I was wondering where the 3-4 crew were? - No Smoking Day

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I was wondering where the 3-4 crew were?

nsd_user663_52845 profile image
25 Replies

I have been wondering, over the last few days, where all the 3-4 month crew were?

(then cymro posted so perfect timing :))

So come on peeps, give a shout out to let each other know we're still doing well and going strong!! :D

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nsd_user663_52845 profile image
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25 Replies
nsd_user663_53617 profile image

I'm here, in month 3 - at about 10 weeks now, a few wobbles but generally ok :-)

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Hiya, I'm present and correct

Quit going pretty well at the moment, an awful lot better since my sleeping had got pretty much back to normal

Molly x

nsd_user663_52848 profile image

Yeah I'm still here....my posting is a bit erratic.....but hanging on in there....see you all in the next month after a few days.

nsd_user663_53394 profile image

Here I am. Feeling good except that I weighed myself and had the shock of my life. I am 2 women in one skin. So I got the Hairy bikers new book. Somehow they seem like people I can relate to, not like all the skinny minnies driven to a lifetime of misery because they were once, briefly, a size 12, and never want to revisit that horror. And yes Nifty I know you love your bike but I bought one 10 years ago and fell off repeatedly in traffic and I am not doing that again ever, but I will start swimming, and something else maybe housework with attitude. Dont miss smoking, but still sucking the lozenges, think I could stop them, but I like not craving, dont want to risk anything just yet. love to you all Sandra xxxx

nsd_user663_52848 profile image

Hi Sandra...I'm expanding rapidly also...but going to try and use that project to help beat this monster which has been having a real dig at me recently....I'm hoping it will refocus the mind somewhat.....good luck with that house work!!!!

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Helloooo Sandra,

Great to hear from you :)

You should really try stabilizers.....like I said in Cymro's thread...it's like a second childhood.

I ride mine with them on.....AND...water wings in case I fall in a puddle! :D



nsd_user663_52845 profile image

There you are Lostie... :)

Haven't seen you for a bit, still going well?




nsd_user663_53394 profile image

Nifty you are nuts

stabilizers. I am laughing so hard. Do you have aviator goggles and a leather flying helmet too? and is it fluorescent cycling clips or skirt tucked into your knickers? and I know you are male but you have such a talent for the ridiculous I would put nothing past you.

nsd_user663_53328 profile image

I am still here! I hope you are all doing well. I cant believe how quick the time has gone! I really didn't think I would have lasted until now, no matter how much i was hoping :D

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Hiya Paul, wow, long time no hear from!im dead chuffed you're doing well!", it's really good to hear from you.

I'm doing brilliant thanks. Have you heard anything from popo72?

Molly x

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Great to see you Phil.

Doing well I see :)

I know what you mean, I have been setting myself up for a fall all the way but so far.....I'm still standing!

(Think Phil Collins should release that as a song!!:))

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Lol right back at ya!!!

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Don't look now but Biggrin has posted!

nsd_user663_53202 profile image

Yep, still here and smoke free.

God it feels good not smoking.

Glad you are all going strong too. :)

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Hiya mate, were you having a break?

I'm dead pleased its going well for you :D

It's good to hear from you chuck :)

Molly x

nsd_user663_53202 profile image

Yeah Molly, I was having a bit of a break. Thanks for the warm welcome back!

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Darn, it's good to see you back mate. How's the quit going?

Molly x

nsd_user663_53202 profile image

Quit's going ok thanks Molly, pretty uneventful, which makes a nice change after the stormy first weeks.

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Now I'm dead chuffed o hear that but we still need you here. Also I don't think it will do your quit too much harm to check in every so often sweetie, I still owe you one for the other week x

nsd_user663_53328 profile image

Hiya Paul, wow, long time no hear from!im dead chuffed you're doing well!", it's really good to hear from you.

I'm doing brilliant thanks. Have you heard anything from popo72?

Molly x

Hi Molly :) *waves*

I haven't heard from Popo72 for a long time. I am sure one of his posts says that he thought it was time to leave the forum.

Found it - forum.nosmokingday.org.uk/s...

I hope all is well, its good to see familiar "faces" still around! :D

Paul x

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Hiya Paul, I actually got a pm from popo, he's doing fine, just not coming on here only every now and then. We quit the same day and he saw that I'd asked after him so he wanted to let me know he was good :D

You're doing brilliantly too aren't you!

It's 16 weeks for me today, I can't believe it sometimes!

Molly x

nsd_user663_53328 profile image

Hiya :D

I cant believe how the time has flown sometimes, its really got to the point where i think about it only once or twice through the day. I feel really good about it and I am certainly not going back and starting that all over again!

Its good to hear that you are doing well and staying strong also :D

I hope Paul is doing well also, he deserves it!

Paul x

nsd_user663_53260 profile image

I'm here too

Hiya everyone, glad to see we are all still fresh clean shiny happy people still :)

nsd_user663_53202 profile image

Molly, 16 weeks today - that sounds like ages! Well done.

Calyx, Hiya, hope the nose has stopped streaming now!

nsd_user663_53617 profile image

16 weeks is awesome Molly, must feel just great!! I'm following you, though quite a few weeks behind. Can still see you though with those psychedelic flares on!! Fabby :-)

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