I was wondering today: what would I do if... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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I was wondering today

nsd_user663_6327 profile image
10 Replies

what would I do if they asked for our vote to increase a packet of cigs to say, £10 per pack, would you vote yes or no. Then I got to thinking, well, I would vote no because its people's right to smoke if they wish to do so but more than that, if I'm honest its because I'm not ready to be 100% committed to never smoking again.

That was a bit of a surprise to me, because I feel my quit is quite strong and I'm not planning on smoking again, but as some newbies were saying the other day, it almost feels like flying without a parachute. I feel a bit anxious about the thoughts of never, ever smoking again, even though I know full well all the awful things it did (and would do again) to me but I still liked it, sorry everyone, but I did. In spite of all the warnings and knowing all about the nicodemons etc., it was still a comfort.

Is this the nicodemon trying to come in by the back door? I think many of us could almost predict what different members on here would vote?

And yes, I've been waiting around for different appointments today, so had a lot of time to ponder......... Thanks for your thoughts anyone who may like to reply with theirs. xxx :)

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nsd_user663_6327 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_3910 profile image

I'm completely with you Vivienne. I can't actually think ahead long term, it scares me to say I will never smoke again, I did enjoy it, well some of it anyway. I have actually worked out which cigarettes I enjoyed. They were never ones when in company, even with the husband, the ones I enjoyed were the ones when nobody was around, and there were going to be no disturbances. As you can imagine this wouldn't total very many, which made me realise the amount of cigarettes smoked that were purely routine, filling a gap, a pause between jobs, out of boredom etc. What a waste :eek:

I can only look on stopping smoking a day at a time. Not next week or month, just today. If I start looking ahead I start feeling anxious. I know I won't smoke today, and I know I won't smoke tomorrow, but that's as far as I can go. Slowly slowly catchy monkey!?

I wouldn't worry about that nicodemon, sounds as if he's well under lock and key. What you think is true of most of us, you're just being honest about it.

Well done on month 3, you must be thrilled to bits.

Lorraine :)

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

I'm with you too Viv, a couple of my fellow octo quitters though have decided we are smoking again at 70 (we are in our 40s now). Now before people have a go this may be a little tongue in cheek (actually I'm not sure). However you are doing a bloody good job at this quit lark Viv, so do not over think this sweetheart.

I too would not want cigarettes to go up to £10.00 as besides from making the government a load of cash it would not be fair on smokers.

Slightly OT, I defended a smoker on Monday, a few non smokers were TELLING her to give up and she does not want too (we have all been there) and I said the decision is hers and their attitude will never change her mind.

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Christine.... tongue in cheek or not, it will be in our 70's and if poss, those of us Octo's who may/may not ;) will have to meet up and choke and splutter and all that having a smoke after 30+ years will do, together.

Does it make me any less committed to my quit now if I say, tongue in cheek, that I am may be looking forward to it. What a goal to have :rolleyes::D

You'll be the youngest at 70? then ??? and me will be approx 75.

Hi Viv,

Yes, I would vote to put them up. It's never made me popular but it's what I always thought and still think. I know it's tough on the people who pay full price for tailor-made's but I always felt the price should be high.

It was the price at £1.50 that made me change to roll-ups years and years ago. I didn't want to quit due to price so found an alternative....... baccy. No one who chooses to smoke has to pay the high price for a packet of 20.

Just my 2d worth hun -)

I got (legally) my baccy from overseas and never paid more than a fiver for 50gms and it lasted a week.

I too feel I don't want to commit for ever.... I'm aiming for ever but in a non committed committed way :) I loved smoking and I had to stop for a while.... it's working.... why go back? I still miss it though and yes, the nicodemon is playing tricks, always will.

Pol x

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Vivienne you do not need cigarettes to comfort you you have me xxxxx:)

I think we all feel the same we all want to think we won't smoke again and then think but do I really not want to smoke again. Well I don't want to smoke again because of what it's done to me in the past, what it has cost me so no I don't want to smoke again but it scares me because I've allways felt I had to smoke to deal with life. I think that is why we feel we may smoke again.

