503 profile image

Congratulations on making the decision to quit. I quit cold turkey and found sipping water, chewing gum and sugar free sweets helped. I also read Allen Carrs book which helped to put my head in the right place. Many people on here have read it and found it helpful. I downloaded it on my kindle and even onto my smartphone, so whenever I feel weak I read a few pages again and find it strengthens my resolve. Being on this forum is a massive help. Good luck

nsd_user663_56938 profile image

You'll be just fine, and you're flying through the tests! :D

I was a lurker here until quite recently, and it helped so much reading other people's experiences. I don't know what I would have done without this lot either!

I'm excited to read how you are getting on in the 'day 2' forum tomorrow :)

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

Thanks Jeannie,

I have a game for my DS games console, I think that is from the Allen Carr books, I have downloaded a few free books from google to help :D

Im finding Im clockwatching alot at where my routine ciggy breaks are. I think Ill have to hide the clock :D


nsd_user663_57645 profile image

10 mins to go until test 3

Someone just walked past and smelt of smoke, it smelt soo good. hopefully that smell would be disgusting to me in a few days :D

nsd_user663_56938 profile image

Oh it will, believe me!!! :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I thought it smelled foul back when I smoked and enjoyed it - but of course didn't think *I* smelled of smoke :/

nsd_user663_57531 profile image

NRT Supplies

Hi Sammi

Congratulations on making the decision to stop - it is so worth the effort once you get a few days under your belt. If you attend a quit smoking clinic (I go to Boots but I expect other stores do them) you only pay a one-off £10 and get all your NRT supplies for free. You have to attend once a week for about 15 minutes - just to have a carbon monoxide reading (very encouraging) and support but that`s about as economical as it gets. You pick up your supplies at the time so no worries about delivery. Might be worth a try. I`ve found its a help with having a weekly check in as well. I`m on day 26 and not struggling too much at all.

Good Luck.

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

I failed last night, I guess I wasnt quite commited. It was the car journey that did it. Just kinda forgot and lit up.

Im going to try again today and this time not have any cigarettes to hand. I feel abit dumb but I thought maybe giving up midday was abit challenging.

A new day today- a new start. Imma pick myself up and get on that wagon! Determined this time

Im going to the gym tonight with my non smoking partner so it should be easier today


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You really do have to sort out a plan for quitting (says she who didn't - but it made my quit harder) so you're prepared!!

You've got patches, step 1 I guess?

Now get some backup NRT to hand - lozenges, gum, Quickmist, anything so when you get a big crave you can treat it with that rather than lighting up.

Some people can cope with having fags around (I actually kept mine 'cos I thought I'd need them on my next night out, forgot and binned them) but you can't so get rid of all your lighters, fags, filters etc etc ASAP. If you have to go out and buy them it's less temptation for you!!

Get sweets, carrots, lettuce, whatever to nibble on - it's good for fighting craves and get a fidget toy because your hands will feel empty.

Don't stop trying to stop - fags aren't friends remember :)

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

Thanks G-L

Ive got an appointment in a hospital cafe with the NHS smokefree nurse today. I will buy some nibblys then :D

Im confident at work, I think my trigger is mainly the car. I had an idea this morning, Im going to get a nice air freshener and then I wont want to make my car smelly with fag smoke.

Then come the weekend, hopefully the sun will be out, i will give my Sammi-mobile a jolly good cleaning. Get all the ash off it etc

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

Im trying

Ive got my patch on and my water and an appointment with NHS nurse and Im determined this time. Nothing will make me pick up another cancer stick ever again

nsd_user663_57645 profile image


Ive seen the nurse, She made me blow in this thingy and it said I had 4mgs of something in my breathe. She said its quite low :D

I managed not to give in at break or lunch. These have been trigger points in the past so Im proud of myself for surviving the first few.

Going out in the car was a struggle I had some in the middle compartment. I even looked at them, and I said NO like I was telling off a naughty child lol


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Ive seen the nurse, She made me blow in this thingy and it said I had 4mgs of something in my breathe. She said its quite low :D

I managed not to give in at break or lunch. These have been trigger points in the past so Im proud of myself for surviving the first few.

Going out in the car was a struggle I had some in the middle compartment. I even looked at them, and I said NO like I was telling off a naughty child lol


Carbon monoxide :)

You will probably need to alter your routine a bit to get round the first few weeks. Definitely clean out your car and get rid of the fags you've got!!

Not being harsh but you do have to take this seriously if you want this to stick and not be like your previous false starts. :)

What other things have you got to fight off craves?

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

But you MUST be committed!:D

Carbon monoxide :)

Not being harsh but you do have to take this seriously if you want this to stick and not be like your previous false starts. :)

I am, I have been working out what works for me, I have worked out that Champix, Gum and Cold Turkey do not work for me. So Im trying patches this time round and determined to quit! :D

I find reading through peoples posts when I get a crave useful. I have got de-caf coffee for break time, and Ive brought some Satsuma body butter to make my fingers smell nice, which is a nice treat to put on instead of having a cigarette. Im also sipping water throughout the day

nsd_user663_57651 profile image

I have written out a list of times that I'll find it hard to not smoke (so for you, in the car is an example) and things to do instead (maybe keep a treat to eat in the car, that you don't have anywhere else??)

