Finding NRT this late.: Needed to reinstate a... - No Smoking Day

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Finding NRT this late.

nsd_user663_4847 profile image
15 Replies

Needed to reinstate a hem just now and low and behold in the sewing tin there was a little 6 pack of NRT chewing gum (a 12 pack cut in half) now I will have been in and out of that tin for various things this year on more than one occassion. Did I just not see it or was it a case of not looking?

Anyhow it's now in the bin. Thank criminy I've done a year, do remember earlier in the year finding some NRT and dropping that in the bin too, the nico demon is still alive sadly and he gave (see what I did there Cav) a little leap for joy, thinking he might get some.


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nsd_user663_4847 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Needed to reinstate a hem just now and low and behold in the sewing tin there was a little 6 pack of NRT chewing gum (a 12 pack cut in half) now I will have been in and out of that tin for various things this year on more than one occassion. Did I just not see it or was it a case of not looking?

Anyhow it's now in the bin. Thank criminy I've done a year, do remember earlier in the year finding some NRT and dropping that in the bin too, the nico demon is still alive sadly and he gave (see what I did there Cav) a little leap for joy, thinking he might get some.


You missed out an 's' :p

Good find, good ditch :cool:

The demon is still around but you must agree it doesn't surface that often or to the same severity....or maybe we have got more adept at saying no.

Now, what is it that I have to practice more assiduously :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Interesting point

Another interesting titbit wor Cav, the lad was at an exhibition on Saturday and he got chatting to some peeps from the NHS stop smoking brigade and he mentioned me, having stopped smoking for over a year, who still occasionally wants a fag and they said to him that this is very unusual. I told him it wasn't that unusual (a friend of his has quit cigarettes for 18mths and is still using the ruddy nico gum!!).

I know we're tremendously privileged in this country to have such a fantastic welfare system but it's so bureaucratic that its information is often outdated and antiquated. This attitude that after 3 months of NRT use - the jobs a goodun' is a mite frustratin'. Also the fact that many of the people running the stop smoking arm have never smoked and don't have a scooby's what's what.

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Sheesh...dinnae start on about the NHS. Yes, it's absolutely fantastic that we have that resource which we support through our taxes. It is one of the things that Britain has that is 'great'....this in broad terms and not getting down to specifics of too many chiefs and not sufficient nurses and issues of that ilk.

The smoking issue and usage of NRT or other NHS sponsored resources seem to result in a tick exercise. You've done your 3 months therefore we pronounce you cured. But then go to your GP and if they ask whether you smoke or not, you mention that you did but you stopped 'bleur' time ago. They'll just put you down as a smoker....d'oh!!

Being brought up in a strict Calvanistic country I wouldn't imagine the ravages of alcoholism :rolleyes: and a 2nd for further emphasis on sarcasm :rolleyes: Is there not a more realistic expectation attributed to reformed alcoholics? The NHS, I feel, should be more consistent with their expectations on ex-smokers.

Ah, the joys of a lunch rant :)

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Oh, I wish I was grown up enough or enjoyed a dictionary head full of proper words to join in! I think I understand. I still want a fag now and again and I agree, its a well practised, firm 'no', that I employ. I get an occasional lapse of thought then get back on with the job of living a beautiful free life. Not so my lovely husband though. Too much thinking 'just one' has caught him out.

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

I fink you're well grown up to comprehend and to contribute by adding to the sum of the conversation. In fact you just, well done, Fi :cool:

Sad to hear about your OH succumbing to the lure of 'just one'. But as you have been successful, and I've no doubt that you will remain so, that will be a constant reminder that he too can manage to quit and stay quit because you are.

Me, I have ups and downs. If the downs represent the amount of blips then I'm 99% up...but there we go, there are 'downs' for me. I take refuge in the overwhelming frequency of 'ups' and the glass remains half full :)

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Hi Mah , think the Nicodemon is over in Lincoln at the moment ....perched on my shoulder and whispering in my ear while I am trying to recover from a painful back injury and a trapped nerve in my leg.

I strongly suspect that what he is telling me about having just one to take my mind off the pain would help is ............TOTAL BLX .:p

Anyway I have realised that the ugly lil critter gets everywhere in his attempt to disrupt our harmonious forum and many a good quit.

Stay strong hun :)

Trev x

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Cheers Trev

Not really tempted was just surprised I hadn't seen them before now!

As to triggers, loads of smoke blew in from smokers hut earlier, wind must've been in just the right direction. It still has the power to make me think...........hmmmm

Back to the NHS thing eh? Never again will I start cos I never want to give up again, I'm a success and to remain such I need to never take another puff cos I am an addict and although I think I'm unique I don't believe I'm exempt from the "Laws of Addiction".

Onwards and upwards


nsd_user663_4964 profile image

Heck, I could pass up a nicotine gum anytime (quite liked the inhaler though)

My nicodemon only likes nicotine in the form of cigarettes....he could walk past miles of NRT but if i found cigarettes in a coat pocket-as recently happened, he would kick up a right stink! Fortunately as a smoker i was unused to leaving any ciigarttes unsmoked, and never FORGOT about a stray packet (I mean, really) so this hardly ever happens!