To answer your question I think I'm with you on this we all have the right to smoke. Secondly if the price of cigs were increased who gets the money? the goverment in tax or the cigarette manufacturers. Both who are making enough if not too much money from cigarettes already.

Love xx Jack

nsd_user663_6327 profile image

Thank you everyone for your most honest and intelligent replies, it helps tremendously.

Lorraine, I do know exactly what you mean and yes I'm very pleased to be on month three and also being able to breathe easier.

Christine, what a great idea to smoke again at 70, yippee thats only about 7 years away for me - but does it still work at my age, do you think? lol

Well done on defending the smoker against the others, I agree their opinion couldn't matter less to the person in question.

Pol - thats a lot of common sense you are talking there - when I was smoking I was finding it very difficult to leave a 20 minute gap between fags and I did have some roll ups but didn't get on so well with those as tailor mades, what an awful admission! Now, I've been 3 months without a fag, so whats that all about? I do not need them! and I DONT WANT TO SMOKE!!

Jack my sweetheart, very supportive as always, thank you. I'm in a similar position to you, my twin, its taken its toll but even so I still miss it and sometimes yes I DO WANT A SMOKE - so there, thats the truth. I wont but that doesn't alter the fact that I must face up to that I want to. Does that make sense? Its the only way I can cope with it really.

Thank you everyone who replied, onwards and upwards as they say but honesty helps me. :D

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

No Viv you can not smoke at 70 but you can smoke again at 90! See you now have something to look forward to xx:D

Jack -I am throwing a bucket of cold water over you:)

nsd_user663_6385 profile image

lol Loving this thread... when I quit it was on a bit of a whim... no set date, no preparation, just a hmmm I really should try and give up... lets try now!

And so far I have but, like many others it is a day by day thing, I wont smoke today...

And funnily enough my cousin said to me, well why dont you start again when you are 70... that way it's just a break lol

I miss it, yes I know it's an addiction and thats the junky mind set talking but I do... simples! I have two friends at work one quit 9 years, the other 2 years and they both still miss it... in fact the guy who quit 9 years ago, craves on a regular basis when we are on a night out... this I have to say I find rather depressing lol but it's unfortunately the case...

Here's to not smoking today!

Mixxy xxx

nsd_user663_6327 profile image

No Viv you can not smoke at 70 but you can smoke again at 90! See you now have something to look forward to xx:D

Jack -I am throwing a bucket of cold water over you:)

Christine I only got 27 years to wait then, hey, I may not even still be here then!! In any case, by then they are going to cost an awful lot more than they do now - so "nicodemon voice" how about I buy a few packs now to save money? tee hee :D

You made me laugh about the bucket of cold water over Jack remark! Poor Jack, here is a nice fluffy bath towel to dry yourself on!! And no Jack, I'm not laughing, not at all!! xxxx

nsd_user663_6327 profile image

lol Loving this thread... when I quit it was on a bit of a whim... no set date, no preparation, just a hmmm I really should try and give up... lets try now!

And so far I have but, like many others it is a day by day thing, I wont smoke today...

And funnily enough my cousin said to me, well why dont you start again when you are 70... that way it's just a break lol

I miss it, yes I know it's an addiction and thats the junky mind set talking but I do... simples! I have two friends at work one quit 9 years, the other 2 years and they both still miss it... in fact the guy who quit 9 years ago, craves on a regular basis when we are on a night out... this I have to say I find rather depressing lol but it's unfortunately the case...

Here's to not smoking today!

Mixxy xxx

Hi Mixxy sweetie, hows it going? Your holiday at the end of May sounds just right, and kick boxing, why not? Go for it my love. Give em hell!!

I agree with you 100% Mixxy, here's to not smoking today! Tomorrow is another day, as they say....... :)

nsd_user663_6385 profile image

Hiya Viv :)

I'm ok... back at work as of yesterday, which is good, although I am bored of being back already!

I can't wait for my Holiday, I popped to spain for a few days last April, but because I have been doing a college course for the last 3 years as well as working it's been hard to get away. This year college finishes, I'm off to Sicily, then Glastonbury in June... and I am hoping to go to the States later in the year ;)

Tis definitely be good to myself time!

And yeah I am looking in to the kick boxing... lol will keep you updated as to if I actually start that! :p

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