Good luck, keep trying, we'll be so much better off when we don't want to smoke anymore. No more worries about serious illness..breathing easier..saving money :D

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

thanks Shakey, Thats a good idea

Im going to the shops later to get my NRT. Ill buy some super yummy sweets for the car :D

nsd_user663_56938 profile image

Well I wish you all the best for the rest of today. Such a shame about yesterday, but if you felt really rubbish after, then I'm sure it won't happen again.

Like the others have said, equip yourself and be 100% determined - it is entirely up to you whether you put a cigarette in your mouth and light it. Also, just take it hour by hour for now! You can do this!!


nsd_user663_57645 profile image

thanks for your support Madders. Im really trying my best this quit will be the last quit I know it :)

nsd_user663_56938 profile image

Brilliant - if you KNOW it then it will happen for you :)

When I first started I read a lot of posts in the 1 and 2 months forums and was determined to get there myself. And I thought, if they can do it, I can do it too!

Push through the bad times if you have any, and make sure you're really proud of yourself for every achievement - 24 hours, first drink without a ciggie, first long car journey, first phone chat etc.... If you ever feel the urge again, before you do ANYTHING else come on here and shout for help, there are plenty of us to support you! :)

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

Thank you again :D

Im on my last hour of work now. Time seems to be dragging on and on. I think I need to come up with a better idea of what to do on my break.

I decided to have a decaf coffee instead of going outside....

hmmm *ponders what to do tomorrow break*

nsd_user663_56938 profile image

Do something rewarding like going for a walk, or if the weather is rubbish make a list of the treats you will get yourself at all of the mile stones! :D

Do puzzles, read a rubbish mag, text your mates, anything that is relaxing and distracting.

( my version of that was eating chocolate. And LOTS of it!! :D )

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I am, I have been working out what works for me, I have worked out that Champix, Gum and Cold Turkey do not work for me. So Im trying patches this time round and determined to quit! :D

I find reading through peoples posts when I get a crave useful. I have got de-caf coffee for break time, and Ive brought some Satsuma body butter to make my fingers smell nice, which is a nice treat to put on instead of having a cigarette. Im also sipping water throughout the day

That's good :)

Use the patches like the box says, maybe stay on the higher dose longer if you feel the need to, but stick with it this time!!

nsd_user663_57651 profile image

End of day 2 for me. Not feeling like smoking yet as I've still got a cough and now a runny nose! :o

I have made it out to tescos to buy alternatives to some drumstick lollies, sultanas, grapes, chewits and fruitella! Should be enough sugary, hand-to-mouth alternatives to last a while!

I also have NRT gum and lozenges. So Welsh Phil - what made you anti-NRT? Previous bad experiences from past quits? Allen Car?? (Am I opening a tin of worms here? ;-) )

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

End of day 2 for me. Not feeling like smoking yet as I've still got a cough and now a runny nose! :o

I have made it out to tescos to buy alternatives to some drumstick lollies, sultanas, grapes, chewits and fruitella! Should be enough sugary, hand-to-mouth alternatives to last a while!

I also have NRT gum and lozenges. So Welsh Phil - what made you anti-NRT? Previous bad experiences from past quits? Allen Car?? (Am I opening a tin of worms here? ;-) )

Lollipops are a great idea and getting stuck into a good book will keep your mind busy too! Drinking water (slowly) helps also. :)

I stopped when I had a cold and I'm really glad that I didn't have to suffer through those first few days of physical withdrawal. Felt far too rubbish to care about smoking!!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Not sure where you got the anti -NRT from ? . What I said was that you cant expect them to perform miracles you yourself need to put the hard work in...

I agree :) NRT can be great and really helpful, but not if your head's not in it! Lots of positive thinking and encouragement will help keep you on the straight and narrow.

You CAN do this. You just have to believe it :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I agree :) NRT can be great and really helpful, but not if your head's not in it! Lots of positive thinking and encouragement will help keep you on the straight and narrow.

You CAN do this. You just have to believe it :D

Yep exactly right!!

A lot of people, me included, need NRT to get off the ciggies - really can't do CT - but the real battle is in your head.

You've got to put willpower in as well as use the NRT, but it is a very helpful tool!!

nsd_user663_57651 profile image

Not sure where you got the anti -NRT from ? . What I said was that you cant expect them to perform miracles you yourself need to put the hard work in...

I assumed you were anti-NRT from your cold turkey method in your signature and because I thought you were anti- e-cigs in the other mistake.

I have always noticed how many people on here seem to have quit with Allen Carr whilst using NRT - which he speaks out against in the book if I remember correctly..

nsd_user663_57531 profile image

NRT is NOT magic

If you make the commitment to quit NRT can `help`. It (whichever one you choose) will be an aid to overcome the worst craves/temptations - but it won`t do it for you. YOU have to put the effort in. That`s why its so important to do your homework and work out a plan. Make a real committment. Good luck!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I have always noticed how many people on here seem to have quit with Allen Carr whilst using NRT - which he speaks out against in the book if I remember correctly..

He does, but I don't agree with him on that.

He was lucky in that he didn't suffer with craves - probably because he had smoked himself half to death (100 fags a day, nosebleeds etc) while a lot of us are young and not noticing any health problems from smoking. It is much harder to quit then, without a backup.

If you make the commitment to quit NRT can `help`. It (whichever one you choose) will be an aid to overcome the worst craves/temptations - but it won`t do it for you. YOU have to put the effort in. That`s why its so important to do your homework and work out a plan. Make a real committment. Good luck!!

Exactly, it says on my packet here that it "helps overcome your urge to smoke" not eliminate it!!

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