Cardio appointment: Got my cardiologist... - No Smoking Day

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Cardio appointment

nsd_user663_50109 profile image
24 Replies

Got my cardiologist appointment tomora.. Bin moved from feb thang god. So will no why iv bin getting palpitations and such.

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nsd_user663_50109 profile image
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24 Replies
nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Hi Shelley, I'm so pleased your appointment has been moved forward. You've had to worry for way too long.

My very best wishes to you, I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.

AngryBear profile image

Hey Shelly, please let us know how it goes.....;)

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Hi Shelley, hope tommorow goes well and you can finally put your mind at rest, you have waited long enough for this appointment and it has been a worrying time for you, so glad it has been brought forward and as AB says please let us konw how you go on.

nsd_user663_53202 profile image

Good luck tomorrow, Shelly. :)

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Hope it's nothing but good news Shelley, and that they sort your problems out sharpish.

Be thinking of you tomorrow.

helen x

nsd_user663_53753 profile image

All the best for tomorrow Shelley. Will be thinking about you. Let us know how it goes :)

Love May x

nsd_user663_50109 profile image


To sum up what the cardio said. There is nowt worry about but iv got have a heart monitore on me fir2 days and more bloods to test for thyroid. So I still not got a clue what or if there is anything up with me.. :confused:

Unah profile image

Sometimes I think they don't have a clue. It looks like it isn't anything serious. I forgot to go to the doc for my thyroid results. I'll go on Friday.

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

Like I said to me mum don't care what anyone said its since iv give up smoking. But I tell them that and they just dismiss it.

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

That does sound confusing. Do you know when you have to wear the monitor and how quickly you'll get the results afterwards?

Good luck Shelly x

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

They will contact me in 2 weeks when its ready to be picked up.. Then 8 werks after they will have me back in to discuss the results.. He wanted my bloods now but the path lab was shut so got have them done tomora.

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

If it was serious hopefully they would have found it by now. I wore one of those monitors and got the results at the same time I took it back. What did the Cardiologist say about you having had carbon monoxide poisoning?

You havent been very vocal with anyone medical Shelly but maybe its time for you to get a bit more assertive and demand some answers.

Hope all goes well :)

It was t co2 it was natural gas.. I did get assertive that's why I got the ECG. Glad there is now serouse up with me tho.. They did a ECG today and I don't think nowt came up as they didn't mention it.. I'm getting bloody sick of blood test tho..:mad: I have small vains and I have to tell um use the child's needle but they don't listen and spend ages trying get blood From me

nsd_user663_42390 profile image


To sum up what the cardio said. There is nowt worry about but iv got have a heart monitore on me fir2 days and more bloods to test for thyroid. So I still not got a clue what or if there is anything up with me.. :confused:

Oh well at least he/she is doing further tests, I know you must be sick of it but you just have to go with it, these things take time with the NHS. Do you go back in 2 days time or do you see a nurse with the results of the heart monitor?

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Sorry I didn't see all your other replies. you have answered my questions

Unah profile image

Like I said to me mum don't care what anyone said its since iv give up smoking. But I tell them that and they just dismiss it.

l agree with that Shelley. In all my life I only had babies and fractures. I was never sick until I stopped smoking. I'm sitting here with a bottle of sparkling wine. I'm not on any pills so I can have a good drink and enjoy it.

I was coming home from the xmas market in Glasgow on Saturday and it was really frosty. I was walking on some leaves and my feet went from under me. How I struggled, waving my arms and shopping bags every which way but I managed to stay upright. I obviously am meant to go to NZ in January :D:D:D

AngryBear profile image

As you said Shelly it would be nice to put an end to it but hopefully, as has been suggested, it's nothing serious.....the wheels of the NHS do turn slowly at times, we've had similar repeat appointments recently. Hope you feel OK tonight!

nsd_user663_53202 profile image

Like I said to me mum don't care what anyone said its since iv give up smoking. But I tell them that and they just dismiss it.

