Day 1 for the 3rd time: Since caving in and... - No Smoking Day

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Day 1 for the 3rd time

nsd_user663_62098 profile image

Since caving in and smoking again I've kept making excuses to put off my quit again, in doing that I've now been smoking over a week again. Enough is enough today I am back at day 1 again x

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19 Replies

Hi Claire, have you been able to get yourself a copy of Allen Carr no smoking book I think this may be some help to you x

Hi I've read it but couldn't get my head into that place, twice now I've managed over a week, I will stay close to the forum this time x

Incy_Wincy profile image

Good plan Claire :) You CAN do this. You just have to keep saying NOPE! x

keeping my fingers crossed all goes well. just keep going. smoking does nothing for us, well that is to say, its nasty, smelly, we all know we need to stop, so just keep going, and hoping a lightbulb moment may just click with you, this is your moment to make this the quit that counts.

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor

Take it on full force Claire....You can do it !!

I disappeared for a while as I just couldn't commit and kept messing up. I'm back here at day 1again, doing ok so far, each time I tried stopping before I always had some in like a security blanket but unfortunately having them in made it easier to cave. This time I have none in the house x

Hello...I have smoked all my adult life and as a kid/teenager😌..I've 7 children but have never smoked in pregnancy..and to be honest that's only because it literally made me sick...especially the smell...Anyway it will be my 3rd attempt tomorrow but I've geared myself up for it...just hope I wake up in the sane mind set...I smoked my last cigarette at 11pm so Ye it's easier to say I'm gonna when I'm not withdrawing...however my interiors are there and in gonna do this..Ive just turned 41 last week so I need to sort my life/health out...I can feel the poison in he cigarettes and I've had enough of feeling down with energy no get & go..literally killing myself slowly on these things! Anyway I'm gonna do this cold turkey as for me that's the only way... It's great having a support wagging like this where everyone is or have been fighting a battle...hopefully I will message back Tom eve saying I've got through the first day! Feeling positive 😀😁

Welcome NicolaMarie

Today's the day!! Hope it's got off to a good start. You sound very determined and that's half the battle.

If (and you may not) feel a bit odd today through lack of nicotine...that's completely normal. Have some things in place to distract you, post here for much as you like. Think one day, one hour, one minute, at a time.

Wishing you loads of luck


Best wishes Nicolemarie & Clairemhall. You know quitting makes sense. Quitting is hard - but the reward great.!!!!

yiu can do this Claire, we did miss you when you disappeared but your back now and that's a good sign, I think I have said it before we are not failures as long as we keep trying, you have got back on the program again and I think with a bit more determination, are you using patches or other nrt ?

Good luck Nicole, we are feeling positive for you as well, look forward to your updates

Aww thankyou jillibean, I'm using the lozenges and inhalator, yes I'm finding it hard today (day 2) but I can't give in as I will be back to square one, good luck nicolamarie x

Canwes profile image
Canwes1000 Days Smoke Free

Clair you are now the role model for Nicolamaria due to your experience with quits, now show her how you can both do this and lean on each other and ofcourse all of us past smokers that come here to exchange feelings and vent when needed. It's one awfully big boat but it cruises along so much better when we all row.

Hi guys new to this tried everything over the years nothing has ever worked for me thought maybe talking to others might get me through it .Im gonna start tomorrow and try and get the 1st day done in 21 years HELP ! 😖cheers rob .

Claire if you feel yourself slipping I think going straight to the patches may be the answer for you I have heard for someone struggling the lozenges and inhaler are okay but not for people like us, we need something stronger and more effective - think about it if they are not working the patches really do take the edge of the cravings x

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor

Hi Claire

I am with you in this one..... Please stay strong !

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor

Hi guys new to this tried everything over the years nothing has ever worked for me thought maybe talking to others might get me through it .Im gonna start tomorrow and try and get the 1st day done in 21 years HELP ! 😖cheers rob .

Rob.... Welcome and very good decision to join the forum.... scroll threw the posts and you will find good tips that might work for you.!!!

So sorry I caved today on my day 3, you must all be getting fed up of me stopping and starting, I'm back to my day 1 again tomorrow, I might not post for a few days just so I can get a few days behind me, thankyou for all your support

Canwes profile image
Canwes1000 Days Smoke Free

So sorry I caved today on my day 3, you must all be getting fed up of me stopping and starting, I'm back to my day 1 again tomorrow, I might not post for a few days just so I can get a few days behind me, thankyou for all your support

No problem Claire, you keep trying we'll keep supporting you as best we can, ultimately it's your choice but your never gonna loose your spot here. Sorry your having such a difficult time with it. :(

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