day 5 + stupid question: Have a cracking... - No Smoking Day

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day 5 + stupid question

nsd_user663_56837 profile image
9 Replies

Have a cracking headache and feel uncomfortably tired today. Is this normal?

Also was wanting to ask a question, forgive me if i come across a bit stupid! So i know that after 3 ish days nicotine has left my body, so why does my body still crave it and roughly how long does these feelings go on for?

Think i might be sounding desperate!!!

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nsd_user663_56837 profile image
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9 Replies
nsd_user663_56712 profile image

no question is stupid, i've only given up for 2 weeks and with some NRT, i would guess that the crave is more the habit, you know certain situations when you always used to smoke, the phone, that cup of tea, after dinner etc your brain needs 're-tuning' i think Max calls it, how long have you smoked for? Takes along time to retrain a habit.

A lot of people feel tired and get headaches, maybe a walk in the fresh air would help and make sure that you drink enough so you dont get dehydrated.

nsd_user663_56837 profile image

I smoked mainly for 18 years, taking a break when pregnant! Last year i stopped for 5 months using patches but lapsed after a loved one died. This time I've decided to tackle it straight on and not use any nrt, i don't know why, i had bought an ecig and patches but haven't used them!

Im not drinking enough so that's prob why have headache, i used to make a cuppa then have a smoke while it cooled!

Old habits die hard but do die right?!

Oh and you said you've ONLY been given up two weeks, ONLY?!!! That s fab and you need to phrase it like your proud i know i will when i get to 2 weeks. Shout it out lol! X

nsd_user663_56827 profile image

You do know some of your facts are quite scarry don't you Max? :eek:

I really don't want to think about having to do this again.

Hope your feeling a bit better Tic.


nsd_user663_56876 profile image

Day 5 here too

Have a cracking headache and feel uncomfortably tired today. Is this normal?

Also was wanting to ask a question, forgive me if i come across a bit stupid! So i know that after 3 ish days nicotine has left my body, so why does my body still crave it and roughly how long does these feelings go on for?

Think i might be sounding desperate!!!

Tic, if it makes you feel any better I am experiencing the same things. Don't know why I can't stop thinking of smoking. Lets just hang in there

AngryBear profile image

Sandra and Tic, just hang in there. My early days were rough, mainly manifesting withdrawal through irrational fury (my user name's no accident). This lasted a week, then it was gritted teeth for the second week, a much smoother third, then a crave-filled fourth :eek:.

Then, day 30 it was, I woke up and..............nothing. It was as if a cycle had been broken. No craves, no illness, headaches gone, taste senses better, all the stuff you'd have read.

If, as Max says, there are craves that never leave (and I'm not doubting that, I've not read that far into it myself, I'm far too lazy!), then they are very, very light ones in my experience, ones usually brought on by triggers I'd not yet experienced, and they disappear after seconds with no help from me.

That was just how it was for me mind, it's different for everyone, but I smoked for 22 years and I've gone 9 months now without it. A miracle in my book. And my wife's! :)

Unah profile image

Don't let Max frighten you. I get slight feelings of 'it would be nice to light up' but it definitely isn't anything like a crave. I had the worst time imaginable for about 7 months but since then I'm feeling happy with my quit. There are no hard and fast rules. Everyone's quit is different so just hang in there and it will get easier.

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

I think that what Max is trying to point out quite truthfully is that you have done so well to get to day 5 and that one little puff that many think, it is only one, it won't hurt my quit, will actually undo all the hard work and good that you have done. Nicotine is an addiction like alcoholism, would you seriously offer a reformed alcoholic a drink? No, so don't think that your addiction is any less and that you should be any less proud of yourself for giving up. remember N.O.P.E-Not One Puff Ever.

I know it is hard, I smoked for over 30 years (and I am 45, so over 2/3 of my life and I lived with passive smokers as a kid).it is hard, it will always be hard, just somedays will be so much easier than others. I like the thought that nicotine is not my friend, my friends do not harm me or make me self-harm.

so Sandra, Tic and Chris, keep strong, keep battling through every crave, face them as that makes them weaker! You will get there if you truely want to and the people on this forum will support you in your

nsd_user663_56837 profile image

Thanks everyone! Just spent my night working with a smoker, it didn't bother me at all and i felt really great when she came back stinking and i still smelt of herbal essences lol!

I will get there, i will get there.......

Night night peeps


nsd_user663_56712 profile image

smoke or herbal contest:D

night night, well done for another day, sleep well xx

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