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

I think he the nicco demon has decided that NHS is full of cr*p because they tell all newbie’s that the worst is over in about 3 weeks, excuse me but they told me at about 4/5 weeks (can’t remember now) to have a gig cause I was waiting to get in with the no smoking nurse!!!!!!!!!!! how stupid are they, I asked her how long she had been quit and she said I have never smoked, bit like midwives who have never had a child and tell you it’s not painful so shut up and get on with it mmm of course it’s easy to quit smoking and pain free to have a baby.

And I have just put the 6 correct lottery numbers on for tonight.

And to cap it all I have slightly lost track as to what the thread is really about sorry Mah.

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

I agree Chrissie, one to ponder. Maybe it's about the feeling of "satisfaction" having a fag gave me when I'd been desperate, now I have the knowledge it was obviously the addiction being maintained but...............

I think it is in part easier now to say no because I have been saying no, I don't really think of having a fag, most of the time don't even think about them, even when on here and responding to others I'm not thinking about the "satisfaction" of having a fag. It's something I use to do, it was hard to stop, I aim to stay stopped and for me that will be eternal vigilance.

Jamangie you quit on one of the most difficult days of the year, full kudos to you.

Jude, you obviously love that special quitting hell or you wouldn't keep repeating it :rolleyes:

Still like to come on here and post about things and check how others are feeling to - 20 years is a lot of smokes to've had. Wish I never started but I did so am glad I've stopped.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Thanks Mah, always wanted some of that Kudos, saw everyone else getting it and here at last is my share, think this Christmas will probably be worse than last even though it was day one, will have to see how it goes but no matter what will stay smoke free for me..

nsd_user663_4964 profile image

MAH- I am the worlds biggest no willpower person. If there was a whole chocolate cake around i would probably eat it all. I couldn't leave it there on it's own half eaten.

It's not that i want to do day one again and again. It's just that my brain/ sensible part of me doesn't get into action quick enough and stop me from doing the said stupid thing, which is mainly smoking....:(

What is this called? I'm sure i have some kinda medical disorder:(


Also i think a part of me hasn't quite grasped the no fags ever again a pretty major part of giving up.

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

Would just like to point out the nhs programme dosnt say the worse is over in 3 weeks ..Im not saying the nurses are perfect ..all im saying is they say it takes approx 12 weeks for your head to tackle any habit....according to that is why most NRT is a 12 weeks course ...i didnt use the nhs this time due to my laziness in getting to the centre, But it does annoy me when people knock it all the time calling it money making ..rubbish etc,

Lots of people have quit through it ..whether its a waste of time or not..i think its brilliant you so many ways to quit rather then just Cold turkey...which is a bigger challenge to cross at first for so many smokers.

If it hadnt been for NRT or the NHS advise which stuck from last time... i honestly dont think i would be quit i have a lot to be grateful for. I dont know how opinions can be passed without experience

just having my say ..making up for lost time..thanks for hearing:)

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

MAH- I am the worlds biggest no willpower person. If there was a whole chocolate cake around i would probably eat it all. I couldn't leave it there on it's own half eaten.

It's not that i want to do day one again and again. It's just that my brain/ sensible part of me doesn't get into action quick enough and stop me from doing the said stupid thing, which is mainly smoking....:(

What is this called? I'm sure i have some kinda medical disorder:(


Also i think a part of me hasn't quite grasped the no fags ever again a pretty major part of giving up.

Jude you just forgot the golden rule for a while, don't feed the nicodemon.

Would just like to point out the nhs programme dosnt say the worse is over in 3 weeks ..Im not saying the nurses are perfect ..all im saying is they say it takes approx 12 weeks for your head to tackle any habit....according to that is why most NRT is a 12 weeks course ...i didnt use the nhs this time due to my laziness in getting to the centre, But it does annoy me when people knock it all the time calling it money making ..rubbish etc,

Lots of people have quit through it ..whether its a waste of time or not..i think its brilliant you so many ways to quit rather then just Cold turkey...which is a bigger challenge to cross at first for so many smokers.

If it hadnt been for NRT or the NHS advise which stuck from last time... i honestly dont think i would be quit i have a lot to be grateful for. I dont know how opinions can be passed without experience

just having my say ..making up for lost time..thanks for hearing:)

Glad you had a good experience Kitkat, sadly mine has been a little more mixed, the last person was an absolute stinker, sadly that was my last contact with NHS stop smoking service, tends to linger.

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

Jude you just forgot the golden rule for a while, don't feed the nicodemon.

Glad you had a good experience Kitkat, sadly mine has been a little more mixed, the last person was an absolute stinker, sadly that was my last contact with NHS stop smoking service, tends to linger.

It wasnt a great experience Mah, I was passing comment on the use of NRT mainly ..i didnt use the service this time ...The nurse last time for me wasnt perfect & felt a bit rushed along..My point is it annoys me when it gets slagged off ..coz its a service to help us & that i think is brilliant if used properly .. .....The quit kit was a bit dire but....hey the bangles nice:)

Sorry you had bad time.

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