Some people do seem to get ill after giving up smoking. The thing is, how can the doctors take your giving up smoking into account? They aren't going to say "oh well, you'd better take up smoking again....." (at least, they better hadn't say that!). They have to work with where you are now, so they aren't really dismissing you.

I'm posting this because I think (I could be wrong) that saying "the problems started when I gave up smoking" is a bit of a distraction. You may well be right, but it won't alter where you are now, and will just take up energy being irritated by it. I hope that helps :)

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Karri, forgive me for saying so, but I think that's a little unfair. As you say, there is a whole army of happy positive quitters on here. One person's opinion cannot 'wipe out' that overwhelming success. And Shelley hasn't gone back to smoking, despite having been unwell since she quit, so it is self evident that she feels the positives of being quit outweigh everything else.

nsd_user663_50109 profile image


I'm posting this because I think (I could be wrong) that saying "the problems started when I gave up smoking" is a bit of a distraction. You may well be right, but it won't alter where you are now, and will just take up energy being irritated by it. I hope that helps :)

I understand where u coming from.. But I am right I no my body better than everyone else.. Iv had no amount of trouble since quitting. Weather the trouble was there before and smoking masked it. Or smoking brought it on. But dr seem to dismiss the idea that giving up smoking will and can give some ppl long term problems. There is hardly any resurch into the effects that giving up smoking does to ur body. Ppl think its all about nicotine where there is a chemical in fags that's can take over a year to be removed from ur system. Like I said before my heart has had years of me changing its rhythm with the nasties. Maybe need time to settle down. Read other forums and there are more ppl going the docs and having test for illness they are suffering with now. Since giving up smoking.i wouldn't go back to smoking me self.

nsd_user663_20978 profile image

hi shelly

how much caffine do you intake i used to get palpatations before quitting probably 10-20 a day at one point some so strong i had to sit down and breath through it i went decaff on everything possible and they calmed down alot then when i quit they almost disappeared completely

now if i have a coffee or tea or coke/pepsi with caffine in they will return for that day [maybe 3-5 that day] for me it is 100% caffine because if i stay caffine free the palpatation go

i hope you get it all sorted out at the hospital i know you may already be aware of the caffine thing i just wanted to mention how it effected me


nsd_user663_50109 profile image

hi shelly

how much caffine do you intake i used to get palpatations before quitting probably 10-20 a day at one point some so strong i had to sit down and breath through it i went decaff on everything possible and they calmed down alot then when i quit they almost disappeared completely

now if i have a coffee or tea or coke/pepsi with caffine in they will return for that day [maybe 3-5 that day] for me it is 100% caffine because if i stay caffine free the palpatation go

i hope you get it all sorted out at the hospital i know you may already be aware of the caffine thing i just wanted to mention how it effected me


I drink I cup of coffee in the morning. I don't drink fizzy pop as it kicks of my IBS. When I smoked I drank at least 7 coffee a day. Feel of me face if I drink even 2 now.. :D

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Hi Shelly

Of course it could be completely unrelated to anything perhaps?

Both my wife and I have had ECG's in the past because of strong palpitations and irregular heart beat....

Both of us came out with the same result .... nothing to worry about and more common than we could imagine!

My wife had a heart monitor for a week at one point and she still gets the palpitations now....there has never been a reason for them but they are also nothing to worry about ... is what the doctors have told her.

My heart used to stop for a second or two then beat like crazy to catch up with itself, again, I was told it was normal and in fact now it has gone away :)

My wife has never smoked and mine were while I was still smoking (not returned since I stopped)

So as others have said, sounds very promising that there is nothing seriously wrong.

Stay strong

Take care



nsd_user663_52535 profile image


Hopefully everything will even itself out as time goes on. You are doing so, so well in your quit despite having had these worrying health issues.

Fi x

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

Thanks nutmeg.

Some days I Carnt belive I'm into my 7 month. I have started back up for less than this before. So I just Carnt belive it somedays :D

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