How did that happen? :D: Have been a non... - No Smoking Day

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How did that happen? :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
28 Replies

Have been a non smoker for 10 weeks now!!

Can't believe I've done 70 days when I used to be smoking more like every 70 minutes (that's a guess, but you know :p )

Anyway, according to my app, that's 1409 fags (and the rest) which would have cost me £563 and I've saved 5 days 20 hours and 54 minutes of my life :eek:

Am not craving anything like as much as I used to, did have one this morning but it was very mild compared ot what I used to get - definitely more a wanting than a needing, I told it to sling its hook and chomped my gum!!

Thought I'd post this 'cos for one I'm stupidly proud of myself and for another there's been a few people who are really struggling and thought it might encourage them along to know it *can* be done - and bear in mind I've got the willpower of a goldfish :p

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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28 Replies
nsd_user663_20558 profile image

That's awesome! Congratulations. The craves will still pop up every now and again, but you know you've beaten worse. And it will keep getting easier and easier.

The penthouse is in your grasp. Keep on trucking :D

Helen x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks Helen!!

I have to say that the craves are so much lighter *Touch wood* than before, my last bad one was a few weeks ago now , but am on my guard in case Nic o'Tine makes another go :p

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Aw thanks Kat :)

You're doing brilliantly too :D

Think I'm going to opem the bottle of wine I got for my birthday from work - much nicer than that remote control spider :eek:

nsd_user663_55597 profile image

HUGE congratulations Gem, you must have worked so hard, you deserve to feel really proud.

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

What can I say conqueror!! Get in there, you've got this alright!:)

nsd_user663_54559 profile image

Hi Gemma.... I am sooo happy for you! Always knew you would do just fine. You have always been so positive and helpful to everyone here and I remember when I first joined you were so encouraging. ;)

Thank you for noticing that there are a few of us here who have really struggled with this and yet we are persevering because we know we want to be non smokers. May take us a bit longer to nail it but as for me this is my last quit. The voices were pretty loud this morning but I am managing pretty well in spite.

Your recognition and encouragement just may keep someone from picking them up again today so thanks a million for that. :)


nsd_user663_54938 profile image

big well done

big big well done, your doing great , xxx

nsd_user663_52535 profile image

10 weeks amaazzzing!


So, so well done to you my love:) I think this is 'the one' for you.

And you are such a great asset to this Forum, you're always so supportive of others.

Fi x

nsd_user663_55073 profile image

Brilliant, Gemma, you seem to be doing this with such a positivity and confidence about you, I KNOW you will succeed. I'm really proud and chuffed for you.

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Gemma lou well done you! 10 weeks is just fab, you are doing great, keep it going, you should be so proud of your self:)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Wonderful,Gemma Lou :D

That pride in what you have done just oozes out of the page :p

I dont know you very well of course,but I am guessing that you didnt really really think you could do this did you?

There is a lesson for others!!

All you did Gemma was to keep your eyes on the prize,keep going,fight off what attacked you,and you have damned well left most of the bad shit behind now.

Massive congrats XX

Thanks Max!!

Quitting this time was a spur of the moment thing for me - was talking to my quit buddy (who's still smoke free too) out in the Leper's Corner, then we were off to town at lunchtime buying patches!!

Didn't know if it was going to work or not really but it has :cool:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thank you to everyone who's replied, am sure being on here has made all the difference!!

Hi Gemma.... I am sooo happy for you! Always knew you would do just fine. You have always been so positive and helpful to everyone here and I remember when I first joined you were so encouraging. ;)

Thank you for noticing that there are a few of us here who have really struggled with this and yet we are persevering because we know we want to be non smokers. May take us a bit longer to nail it but as for me this is my last quit. The voices were pretty loud this morning but I am managing pretty well in spite.

Your recognition and encouragement just may keep someone from picking them up again today so thanks a million for that. :)


Thanks Sherri. that's lovely!!

Am sure you're going to make it - you just need to find the right way for you!!

It's hard, and I've messed up quits in the past - most of us have - but you will do it - good luck!!

Gemma :)

nsd_user663_54849 profile image


Go you! You are doing brilliantly keep it up!!

TVH xx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image


Go you! You are doing brilliantly keep it up!!

TVH xx


You really can do it, and seriously if I can anyone can 'cos I've got naff-all willpower :p

Anyway I'm feeling proper smug today 'cos it's freezing and would have had 2 fags at work by now *but* am here in the warm while the girls in the other office are complaining about the weather :p

Do I miss that? Do I heck as like!!

Ooh and another thing - got wound up and stressed a few days ago and not once did I think about having a fag - that used to be my first reaction :eek::cool:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

It's bitter!!

Borrowed my dad's car this morning 'cos the heater's better and it was warning me about ice :eek: Was 1C apparantly!!

nsd_user663_53328 profile image

definitely more a wanting than a needing

Quite a lot of this myself lately, thinking i could start then stop again. I am not going to let it happen and i told myself NEVER to let my guard down again. I will always be an EX-smoker and not a NON-smoker so I came around to that fact.

Feeling good :D

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Gemma Lou! Well done you! Brilliant post for a brilliant quitter! Keep it going.... as I know you will and I will keep rooting for you too!:)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Quite a lot of this myself lately, thinking i could start then stop again. I am not going to let it happen and i told myself NEVER to let my guard down again. I will always be an EX-smoker and not a NON-smoker so I came around to that fact.

Feeling good :D

That's so true - it's a scary thought but that "just one" will just set it all off again!!

You're happy with never smoking again so that's a huge battle won - it took me ages to face up to it but I'm there too now!!

Gemma Lou! Well done you! Brilliant post for a brilliant quitter! Keep it going.... as I know you will and I will keep rooting for you too!:)

Aw thanks!! That means a lot!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

This is where I am now, really can't believe how much time I've saved, how much money and how many fags I haven't smoked.

The *real* number is a bit higher than that 'cos I used to smoke more when I was bored, angry, preparing for Mother Nature, or drinking. :eek:

Either way tough I'm really proud of myself for doing it!!

Adding this 'cos I just beat off a crave this morning and it feels good :D

Don't tell on me for "borrowing" work's WiFi please :p

nsd_user663_52101 profile image


Congratulations on your acheivement.I bet your so proud,and all that money,those new shoes and bags Ooohhh lol:D

nsd_user663_52535 profile image


You've got this you know, clever clogs:). Way to go, well done:)

Fi x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks everyone!! :cool:

What he said! Doing Kernow proud hon, we'll fly the flag together!:D

Ooh yes, a huge big one - you take one end and I'll take the other!! :cool:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Not going to start a new thread 'cos it's not worth it (am saving that for when I smash into Month 4 in a few days time) but a bit of an update :)

Am on 12 weeks with no cancer sticks now :D

I did buy an e-cig. Thought long and hard about it but went for it and it came this morning. so far I've used it a few times *but* haven't had any gum since I picked it up. Have to say I'm not wildly keen 'cos it makes me cough (fags never did though, odd) and it doesn't taste very nice even though it's meant to be menthol. Have used it a bit more than "normal" though 'cos I've had a dentist's appointment which stressed me out - even though nothing's wrong.

Am hoping that between the odd bit of gum and the e cig I can get off NRT completely before too long.

The main thing with the e-cig though is that I've lost too many quits (including my last one, 18 months) because I got down and stressed, thought "stuff it" and bought real fags. This *should* stop that which is fab 'cos I really don't want to smoke ever again!! :D

Walked past the pub on the way to the dentist's today and someone was smoking, it literally made me gag - can't for the life of me work out how I inhaled that for so many years and actually enjoyed it :S

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

It's really interesting Gemma to see how you are tackling these thoughts and feelings.Should be very useful to someone in future to read about this.

The main thing love is that you are OFF FAGS.They are appalingly bad for you;cadmium,arsenic,tar,methane,ammonia.... none of that shit is entering your body any more.:D

Use whatever aids you like but promise never ever to smoke a ciggie again!;)

It would be fab if it did help someone else, blabbering on here has definitely kept me away from the Marlboro Man!! Can think of lots of times when without being able to get help I could have caved in, but I haven't!!

I honestly don't intend to smoke another fag in my life - am a bit dodgy about promising that 'cos I did when I was 7 and that didn't turn out too well ;) but seriously, I want to stay a non smoker for ever now!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Ooh another thing, just looked at my QuitNow app and have saved over a week of my life!!

Not to mention the best part of £700 and not smoked 1700 fags - which would have left a gross 1020 mg of tar sitting in my lungs *blech*

Am probably prattling again, but after getting the e-cig I feel like a weight's gone off my shoulders. Am not using it like a dummy, don't want to spend the rest of my life on it or anything like that, but I know now that it's there and when I get a crave can get that out and it's gone - no risk of getting back on the stinky fags :D

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

£700!! Party at yours Gemma-Lou!! :D

What Max said, by the way, staying off the fags is what's important, and you're nailing that!

Stay strong and take care x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

£700!! Party at yours Gemma-Lou!! :D

What Max said, by the way, staying off the fags is what's important, and you're nailing that!

Stay strong and take care x

Think it's my round!! :cool:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

In which case you better make it Rattler, or something else Cornish because.....IT'S ST PIRAN'S DAY!!! Time to start singing!!!:D

Coming up :D

Lol, don't think you want me to start singing - people would call the RSPCA!! :p

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